I faced a similiar problem before, but reversed :).

Make sure the "modes" line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 reads like this:
Modes       "640x480" "800x600"

X creates a virtual screen corresponding to the largest screen resolution and 
uses the first entry as the default startup resolution.


On Sunday July 15 2001 01:55, Bek Oberin wrote:
> After I've upgraded from X3 to X4.0.3 the edges of the screen don't
> scroll anymore.
> For example if I set the virtual screen size to 800x600 and the
> resolution to 640x480, which isn't uncommon, I used to be able to
> scroll to the 'hidden' bits of the screen by pushing the mouse at
> the edge of the screen but now I can't.
> How do I get this function back?
> bekj

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