On 04/06/2018 18:18, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 05/06/18 02:46, Mark Rousell wrote:> Anyway, I look forward to
> Microsoft Enterprise Linux in due course. ;-)
> NO WAY!  It's bad enough with RHEL and it's competitors; if I need that
> brand of Linux, I would go CentOS... but it will be a very cold day in
> hell before I opted for a Microsoft version.

I chose the name 'Microsoft Enterprise Linux' deliberately. ;-)

In another message in this thread I predicted that Microsoft would buy a
major corporate Linux distribution some time soon. In my estimation, the
likeliest candidates are either Red Hat or Micro Focus's SUSE business
unit. Overall I think Red Hat would be the better choice, albeit
probably the more expensive choice, but I suspect either of them would
be a good fit for Microsoft's corporate business and strategic direction.

Mark Rousell

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