Re: Archive 150MB Tape Drive

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 02:03:38PM +0930, Michael Doyle wrote: > G'day, > > I have been give a working Archive Tape Drive and Controller Card (ISA), my > question here is how do I get linux to recognize this device. You either need to compile tape support into your kernel or load some modules. A

Re: Any .AVI players out there?

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
xanim On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 05:46:05PM -0500, Kent West wrote: > Now that I'm playing with multimedia a little bit, I need a player for > .avi movie clips. Does such an animal exist for Debian? -- Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson, AZ AMPRnet: [E

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread moron
Von: Rick Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> >In the XF86Config file, in Section "Screen", add a "Virtual" parameter to >> >each subsection, and set it to the max res for that subsection. > >> I've got a dozen 'Subsection "Display"' entries - under Driver Accel, >> Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Dri

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
Andrew J Fortune wrote: > > I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of > Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my > hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95. You really need another partition thats 32Mb or 64Mb for a 'swap

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 09:25:57AM +1000, Andrew J Fortune wrote: > > I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of > Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my > hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95. > > I am trying to work out ...

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread David B.Teague
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Brad wrote: > Where are the docs for the c++ libraries? > More specifically, i have a copy of "C++ How To Program" second edition > here. It claims that #include will allow strings to be > manipulated as streams. "sstream: No such file or directory" g++ tells me. > > "Ok th

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread Carl Mummert
You are probably looking for 'strstream' which you can include headers for with '#include '. The name of this class has been strstream for a couple of years, but all of the STL stuff is relatively young, so if your book is more than (about) two years old, many thngs may end up slightly inaccura

Problems with switching layouts with XKB

1999-06-01 Thread Allen B. Riddell
OK, I'm trying to use dvorak7min -- I can use it fine in non-gui land, but when I go into X, nothing seems to work. I issue the command "asdf" which should switch it, but it gives me this error message: $ asdf Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property and I get that message when I try to

Re: accounting software for linux

1999-06-01 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 31-May-1999, Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > GNUCash ( is in development right now; you might > want to try one of their stable relases. Otherwise, check out XACC > ( It is stable and is the basis for > GNUCash. Also, check the F

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, moron wrote: > >> I've got a dozen 'Subsection "Display"' entries - under Driver Accel, > >> Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Driver VGA2. In each case there is one > line: > >> Modes "1024*768""800*600""640*480" > >Virtual for each subsection, which you would set to the

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Andrei Ivanov
> May I rephrase a question I asked a day or two ago? I'm running hamm with a > mach64 card and a screen whose specs match the super vga details in > XF86Setup. I've configured things for 1024*768, 800*600 and 640*480. > Whichever of the modes (is that the right word?) I'm in, the screen size > s

oracle 8.0.5 with glibc2.1

1999-06-01 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi, has anyone tried this version of oracle with glibc2,1?? I am getting coredump... any work around?? Could someone also confirm me if this version of oracle will work under glibc2.0?? Thanks.. Shao. -- __

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-06-01 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
On 31 May 1999, Rob Browning wrote: > OK, so it sounds like we just need shadow/passwd/group support, and as > far as I can tell we should be mostly good to go if we > > 1) firewall access to the ldap server from outside our subnet. > 2) import etc/group and passwd via > 3) edit

Re: Thinking of buying a CD-R ... Is this supported?

1999-06-01 Thread Wayne Topa
Subject: Thinking of buying a CD-R ... Is this supported? Date: Mon, May 31, 1999 at 06:17:21PM -0400 In reply to:Seth M. Landsman Quoting Seth M. Landsman([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > So I was reading my comics this morning and saw an ad for a 140$ > CDR. So I click over the we

Re: PIIX4 controller support on 2.0.x kernels vs 2.2.9

1999-06-01 Thread Wayne Topa
Subject: re: PIIX4 controller support on 2.0.x kernels vs 2.2.9 Date: Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 08:50:00AM +1000 In reply to:debian Quoting debian([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > first an example of boot messages from dmesg output; > > Kernel 2.0.34 > > ide: i82371 PIIX (Triton) on PCI bus 0

