On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 09:16:48AM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote: > Andy Saxena wrote: > > I faced a similiar problem before, but reversed :). > > Make sure the "modes" line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 reads like this: > > Modes "640x480" "800x600" > > X creates a virtual screen corresponding to the largest screen resolution > > and > > uses the first entry as the default startup resolution. > > No, that's not it. I want to be able to scroll AROUND the virtual > screen and I can't. All I can see is the top left hand corner of it > and it doesn't scroll like it used to.
Use the "Virtual" directive to force a virtual screen size. SubSection "Display" ... Virtual <xdim> <ydim> ... EndSubSection $ man XF86Config ... Virtual xdim ydim This optional entry specifies the virtual screen resolution to be used. xdim must be a multiple of either 8 or 16 for most drivers, and a multiple of 32 when running in monochrome mode. The given value will be rounded down if this is not the case. Video modes which are too large for the specified virtual size will be rejected. If this entry is not present, the virtual screen resolution will be set to accommodate all the valid video modes given in the Modes entry. Some drivers/hardware combinations do not support virtual screens. Refer to the appropriate driver-specific documentation for details. ... -- Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>