On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:26:58AM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
> I have an ATAPI CD-ROM drive (actually a Creative Dxr2 DVD drive), which I
> can't get to play audio CDs under debian.
> I am new to debian, but have a fair amount of experience wi/ Redhat. I am
> currently migrating my system from
Jimmy Richards wrote:
> Does does /etc/apt/apt.conf work on woody or higher? I figured it
> needed to be in the 70debconf file for my sid system since it's the file
> that orginally contained the apt options. If so... does the apt.conf
> file override the 70debconf file? I'll have a look at t
I couldn't find the answer to this in the archives so I thought
I would ask on this list.
The Debian ghostscript packages do not contain the bbox device for
computing the bounding box of a postscript file.
Does anybody know why this device has been excluded? Is there
a quick fix to get this
Erik Steffl wrote:
> Bek Oberin wrote:
> > I'm sync'd to Unstable as of a few days ago. But this is a
> > problem that's stayed there through many upgrades of Netscape.
> > It won't recognize plugins.
> work. read the readme files and shell scripts that come with realplayer
> (they will tell
After I've upgraded from X3 to X4.0.3 the edges of the screen don't
scroll anymore.
For example if I set the virtual screen size to 800x600 and the
resolution to 640x480, which isn't uncommon, I used to be able to
scroll to the 'hidden' bits of the screen by pushing the mouse at
the edge of the sc
Steve Kieu wrote:
> Why kmidi can play (not mention about quality) but
> playmidi and kmid can't?
This has to do with how the actual musical sounds are generated. In
older sound cards (like the original SoundBlasters) the sound
"synthesis" was done with an on-board chip. The most
--- "Donald R. Spoon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Steve Kieu wrote:
> >--snip--<
> > Why kmidi can play (not mention about quality) but
> > playmidi and kmid can't?
> >
> This has to do with how the actual musical sounds
> are generated. In
> older sound cards (like the original SoundBlas
> "Norbert" == Norbert Nemec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Norbert> Hi there, on quite a number of machines I've encountered the
Norbert> problem, that a normal user can mount filesystems
Norbert> ("user"-flag set in /etc/fstab) but when trying to unmount,
Norbert> the above error is given inste
> "R1nso" == R1nso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
R1nso> When i simply type 'mformat' i get a similar error message.
R1nso> Should I worry about this? Even if it is not a problem, why am
R1nso> i getting this message?
It means you don't have the mformat command installed. You'll find it
in the
This belongs to Debian user, debian-boot is for developers of the the
Debian installation system.
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 04:24:46PM -0700, Andrew T. Young wrote:
> I'm trying to migrate from a Slackware system with kernel version 1.2.9 to the
> current Debian stable release. I downloaded the boo
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 02:54:43PM -0700, der.hans wrote:
> Am 14. Jul, 2001 schw?zte Joost Kooij so:
> > Try to run update again from the dselect menu. If you keep having
> > problems with the integrity of the /var/lib/dpkg/available file, please
> > post again.
> I don't think he can. I th
> "Joseph" == Joseph Dane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Joseph> one way you might be able to accomplish this is to use
Joseph> 'levels'. you can set a mail (or news) group at a certain
Joseph> level, and when you check for new mail gnus will only
Joseph> fetch for groups at or b
> "Eric" == Eric E Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Eric> Not sure what you want here. You can set it up with a
Eric> backend that uses a standard unix mbox format to keep the
Eric> mail, which then you could feed to mailsync or something...
I seem to remember (from a while ago)
> If you include this, what you did should work.
Thank you, it worked:)
I've got an additional question.
4. How can I adjust my language? All the prgramms are english;(
Where prejudice exists it always discolors our thoughts.
(o_ When in doubt tell the truth. Mark Twain
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 10:21:51AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Joost, your solution was such an elegant thing, that to
> ruin my system to learn it was fair enough.
Thanks for the compliment. Don't ruin your system just to try this,
because it is not perfect. Consider what happens if you:
Subject: mformat, boot disks
Date: Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 08:38:52PM -0400
> I'm running 2.2r3 i-386.