MPEG viewer

1999-06-01 Thread mcclosk
> Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist? I've had good results from mtv (aka `mpegtv'). There's a .deb package available for free at This is free for personal use, but it's nagware---if you elect not to pay a $10 registration fee, you're annoye

Re: XF86Setup question

1999-06-01 Thread Fethi A. Okyar
I think I've missed some conversations about XF86Setup going on over the last 2-3 days. I remember somebody complaining about XF86Setup, not writing the XF86Config file. I had a similar problem when XF86Setup was just not adding the extra modes that I wanted to test to my config file. That is, I

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Kent West
Andrew J Fortune wrote: > > I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of > Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my > hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95. As someone else mentioned, you'll need to use part of that as a swap part

Re: MPEG viewer

1999-06-01 Thread Adam Klein
On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 08:40:02PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist? > > I've had good results from mtv (aka `mpegtv'). There's a .deb package > available for free at > > This is free for personal use,

Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know what's on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount another flop

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 01 Jun 1999, Andrew J Fortune wrote: > > ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I > ccan connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails, > participate in Chat programs etc. ? > > I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting out in the w

[no subject]

1999-06-01 Thread Venu

Archive 150MB Tape Drive

1999-06-01 Thread Michael Doyle
G'day, I have been give a working Archive Tape Drive and Controller Card (ISA), my question here is how do I get linux to recognize this device. -- Michael Doyle Adelaide, South Australia

seemingly random lock-ups

1999-06-01 Thread Jim B
My machine (Debian 2.1 slink, stock kernel (2.0.36)) has been locking up on me unpredictably. This occurs every several (3-4 on average) days and has been happening ever since I installed Linux on this machine. (There is no other OS on there.) My hardware is an Intel 200 MMX CPU on an Asus PI-P5

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote: > by about 3/4 inch. I vidtune it everytime I have to restart X, which is > not very often. I am sure there is a way to change settings in XF86Setup, > but I just don't feel like doing it.). In xvidtune, just click "Show" (near bottom left). It prints the

Re: Netscape 4.6 crashes

1999-06-01 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 07:29:48PM +0200, Andreas Voegele wrote: > The faulty behaviour is most obvious if you've got more than one > Navigator window opened. Instead of closing the selected window only > the whole application crashes sometimes. I've been having that exact same problem here... Run

OT: Can I compile FreeBSD kernel on a Linux machine?

1999-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all: Please don't kill me for asking this question (in a FreeBSD NG I got hosed with s#$t). In short, I have a 486 machine with FreeBSD on it, and a PII workstation with Linux. Compiling kernel on the 486 is painfully slow. Can I compile it on my 686 that runs Linux, provided I install the ful


1999-06-01 Thread Gernot Bauer
Hi, my system was hacked about a week ago. I freshly installed debian 2.1 and now there is a programm running from time to time called "securitychecker"... Does anybody know what it is? And what is the user nobody for? Thanx, Gery -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-01 Thread Gancho Tenev Tenev
Hi !!! I did not speak about Debian Linux Instalation ! :) ( nor for rescue nor bootup diskette !!! ) Some IBM computers ( may be all ) have got setup ( for their hardware ) on their HDD ( on separate hdd partition ). On other computers I press "DEL" and enter in setup program to configure HDD, tim

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Brad
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote: > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know what's > on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know > which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted > floppy, mo

Re: Netscape 4.6 crashes

1999-06-01 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Matthew Gregan wrote: > > On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 07:29:48PM +0200, Andreas Voegele wrote: > > The faulty behaviour is most obvious if you've got more than one > > Navigator window opened. Instead of closing the selected window only > > the whole application crashes sometimes. > > I've been havin

