Can someone please set the bugs:
as duplicate of:
And change the "Version" of 107063 to 4.0.1.
I tested this on Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_en-GB.exe on XP and
this bug still occurs.
(tested with frames of images and tables)
>> I marked the duplicate issues you suggested. Please log in and
>update the
>> version on your own if you would. If there is some problem you
>can't do
>> this, please let us know.
>For re-confirming issues such as 107063 we have the field "latest
>confirmation on". The version field
Can someone please tell me how to change the "Latest Confirmation on:" field in
a bug report on bugzilla?
Don't get me wrong but can someone also tell me if Oliver Specht is still
working on OpenOffice cause the first bug is from 2003?
(don't know if there is a chance that on the way OO->Oracle->
>You have to be logged in for doing that. There is no userid
>"bugreporter99" and there are no issues mentioning this userid
>[1]. What
>is your userid in AOO's bugzilla?
I tried to change that field when logged in (yes, it's a different userid).
Does the i
rking on AOO???
On 21.09.2013 at 5:33 PM, "Andrea Pescetti" wrote:
>On 13/09/2013 bugreporter99 wrote:
>> I tried to change that field when logged in (yes, it's a
>different userid).
>> Does the issue has be reported by me to be able to change the
Haven't seen that.
Can you tell me what "...for issues that had not been worked on for 6 month..."
Cause for example the bug
was reported 2003-10-01 01:18 UTC by ulim and the last post/comment was from
"mkca 2007-05-03 12:24:50
>last modified older and a year and assigned to a person)
>...if you did the unassignment,
Well I can not promise to do this but at least I could try.
So trying to achieve this behaviour I tried the Advanced Search on bugzilla and
it did not work.
How to get the "was modified" in the search
>...Rob weir is the real bugzilla guru
Can you tell me how to invoke a bugzilla guru? Or is he already seeing this and
just has too much work to do?
>I think you need to use "search by change history".
But in "search by change history" one only can search for changes (at least
that's what I was
Stop! Don't invoke the bugzilla guru.
Looks like I made it. Will invastigate farther.
That's what I use now:
Are there other assignees we should exclude?
On 25.09.2013 at 10:58 AM, wrote:
>>...Rob weir is the real bugzilla guru
I just tried to exclude some assignees like "ooo" but it does not work for me.
When I try to search just for bugs with "ooo" as the assignee I get no bugs.
But there are bugs with this assignee like:
>> You can use the criterion "Time Since Assignee Touched" "is
>>greater than"
Did not see that thanks.
>Back in July I reset the assignment for all issues that had not
>changed in more than 2000 days.
Today is September 26, 2013 so that means that 2000 days before today would be
April 5, 2008.
>I'd use the "Search by People" section. The first of the three
The problem is, in the final step (atm I'm just tinkering) I want to exclude
more than three assignees from the search.
some of the assignees I'd like to exclude:
"AOO security list"
>What exactly are you looking for? We don't have any user with ID
>matches that regular expression, e.g., a line starting with "ooo"
>followed immediately by a line end.
I was trying to use ^ as a beginning of a string and $ as the end of a string.
To tell BZ that I just want ooo and noth
>Can you give a link to a defect report from "ooo" that is
>showing up in your query?
The problem is not : reports from ooo incorrectly showing up.
But: reports that should showing up, are not showing up (like reports from
os_ooo, and wuyan.ooorg)
So every report containing
btw. is there a difference between you executing some batch operations on the
assignee field and me doing that manually?
Won't the amount of emails be the same?
So it does not matter if the assignee-resetting is done manually or via a batch
>Can you point me to an
>issue where the Assignee field is equal to "ooo"?
I don't get it. When I choose "is" and type ooo in the "Search by people"
section I also get NULL results.
But when I choose contains, I get some reports which are assigned to ooo.
for example
>That issue is assigned to "", so you don't find it
>with a
>search for "is" ooo.
>In general BZ allows a "real name" (display name) as well as the
>account ID. For example my ID is "", but my
>display name is "Rob Weir". You should be searching for the
Hi Yu Zhen,
I just tried to install a snapshot of AOO on an ubuntu12.04 machine, using your
command from your attached .ods file.
from the .ods file: Install: dpkg -i --force-overwrite*.deb
Trying to use this command I get some errors.
This worked for me: Install: dpkg -i --for
Dear Apache Open Office/Libre Office devs,
the reason why I'm writing is, cause I can't code and want to make OO
Specially the way gradients in Draw works. At the moment the gradients
stuff is rudimentary.
Well I guess little kids may have fun with this but you can't do real
work with th
ser who just wants to
import some svg drawing into AOO/LO (at least some basic svg drawings
no animation or such things) :)
Kind regards bugreporter99.
On 03.06.2013 at 6:35 PM, "Regina Henschel" wrote:Hi ???, schrieb:
> Dear Apache Open Office/Libre Offic
>>But I'd like also to set the
>>transparency of each gradient color.
>Transparency it a forth channel besides RGB. There exist nothing like
>"transparency of a color". Each value of a pixel consists of four
>Red, Green, Blue and transparency, each in the range of 0 to 255.
>I d
I use the LO version from here:
On 04.06.2013 at 11:31 PM, "Andrea Pescetti" wrote:Forwarding Armin's
and Regina's answers, below, to the original poster.
bugreporter99: plea
s what I
thought). But if that's not possible I guess we would have to have
Gradient and SVGGradient (was thinking like Gradient + SVGGradient ==
On 07.06.2013 at 10:16 AM, "Armin Le Grand" wrote:Hi bugreporter99,
I see no changes to the old gradient size
of steps in AOO
Which steps do you mean?
gradient steps??
On 10.06.2013 at 10:36 AM, "Armin Le Grand" wrote:Hi bugreporter99,
On 07.06.2013 18:24, wrote:
> Hi Armin,
> I reported the bugs to the LO bugzilla. After finding out that AOO
> s
the ellepsoid es even harder to imitate
On 12.06.2013 at 11:10 AM, "Armin Le Grand" wrote:Hi bugreporter99,
On 11.06.2013 17:50, wrote:
> Hi,
>> Ah, I see. Just curious; how did you find out, it's not really
>> advertized that t
HI Yu Zhen,
what I could do is:
#spending about a day playing with draw
#using winXP (or if preferred 7)
#LO/older version of AOO may be installed on that machine
#get a precompiled version (last snapshot)
#some instructions what to test or I can just do some random stuff
where to get the latest
Hi Yu Zhen,
seems like my first email wasn't delivered (does not appear in the
mailinglist), here is the second attempt.
Here are my results from some testing on Drawing.
Should I include everything into the wiki page?
>On 06.08.2013 at 5:10 PM, "sebb" wrote:>On 6 August 2013
>15:56, Donald Whytock wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Ian Lynch wrote:
>>> On 6 August 2013 15:40, Rob Weir wrote:
>>> > It is that time of year now: back to school.
>>> >
>>> > I wonder if this could make a good bl
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