> 1. When I run 'superformat /dev/fd0' the disk is formatted. However, when
> superformat tries to r
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 06:09:16PM -0700, Gladimir wrote:
> Yea! That's one boot problem out of 5 completely solved!
> I ran dpkg --status nfs-common as suggested and found the name of the
> package, which was nfs-common, amazingly enough. I started dselect and went
> right to the select scree
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 02:03:29PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So what you are saying then is: that I could go to one of those dynamic
> DNS servers, set up an account, with my computer automatically
> updating the address of my IP everytime I connect, and then I could give
> out an email
Hendrik Sattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> what formats,
Troff, with the man macros.
> tools do I need to write
A text editor (or better still, *the* text editor, ie. Emacs :-)
> and format a man page?
See "man 7 man" for more information on the troff man macros.
If you're new to t
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 09:04:45AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 04:41:40PM -0300, Juan wrote:
> > | HI,
> > |
> > | Which packages will I have to install to run & compile Java? And run Java
> > | Server Pages?
i'm using sun's j2se 1.3.1 (http://java.sun.com/) and jbos
A novice type RPC/NFS question if someone could advise me please.
I have two machine running Debian and I want to share certain
directories between them. I installed them in as best as I could a
similar fashion. I am able to share directories in one direction, but
not the other. I was getting
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:26:28AM +0400, Alexey wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need to connect to UUCP mail service provider. Taylor UUCP Log file:
> ...
> uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:21.47 520) Login successful
> uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:22.26 520) Handshake successful (protocol
> 'g
I am new to this list.
I am a home user on a dial up line, using wvdial to connect to the net.
When I was using Debian 2.2 everything was working fine. But since I have
installed Debian 2.2 Rel-3 there seems to be some problem.
What happens is when I connect to the net for the first time usi
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:29:06PM +0200, Leonard Stiles wrote:
> See "man 7 man" for more information on the troff man macros.
And in the groff package: roff(7), groff(7) and groff_man(7)
hi, simple q, maybe hard answer, here goes:
how can i work with python2 and qt in debian?
I have a problem where I log into KDE, and the kicker panel does not
show up. Actually, I see it for a second and then it disappears. It
appears to be crashing. I have to log in three or four times before
the kicker panel will stick around. Has anyone seen this problem? I
am running D
> in my rxvt (thus via X) window, i turn off numlock and my keypad
> gives me
> y
> x
> w
> v
> u
> t
> s
> w
> q
> p
> 0 thru 9 gives p thru y -- but each keystroke inserted a new
> line above the previous. aha! ^V shows Op which
> is escape (vim thinks that means 'stop insert mode') then "
Steve Kieu wrote:
> So is there anyway to create a virtual device for
> playmidi or kmid to work?. I would like to know if I
> can configure kmidi as a netscape plugin too, do you
> have any information?
> Thanks very much for your info.
The short answer (from me) is "I don't know"!
As I
> rcbmail is an existing program/script? uuxqt won't execute this, if
> you don't allow it to do so.
> You might add in /etc/uucp/sys for system dnttm:
> commands rmail rnews rcbmail
> command-path /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin
> Or something else to find rcbmail in the path.
I tried to f
Peter Kok wrote:
> Hi all
> I receive some mails which have the following footnote:
> How do I do in my mail server?
> 'scaning the mails and attachment before sending out.'
> Does the debian have this free software
> Many thanks
> B. Regards
> Peter
"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 14. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joost Kooij so:
> > Try to run update again from the dselect menu. If you keep having
> > problems with the integrity of the /var/lib/dpkg/available file, please
> > post again.
> I don't think he can. I think this is the case where debian has no
Anyone know how to fix this?
Logrotate produces the following error message.
error: /etc/logrotate.conf:9 unexpected text.
I haven't touched the logrotate.conf, so it's the standard one.
Kevin C. Smith | I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 05:39:05PM +0200, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
> In Keyboard HOWTO I found this:
> ...