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
> > On Mon, 31 May 1999, Brad wrote: > > > Where are the docs for the c++ libraries? > > > More specifically, i have a copy of "C++ How To Program" second edition > > here. It claims that #include will allow strings to be > > manipulated as streams. "sstream: No such file or directory" g++ tell

Re: problem fetchmail, exim

1999-06-01 Thread Konstantin Kivi
> I get the following message from fetchmail: > (as root only for testing!) > > matrox:~# fetchmail -f /root/.fetchmailrc > 1 message for thuer at (3082 octets). > reading message 1 of 1 (3082 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP listener > doesn't like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]' >

Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
Hi, I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb. When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb... do you know where it can come from ? thanx for help Pierre-Antoine

LaTeX: multicol.sty

1999-06-01 Thread Armin Wegner
Hi, which debian package provides the latex multicol environment? Has it been replaced by another one? Armin

Laptop suspend to disk

1999-06-01 Thread Jack Versfeld
I'm running Debian Slink on my newly found laptop. Is it possible to enable the 'Suspend to Disk' option, and if it is, how should I go about it. I guess that I would probably create a dedicated partition the bios can use for suspend. I did not recieve any documentation with my laptop (since I

problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16

1999-06-01 Thread Haymo Meran
Hi guys. I cannot get working this card. I had an ATI before which worked fine. But now onley the VGA server works. I don't know which other server I should take (no doc), guess the SVGA but then which settings (chipset, ramdac...?) nothing written in cards user manual. I have new [unstable] versi

Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread pfau
hello, folks as I´m a debian newbie (coming from suse), may be the following questions are stupid, but I got stuck with them. 1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the standard distribution. If I try to install a package that I downloaded from Internet, dselect alway

ASUS AGP-V3400TNT/TV/16 is correkt!

1999-06-01 Thread Haymo Meran

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Peter Makholm
pfau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > 1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the > standard distribution. Use dpkg. -- Jeg er på nettet 6. juni, hvad med dig?

Re: OT: Can I compile FreeBSD kernel on a Linux machine?

1999-06-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Arcady Genkin wrote: > > Hi all: > > Please don't kill me for asking this question (in a FreeBSD NG I got > hosed with s#$t). In short, I have a 486 machine with FreeBSD on it, No mercy, you'll got the chair! ;-))) > and a PII workstation with Linux. Compil

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Bruce Sass
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, pfau wrote: > hello, folks > > as I´m a debian newbie (coming from suse), may be the following > questions are stupid, but I got stuck with them. > > 1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the > standard distribution. dpkg -i > If I try to inst

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Fabien
> > 2) where is the information stored, that debian starts with graphical > login? I want to finish boot process at the prompt, but debian always > starts his graphical login utility. Can this behaviour only be changed > by deinstalling the utility? You certainly speak about xdm. So, the only th

Re: mpeg viewer recommendations?

1999-06-01 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 05:44:10PM -0500, Kent West wrote: > "Jae W. Chang" wrote: > > > > Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist? ;) > > > > Thanks. Jae > > I'm glad you asked that; I too am looking for an mpeg player; I've found > mpeg_play, but it apparently doesn'

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
if you have instaled lilo, read the man about memory.

Re: LaTeX: multicol.sty

1999-06-01 Thread Jens Ritter
Armin Wegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hi, > > which debian package provides the latex multicol environment? tetex-nonfree > Has it been replaced by another one? No. Get one of the Contents-*.gz files from your friendly neighborhood Debian mirror. zgrep on it next time you are searching f

European mirror of inofficial KDE debs

1999-06-01 Thread Thomas Gebhardt
Hi, there is a partial mirror (only i386 debs) of at . It contains mainly kde packages. /etc/apt/sources.list: deb slink rkrusty or deb ftp://f

2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
Hi I have two questions to pose to the enlightened ones in this mailing list (boy am i poetic today, maybe because a I've a couple of presentations to do today :( ): Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder (so that their email sents a message for every message the

Re: help, rogue file on hosed system

1999-06-01 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 00:09:04 +0800, Paul Harris wrote: > chattr: Operation not supported by device while reading flags on > /usr/lib/crt1.o > > can I run it while mounted as usual? do i need to move single run level > and remount as read/write? do i need to reboot with a rescue disk? hmmm...

