t and that big ticket new feature has now landed in Systemd.
> Portable services are akin to containers but different."
But who would want to rely on what is, in itself, a non-portable
"containers but different" thing? There are portable ways of doing this,
ing to corporates if MS could say that you can have
Windows and/or Linux and it all integrates transparently within the
Microsoft ecosystem) and it would even give them a root into the
resurgent mainframe market. I note that SUSE is into OpenStack in a big
way and this would definitely suit Microsof
On 04/06/2018 14:07, Mark Rousell wrote:
> it would even give them a root into the resurgent mainframe market.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 04/06/2018 16:14, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Mark Rousell (mark.rous...@signal100.com):
>> To play devil's advocate, what can go wrong?
> Autonomy.
I really can't see anything different about project autonomy before or
after GitHub acquisition by Microsoft. The iss
On 04/06/2018 17:02, salsa-...@tut.by wrote:
> Personally I see this as a part of "embrace open source" strategy to
> kill open source.
> # Serge
I can't see that it would be in Microsoft's interest to kill open source.
Aren't they the largest
e kernel developers about
> allegedly "stolen" code from Unix. It's the same company. The same
> people. The same silly faces. The same mindset. The same aims. The
> same methods. The same sour ending. HND KatolaZ
Time will tell, I guess.
Anyway, I look forwar
On 04/06/2018 17:52, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 04, 2018 at 05:40:15PM +0100, Mark Rousell wrote:
>> I can't see that it would be in Microsoft's interest to kill open source.
>> Aren't they the largest single contributor on GitHub?
On 04/06/2018 18:36, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 04, 2018 at 06:06:33PM +0100, Mark Rousell wrote:
> [cut]
>> I don't want to get into an argument about this as I am not exactly a
>> fan of Microsoft but...
>> My statement that MS were the largest s
On 04/06/2018 18:18, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 05/06/18 02:46, Mark Rousell wrote:> Anyway, I look forward to
> Microsoft Enterprise Linux in due course. ;-)
> NO WAY! It's bad enough with RHEL and it's competitors; if I need that
> brand of Linux, I would go Cen
On 05/06/2018 07:19, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> On 04/06/2018 at 18:40, Mark Rousell wrote:
>> On 04/06/2018 17:02, salsa-...@tut.by wrote:
>>> Personally I see this as a part of "embrace open source" strategy to kill
>>> open source.
ux company. It would fit perfectly with their new business
model under Nadella.
In short, Microsoft isn't a killer. It's a business. Under Nadella, it
is doing what is rationally best for itself and, for the foreseeable
future, that is to be friendly to open source and Linux.
Maybe they
ng, as they say.
We'll can only wait and see how GitHub turns out under MS's rule.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
being developed by Microsoft, and it's being promoted by Microsoft. As
far as I can see, Miguel De Icaza is still very much an open source
evangelist, despite working (indirectly) for Microsoft. Just because
it's Microsoft doesn't mean it's somehow not open
what's wrong with that? It still exists in the form of
Outlook.com and it's massive, isn't it? Hotmail is surely a success
story, or am I missing something?
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 05/06/2018 19:18, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018 schrieb Mark Rousell:
>> [...]
>> In short, Microsoft isn't a killer. It's a business. Under Nadella, it
>> is doing what is rationally best for itself and, for the foreseeable
>> f
ve nothing to do with Microsoft or anyone associated with
them. I have no "very transparent propaganda" of any sort to pass on.
For what it's worth, if you search around you'll find me commenting on
other mail lists from time to time going back many,
ng, an IPO, or a sale of the business. It seems that a
sale of the business was what the owners chose.
My guess is that they liked Nadella more than they liked Microsoft and
its history.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
a particular fan
of Microsoft. I simply try to be dispassionate when analysing businesses
and business dealings.
> No, but if you give your address I'll have the authority's check on
> her. :)
Hah. ;-)
Mark Rousell
easily and thus
run local searches and the web UI is functional, if basic.
Or move to MM3 with Postorius and HyperKitty?
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
According to the HyperKitty docs at
https://hyperkitty.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ this is a demo system:
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 12/09/2018 05:54, Mark Rousell wrote:
> Take a look at Postorius and HyperKitty, the new web UI archiver for
> Mailman3.
> According to the HyperKitty docs at
> https://hyperkitty.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ this is a demo system:
> https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/
ething of a work in progress, it seems that
MM3/Postorius/HyperKitty might be a possible solution in that case.
(That said, I've just tested the search function on the MM3 demo system
at https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/ and I have to admit that it
seems rather crude so
On 12/09/2018 07:23, Don Wright wrote:
> Mark Rousell wrote:
>> Although it's still something of a work in progress, it seems that
>> MM3/Postorius/HyperKitty might be a possible solution in that case.
>> (That said, I've just tested the search fun
On 12/09/2018 07:34, Mark Rousell wrote:
> By the way, the link I offered (
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/ ) is the demo server linked
> from the official HyperKittty docs here:
> https://hyperkitty.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mailman/listinfo/dng
HyperKitty (along wi
tand it, modular so it should
possible for someone to write a Pipermail-style archive viewer to work
on MM3. Sounds like an interesting project to learn Python, actually.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
s. It's clearly intended to appeal to the mass market.
I totally agree that Pipermail is a more functional UI style. I'd be
amazed if someone didn't write a Pipermail-style archive UI for MM3.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
source archive searching.
Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be open source, though.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
of even basic human management
> practice - and resistant to learn.