> 8.5. Composing symbols
> One symbol may be constructed using several keystrokes.
> o LeftAlt-press, followed by a decimal number typed on the keypad,
> followed
Jeronimo Pellegrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JP> :: David Z Maze writes:
JP> KSRC:=/usr/src/linux
JP> MODULE_LOC:=/usr/src/modules
DZM> Can you try locally changing the second line to
DZM> 'MODULE_LOC?=/usr/src/modules'? If that works, I can make the change
DZM> in the package, to
My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
in the kde2 beta. It seems to happen if there has been no activity
and then she starts using it again.
any ideas
Primero felicidades por la calidad de la
informacion de vuestra Web.
Comunico con vosotros, ya que tengo Corel Linux
desde hace mas o menos un año y hasta ahora el unico
problema que he tenido ha sido que no conseguia Driver
para el Scaner y la Camara Digital (USB) cosa que no
me importab
> My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
> in the kde2 beta. It seems to happen if there has been no activity
> and then she starts using it again.
I had that same bug when using X >= 4 and Kde2. It also seems to happen
with any WM with X4. I fixed it by stopping gpm. It se
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
> hi, simple q, maybe hard answer, here goes:
> how can i work with python2 and qt in debian?
Right now, for "stable"... build PyQt and Python-2.x yourself.
Sid has python-pyqt, built against Python-1.5.2.
- Bruce
Is there any way to install Debian potato r3 , on a Win 98 machine , onto
existing partition ?
Will the installation process necessarily remove data from a disk ?
fips (the partitioner) was telling me that I needed to keep at leaset the last
cylinder (on my primary DOS partition) free .
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
> > My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
> > in the kde2 beta. It seems to happen if there has been no activity
> > and then she starts using it again.
> I had that same bug when using X >= 4 and Kde2. It also seems to happe
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there any way to install Debian potato r3 , on a Win 98 machine ,
> onto an
> existing partition ?
> Will the installation process necessarily remove data from a disk ?
> fips (the partitioner) was telling me that I needed to keep at
Please direct questions like this to debian-user.
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:51:42AM -0400, Paul wrote:
> Hello branden, I have a question about the startx script that you
> modified. Would it affect xhost in any way??
> I recently installed the xbase-common package and replaced the startx
Are there boot images available for Debian that incorporate setting up
reiserfs partitions from the beginning, i.e. selecting reiserfs as the
partition type during an installation ??
If not, is anyone aware of another distro that can do this ??
Thanks in advance
Daniel Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am playing around with the recent KDE 2.2 packages, and for the most
> part I like them a lot. I did, however, find the following problem:
> I start up emacs and it uses the normal colors (wheat on slate).
> I start up another frame of th
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:01:23 EDT, Dude wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
> > > My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
> > > in the kde2 beta. It seems to happen if there has been no activity
> > > and then she starts using it again.
> >
> > I had that s
On Saturday 14 July 2001 20:33, Debian User wrote:
> I want to install kdevelop, but due to a version problem this does'nt work.
> After downloading kdevelop1.0beta1-1_i386.deb I tried to install with dpkg.
> But(t) dpkt quits with the error-message:
This is quite outdated. It is still fro
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Joel Mayes wrote:
> Are you using ALSA sound drivers ? I can't get my CD to play
> at all under alsa drivers, but it work perfectly with kernel
> driver ( I've no idea why )
The alsa driver mute all mixers by default. Did you turn up the volume
of the CD channel in the mixer
Am 15. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joost Kooij so:
> Before ubiquitous net access became a commodity, debian worked just fine.
> Why else do you think that there still is a dpkg-split utility in the dpkg
> package?
Never even heard of it before :). Cool feature, though.
> Download the Packages file, ungz
what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?
this is a dumb question 'cus I was doing it a week ago and after 3h
with apropos,dpkg -l,apt-cache search,and ls /usr/bin |less, I still
can't find it :(
Am 14. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joey Hess so:
> Only if the package is broken and doesn't tell debconf it is being
> purged.
