Martin Bretschneider wrote:

If you include this, what you did should work.

Thank you, it worked:)

I've got an additional question.

4. How can I adjust my language? All the prgramms are english;(

Sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but if I may, I'd like to make a suggestion.

Create a new thread (Subject: line) for each new question. The list is so busy that if you don't have a *descriptive* subject line, many list readers who might otherwise give you the exact answer you're looking for will simply delete your message without ever reading it.

For example, this question might be sent with a subject line of "How to adjust language from English?", and in the body of the message you might be a bit more specific, as to whether you mean in the console, or X, so some specific application, or the entire system, etc.

Not meaning to offend, but wanted to help you get better results from your questions . . . . (Not that I'm any expert, but I've been lurking around on this list a while and have picked up a tip or two.)


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