Jeronimo Pellegrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JP> :: David Z Maze writes:
  JP> KSRC:=/usr/src/linux
  JP> MODULE_LOC:=/usr/src/modules
 DZM> Can you try locally changing the second line to
 DZM> 'MODULE_LOC?=/usr/src/modules'?  If that works, I can make the change
 DZM> in the package, too.
JP> Yes, that works! I wonder why the behavior was different for KSRC and

Probably because the value of KSRC was passed on the command-line, but 
MODULE_LOC was only set in the environment.  Command-line definitions
override things set in the Makefile, which in turn override
definitions from the environment.  ?= means "set only if it's not
already set", and a setting from the environment counts here.

JP> Maybe the kdist target could call clean before building (and not only
JP> after doing it)? Of course, then the whole compilation process would
JP> be repeated every time one called make kdist...

I'll take a look at that; it seems like it might help with people's
compilation issues.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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