Is there a way to get debconf to purge by hand rather than having to wait
for the package to be fixed due to the bug report we submit?
I have run into something like this before
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:30:18PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?
You want "lame" for that. Look it up on google, also look for
"unoffical sources.list". Lame is not on the debian ftp site,
because there are patent problems.
Better is
Hi Andy,
Great! I'll give this a try. Sometimes I try to figure out what's
by taking a look at the lines referred to in the error message, but I
didn't do that on this one. I really appreciate you letting me know how
to get it working. Right on!
In the future, please make y
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:28:53PM -0700, der.hans wrote:
> Either use "dpkg --update-avail /path/to/packages/Packages", then deselect
> to decide what packages you want. Inside dselect you can choose to install
> packages. Before they can be installed you'll need to download the
> appropriate debs
- Forwarded message from Diego Luis Kreutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
From: Diego Luis Kreutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Just one "question".
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 16:46:22 -0300 (BRT)
I'm trying to install xlibs-4.0.3-4_i386.deb
but th
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:32:10PM -0700, der.hans wrote:
> Is there a way to get debconf to purge by hand rather than having to wait
> for the package to be fixed due to the bug report we submit?
Look at the tools in debconf-utils.
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 02:57:20PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> - Forwarded message from Diego Luis Kreutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
> From: Diego Luis Kreutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Just one "question".
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 16:46:22 -0300 (BRT)
> Messa
I've got a Debian 2.2 working as a nis server for a Mandrake
7.2 client.
I've installed nfs-kernel-server on the debian and configured /etc/exports
to export /home/nis (the nis users) to everybody but the Mandrake client
isn't able to mount the directory (the nis login works).
I've got a "Conn
My name is Jim. Windows is a pain in the neck so i decided to use linux ;o)
But i have a problem with the install. I downloaded the three mirror files
(.iso) and made myself the debian cds.
When i start to install Linux, everything is fine until i get to this spot:
Install the operating Sy
I can't seem to get my computer to update with dselect. It just fails to
find about 30% of the .deb files, with the error "Unable to fetch file,
server said 'debian/pool/blahblahblah: no such file or directory. '
My internet connection works fine, so I don't know what's up. It has be
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:59:14PM -, Kurt Dresner wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't seem to get my computer to update with dselect. It just fails to
> find about 30% of the .deb files, with the error "Unable to fetch file,
> server said 'debian/pool/blahblahblah: no such file or directory. '
I have the Epson Stylus color 740 that I am using under usb. I don't know how
the "i" model differs.
I got myself printer drivers from www.turboprint.de. Works like a charm. The
pages come out centered and I can adjust the margins. I tried pdq but wasn't
quite satisfied with it. Anyway, that's
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 07:18:49PM +0400, Alexey wrote:
> > rcbmail is an existing program/script? uuxqt won't execute this, if
> > you don't allow it to do so.
> I tried to find file *rcbmail*, but it does not exist at all. :(
Could those be compressed smtp batches? bsmtpd ist the package for
Is there an easy way to run wm dockapps in kde2?
Jonathan Daugherty
Dept. of Computer Science / UCNS Workstation Support Group
The University of Georgia
/^.{10}\ +\d+\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+(\.\d+|)(M|k|G|)).*/ - master ls!
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:59:14PM -, Kurt Dresner wrote:
> I can't seem to get my computer to update with dselect. It just fails to
> find about 30% of the .deb files, with the error "Unable to fetch file,
> server said 'debian/pool/blahblahblah: no such file or directory. '
> My interne
I have a Microtek Scanmaker X6. The pro is that the driver is included in the
kernel package.
On Sunday July 15 2001 00:08, Sam Varghese wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 10:06:48AM -0700, tony mollica wrote:
> > Hi. The local computer fair is in town today
> > and I'm in the market for a
I have recently ugraded from potato. So 70debconf is the new file instead of
On Sunday July 15 2001 00:09, Jimmy Richards wrote:
> Sorry, but I guess I forgot to mention that the file would be
> apt.conf if your running potato. Glad you found the right file though.
