On 06/06/2018 05:37, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> I'm speaking for myself. Mark you use the word hate a lot in your
> post, that's a microsoft mentality, they venomously hate linux,
> yesterday and today.

There is considerable venomous hatred from some here for Microsoft, too.
Note that it is entirely possible that this hatred of Microsoft is
justified. In fact I know it *is* understandable for many things that
Microsoft has done. But the key point in this particular context is that
it does exist.

And so I use the word "hate" in this context solely because it the
*correct word*.

I say again that I understand this hatred for Microsoft. It's just not
an attitude that I share, despite also despising many of the things that
Microsoft has done or is still doing (you mentioned Windows 10's spyware
and this is one of the things that angers me). Nor am I a particular fan
of Microsoft. I simply try to be dispassionate when analysing businesses
and business dealings.

> No, but if you give your address I'll have the authority's check on
> her. :)

Hah. ;-)

Mark Rousell

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