On 28/12/2019 08:34, Rick Moen wrote:
> Are you in the middle of submitting a patch to GNU Mailman, then?  I'm
> expect they will give it appropriate consideration, and give you expert
> feedback (which, possibly, the rest of us will appreciate hearing).
> OTOH, expecting Dyne.org people to hand-hack the local Mailman installation,
> rather than trying to get it accepted by the developers, and not even
> providing anyone with a patch, doesn't strike me as even a tiny bit
> reasonable.  And, gosh, I'm sorry to say you appear to be so suggesting,
> which again, for the second night in a row, makes me a little sad.
> Also, have you bothered to make sure you understand Mailman's
> DMARC mitigation, before jumping in?  I'm guessing 'nope'.
> (Again, just to be crystal-clear, I myself am neither a Dyne.org
> administrator nor a GNU Mailman developer, further underlining my point
> about how you would be best advised to address the correct people with
> your, um, semi-developed notions, and not the wrong ones.)
Chillax, it's Christmas (or the seasonal celebration of one's choice)!  :-)

Even without having to submit a patch or knowing the full ins and out of
Mailman's DMARC mitigation, it strikes me that Steve's request was a
reasonable one. It would help for non-standard behaviour to be more clear.

That said, the mail list *does* seem to work as Steve wants. At least it
does for my mail client (Thunderbird). On a message posted by someone
posting to the list from a p=reject DMARC domain:-
When I click 'Reply to List' the reply goes to the list.
When I click 'Reply' the reply goes to the message's 'Reply-To' header
contents which is the poster's personal email address.
When I click 'Reply All' the reply goes to everyone mentioned in any To,
Cc or Reply-To header.

Mark Rousell

Dng mailing list

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