On the other hand try "parted". It's a utility with pretty much the same
functionality as Partition Magic. It will even resize your ext2 partitions. I
have used it for this purpose and it worked out great.
On Saturday July 14 2001 09:31, Disem wrote:
> I was unable to create an *windows*
> >
> > Under redhat my drive showed up as /dev/cdrom. I'm not sure if this is
> > significant.
/dev/cdrom is a soft link to your cdrom device. It should link to /dev/hdc in
your case.
I faced a similiar problem before, but reversed :).
Make sure the "modes" line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 reads like this:
Modes "640x480" "800x600"
X creates a virtual screen corresponding to the largest screen resolution and
uses the first entry as the default startup resolution.
Absolutely! "Dock Application Bar" can be accessed from
Panel => Add => Extension menu. There is a bug that may not allow you to
display all your dockapps. You can resolve this by writing a startup script
that will launch your dockapps.
On Sunday July 15 2001 17:31, Jonathan Daugherty wr
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 09:42:31PM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
:On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:30:18PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
:> what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?
:You want "lame" for that.
Perhaps that's what I want, but I'm 99% certain I apt-got something
that does
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 04:58:23PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi!
| My name is Jim. Windows is a pain in the neck so i decided to use linux ;o)
Great! Welcome to the community.
| But i have a problem with the install. I downloaded the three mirror files
| (.iso) and made myself the d
David Z Maze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DZM> Can you try locally changing the second line to
DZM> 'MODULE_LOC?=/usr/src/modules'? If that works, I can make the change
DZM> in the package, too.
JP> Yes, that works! I wonder why the behavior was different for KSRC and
Martin Bretschneider wrote:
If you include this, what you did should work.
Thank you, it worked:)
I've got an additional question.
4. How can I adjust my language? All the prgramms are english;(
Sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but if I may, I'd like to make a
Jonathan D Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JDP> On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 09:42:31PM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
JDP> :Better is to use the ogg format instead of mp3. Ogg is free.
JDP> :It is also said to be technically better. Install vorbis-tools.
JDP> I did run across that, where "technic
* Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-07-15 19:40):
> Are there boot images available for Debian that incorporate setting up
> reiserfs partitions from the beginning, i.e. selecting reiserfs as the
> partition type during an installation ??
Unofficial reiserfs install disks seem to come and g
"Jonathan D. Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> And it hurts my brain that I did this less than two weeks ago and
> can't find the tool I used.
Was it by any chance toolame?
* Here we are th
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 06:34:58PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 09:42:31PM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> :On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:30:18PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> :> what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?
> :
> :You want "lame" for that.
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:21:05PM -0600, Jimmy Richards wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:59:14PM -, Kurt Dresner wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I can't seem to get my computer to update with dselect. It just fails to
> > find about 30% of the .deb files, with the error "Unable to fetch file,
Andy Saxena wrote:
> I faced a similiar problem before, but reversed :).
> Make sure the "modes" line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 reads like this:
> Modes "640x480" "800x600"
> X creates a virtual screen corresponding to the largest screen resolution and
> uses the first entry as the default st
Sean Quinlan wrote:
> * Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-07-15 19:40):
> > Are there boot images available for Debian that incorporate setting up
> > reiserfs partitions from the beginning, i.e. selecting reiserfs as the
> > partition type during an installation ??
> Unofficial reiserfs ins
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 05:42:02PM -0400, Andy Saxena wrote:
> I have recently ugraded from potato. So 70debconf is the new file instead of
> apt.conf?
Joey Hess sent a response on this explaiing that the 70debconf is a
file for programs to use so that they do not have to mes
> "Joost" == Joost Kooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Joost> Informative to the stooped newbie sgml user, eh? I share
Joost> the pain.
