>Can you point me to an
>issue where the Assignee field is equal to "ooo"?

I don't get it. When I choose "is" and type ooo in the "Search by people" 
section I also get NULL results.
But when I choose contains, I get some reports which are assigned to ooo.
for example https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=101386

What about:
>btw. is there a difference between you executing some batch operations on the 
>assignee field and me doing that manually?
>Won't the amount of emails be the same?
>So it does not matter if the assignee-resetting is done manually or via a 
>batch command?

On 29.09.2013 at 2:57 PM, "Rob Weir" <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 7:59 AM,  <bugreporte...@hushmail.com> 
>>>Can you give a link to a defect report from "ooo" that is
>>>showing up in your query?
>> The problem is not : reports from ooo incorrectly showing up.
>> But: reports that should showing up, are not showing up (like 
>reports from os_ooo, mst.ooo and wuyan.ooorg)
>> So every report containing "ooo" in the assignee's name get 
>excluded. (not exclusively ooo, as I'd like to have)
>> Maybe I'm just telling it the wrong way but what I want to 
>achieve in my next step is to exlude bugs from the following 
>> openoffice
>> ooo
>> AOO security list
>> issues
>> secur...@openoffice.apache.org
>> and mybe others too (don't know atm)
>> from all bug reports.
>> At the moment I'm trying to achieve this for one assignee (ooo) 
>to prove that my search query will work.
>> Still don't get why there are no bug reports showing up when 
>using the following things in the custom search:
>> Assignee      is equal to      ooo
>I see the same thing.   Why is this wrong?  Isn't the most natural
>explaination that there are no such bugs?   Can you point me to an
>issue where the Assignee field is equal to "ooo"?
>> Is this a feature to prevent people from pasting sql code or 
>such things into the field???
>> Or is this a BZ bug?
>> Or am I just missing something here?
>> On 29.09.2013 at 12:12 AM, "Rob Weir" <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 6:12 PM,  <bugreporte...@hushmail.com>
>>>>>What exactly are you looking for?  We don't have any user with 
>>>>>matches that regular expression, e.g., a line starting with 
>>>>>followed immediately by a line end.
>>>> I was trying to use ^ as a beginning of a string and $ as the
>>>end of a string. To tell BZ that I just want ooo and nothing else
>>>like os_ooo.
>>>>>A simpler way to describe this query might be to do an advanced
>>>>>query of:
>>>>>Assignee: (contains none of the strings) openoffice, ooo, 
>>>>>security list, secur...@openoffice.apache.org
>>>> The problem here is that os_ooo, mst.ooo and wuyan.ooorg are
>>>also excluded but I only want to exclude ooo (besides the other
>>>like openoffice...).
>>>>>It depends on the field type.  But in most cases, such as with
>>>>>assignee field, it is a string comparison.
>>>> So why does it not work when I just use ooo as the value? I 
>>>tried using "ooo" and 'ooo' but that did not work either.
>>>> Is there a special way to tell BZ that ooo is a string, that I
>>>might have missed?
>>>Can you give a link to a defect report from "ooo" that is
>>>showing up in your query?
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