I make no comment about whether or not there is some kind of intentional
plan going on here but I fear that your prediction of where things are
headed is correct.
The values that helped us all and protected bot
ave come to value.
The online environment has been an honest and blunt one for decades. For
decades, people have taken offence or insult from time to time. For
decades, this has worked well! Let's not change what isn't really broken
(except in the eyes of a small number o
also means that
you are reducing the significance of technical merit in favour of
happy-huggy feel good factors (which is exactly what the new Linux Code
of Conduct explicitly intends), and it seems to me to therefore follow
that you are putting your projects at risk. I find it difficult to
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 07/12/2018 07:02, Simon Hobson wrote:
> I reckon I managed a better uptime than Microsoft with their Office
> 359 service ;-)
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
t principles such as privacy and common sense
when consuming social media.
Complex principles (such as software freedom, privacy, and so on) will
always be of conscious interest only to a minority of the people in
general. Regrettably so.
Mark Rousell
t, can anyone say how often this is happening?
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
lied upon
but people definitely will give up doing their own backups due to
systems like this.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
x27;ll pass on in case other people here find it useful:
> [...]
This is very useful. Thank you.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
components and reassemble it.
I think this is a very useful and much improved metaphor.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 25/11/2021 22:57, Steve Litt wrote:
> Like I said in 2014,
> they won't quit until the cat command requires systemd.
They won't stop until SystemD is in the kernel, such that Linux
unavoidably is SystemD.
Mark Rousell
On 20/05/2022 18:31, Peter Duffy wrote:
> Quite a long time ago, I mentioned that I'd been tasked with upgrading
> some linux VMs running under Microsoft Azure
Very good!
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
mmercial service
providers. The builder of the operating system or the software does not
have to be the commercial service provider.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
ch feel
that Devuan is better with you involved than without you.
Thank you for all your work. It has mattered.
If you need to take a break then fair enough, but I am sure that Devuan
will be all the better for it if and when you can return. :-)
Mark Rousell
that the funding possibilities
mentioned will be beneficial.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
taking any new actions?
There is more at stake than this project alone.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
y be needed for growth,
resiliency and success in place.
> Dismiss the circular firing squad, sir.
Good phraseology.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
that is until systemd gets built into the kernel by Red Hat and
everyone else follows suit. ;-)
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
Or, if I understand this correctly, choose AMD and not Intel.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
ws for Workground 3.11 in 1992.
As an aside: Windows NT has had symlinks in NTFS since Vista, so about
12 years. :-)
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
understands log priorities.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
ry a significant
proportion (possibly a majority but it's not certain) of the world's
email and where they re-make the rules to suit themselves. Just be glad
they still support SMTP at all!
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing lis
which is the poster's personal email address.
When I click 'Reply All' the reply goes to everyone mentioned in any To,
Cc or Reply-To header.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
voidance of doubt,
I have separate 'Reply to List', 'Reply All' and 'Reply' buttons.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
many are considering
moving away from it) are here:
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
average user (even the average Linux user, I suspect) is not
going to be scripting stuff any time soon (other than maybe by typing in
stuff they Googled).
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
l services
using this approach? Many cheap VPS IP ranges have a very poor
reputation with larger mail services such as Google, MS, Yahoo, etc.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
contact and customers.
You'd think that customer pressure would force the service providers to
act more sensibly but because the customers don't *see* the problem they
don't care about it, even small business customers who lose business as
a result.
Mark Rousell
deliverability, especially to the larger service
provider (e.g. MS/Gmail/Yahoo). Since MS now provides mail services via
O365/M365 for a great many businesses, deliverability to these services
really matters. Sending via an upstream ISP's SMTP server just makes the
issue of del
ough DMARC
might perhaps be an issue nowadays.
I can confirm that I done option 2 in the past to good effect (on
Eclipse Internet in case anyone cares) but I've not tried to do it more
recently. I suspect that some ISPs might be a bit choosy about this
nowadays just in
ender contacts you via a different means.
> Clients were also told that there was no GDPR problem for them to consider at
> all - even though anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can explain the
> many ways in which O365 is fundamentally incompatible with GDPR, but that'
history, TLS, use of IPv6 (and
of course not in blocklist and not in dynamic range), all count to
varying extents. The more you can do the better. Also, the larger your
non-spam, legitimate-content volume, the better your reputation (to the
esides things like my ISP making changes to
> smtp authentication (now only supporting tls on port 587) without any
> notification. This address is mostly for mailing lists and forums.
Ah, thanks. It does make deliverability easier to send via an
established SM
who is not impressed with the outward
appearance of the style of governance of the project. Whether or not it
would be possible to continue Thunderbird development in any other way
with currently available resources is questionable.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
o continue Thunderbird development
in any other way with currently available resources is questionable.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
On 25/10/2020 06:33, Simon Walter wrote:
> On 10/25/20 7:20 AM, Mark Rousell wrote:
>> The reason for this change is that Thunderbird is deprecating all its
>> old addons (the entire ecosystem) and Enigmail won't work on the new
>> Thunderbird. It's less tha
so I am looking for viable alternatives for both myself and my clients.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
The corporation now has about 15 employees (according to statements on
tb-planning) and so there is not-insignificant income coming in now.
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
commission income from
email signup links.
One might cynically observe that now it seems that money is there,
Thunderbird is back in the Mozilla fold. ;-)
Mark Rousell
Dng mailing list
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