>> isn't > how you specify '>'? and isn't < how you specify
>> '<' in XML? I can never seem to find these documented when I
>> need
> "Brian" == Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Brian> The main limitations of Gnus for me, I guess are: won't
Brian> check SSL server key, and won't cache IMAP data (unless you
Brian> manually tell it to, but then it won't delete the messages
Brian> when they are erased fro
On 15 Jul 2001, at 14:03, dude wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Is there any way to install Debian potato r3 , on a Win 98 machine ,
> > onto an
> > existing partition ?
> >
> > Will the installation process necessarily remove data from a disk ?
> >
> >
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 09:16:48AM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote:
> Andy Saxena wrote:
> > I faced a similiar problem before, but reversed :).
> > Make sure the "modes" line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 reads like this:
> > Modes "640x480" "800x600"
> > X creates a virtual screen corresponding to the l
der.hans wrote:
> Is there a way to get debconf to purge by hand rather than having to wait
> for the package to be fixed due to the bug report we submit?
echo purge | debconf-communicate
see shy jo
Forgot to add that you can/must edit lilo accordingly with
Make sure that you don't install lilo in MBR AND that you make the CompraQ
partition bootable.(via fdisk/cfdisk Bij de weg gij komt uit frankrijk of
nie? is on /dev/ida/)
Add that partition to Lilo
sorry for not saying i have Sid, I've installed that package and can import
it with no problems with python (from python-base), but not with python2
So do i have to build pyqt against python-2.x?
* Bruce Sass ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov w
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 11:40:26PM -0600, C Want wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn't find the answer to this in the archives so I thought
> I would ask on this list.
> The Debian ghostscript packages do not contain the bbox device for
> computing the bounding box of a postscript file.
> Does anyb
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 09:18:13AM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote:
> Okay, I give. What's reiserfs? I keep reading it as "Rye Serfs" and
> giggling.
A journalling filesystem for Linux named after
its creator, Hans Reiser.
(Sam Varghese)
As far as java itself goes, there are blackdown java 2 packages at:
deb ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian
$DIST non-free
where $DIST = either potato or woody
apt-get install j2sdk
Note that they are non-free.
At 16:41 on Jul 13, Juan combined
Two possible suggestions:
- tunnel the NFS traffic over an SSH traffic (similar
to remote X sessions)
- or set up a VPN
Jeremy L. Gaddis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Original Message-
From: "Timo \"Blazko\" Boewing" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 9:34 PM
To: de
Eric G. Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 09:16:48AM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote:
> > No, that's not it. I want to be able to scroll AROUND the virtual
> > screen and I can't. All I can see is the top left hand corner of it
> > and it doesn't scroll like it used to.
> Use the "Virtual" directiv
Clarification ogg does not seem to be installable without
a lot of trouble on stable systems. Only on unstable, or
perhaps testing.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joost Kooij) writes:
> Better is to use the ogg format instead of mp3. Ogg is free.
> It is also said to be technically better. Install vo
But does not seem to be installable without a lot of trouble
unless one is running unstable.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joost Kooij) writes:
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:30:18PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> > what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?
> You want "lame" for that
Please take pity :)
I'm an extreme newbie to debian (having installed it for the first time
about a week ago. I was assiged the task of setting up a 50 seat network,
and since we're an edcuational institution, we have a really tight
budget: the savings of not having to buy a $9 per person liscence
Mr. Oberin,
You need to get off this problem and step out into the fresh air. Perhaps it
will relieve your frustration :-). Not to mention the kind of trouble one can
get into for blowing steam at volunteers.
And oh, before you step out, could you please send us a copy of
I'm looking for a way to get pppd to try for n times to connect to my
isp before giving up.
The problem is that quite often, pppd dials, then noting happens for a
little while then it stops - with a helpful "alarm" entered in the logs.
I *think* this error corresponds to the isp not answeri
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:11:38PM -0700, Brian Ballsun-Stanton wrote:
> This is my dilemma: to run samba-tng, I have to upgrade to "unstable." My
> mandate explictly states that downtime is *BAD*, very, very, very,
> bad. How risky is running unstable? What shouldn't I do? Should I upgrade
> to 2
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