Re: 2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote: > > Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder > (so that their email sents a message for every message they got) saying > that they are on hollidays. I know, I know this things suck and they are > extremely anoying but the some people

Re: 2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 01:22:21PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote: > Hi > > I have two questions to pose to the enlightened ones in this mailing > list (boy am i poetic today, maybe because a I've a couple of > presentations to do today :( ): > > Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the user

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Fabien
Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote: > > Hi, > > I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb. > When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb... > > do you know where it can come from ? > > thanx for help > >Pierre-Antoine > Je te conseille vivement la lecture du guide du Rootard : http

Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! "Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'd like to know what are the good packages for > ICQ people use in Debian. Timothy Hospedales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have tried most of the ICQ clones > available and I find that micq is the most stable! Perhaps, but I

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! "Eric Gillespie, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting > through, and i need to know what's on them. Some > of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know > way to know which ones aren't until i mount them. > Every time i try to mount an unformatted fl

Re: and KDE

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in debian-user: > On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 02:47:44PM +0200, Daniel González Gasull wrote: > > > I have installed KDE in my Debian system. But now > > I cannot run almost any KDE application. I get the > > following error: > > > > $ kfm > > k

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! Barry Kauler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, 01 Jun 1999, Andrew J Fortune wrote: > > > ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me > > any leads on the best way I ccan connect to the > > Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails, > > participate in Chat programs etc. ? > > > >

Re: and KDE

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! ttsoares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in kde-user: > On Mon, 31 May 1999, [iso-8859-1] Daniel González Gasull wrote: > > > > I had similar problem... > > > > > > If you do a > > > cd /usr/local/kde/lib/ > > > > If I do that I obtain: > > > > /bin/sh: cd: /usr/local/kde/lib/: No such file or

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! Barry Kauler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This was my way of installing (as a relative > newbie): [snip] > Finally > # apt-get install kdm > > Modify /etc/X11/window-managers > so that "/usr/bin/kde" is first in the list. > > Reboot. I have modify /etc/X11/window-managers and it worked t

dselect woes

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew J Fortune
I am currently trying to install some packages in Debian 2.0 (using the CD Rom), using dselect. I can select them without any problem, however when I choose the option to actually install them, I get the following error message : "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc, or t

Re: problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16

1999-06-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 1 Jun, Haymo Meran wrote about "problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16" > Hi guys. > > I cannot get working this card. I had an ATI before which worked fine. > But now onley the VGA server works. I don't know which other server I > should take (no doc), guess the SVGA but then which settin

Re: Laptop suspend to disk

1999-06-01 Thread shaleh
> > I'm running Debian Slink on my newly found laptop. Is it possible to > enable the 'Suspend to Disk' option, and if it is, how should I go > about it. I guess that I would probably create a dedicated partition > the bios can use for suspend. I did not recieve any documentation > with my lap

Re: oracle 8.0.5 with glibc2.1

1999-06-01 Thread Remco van 't Veer
Hi, I am running Oracle on a slink (glib2.0) machine and it works very well. BTW, version (enterprise edition) has been released some months ago and is downloadable from the web. You can find it at: . It will probably not fix your problem

Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Christian Lavoie
> Hi! > "Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'd like to know what are the good packages for > > ICQ people use in Debian. > Timothy Hospedales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I have tried most of the ICQ clones > > available and I find that micq is the most stable!

Re: Changing IP address

1999-06-01 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite
Well, I have now have the linux system working on my network. I ended up changing the network broadcast, and netmask to (XXX.XXX.XXX.0, XXX.XXX.XXX.255, and respectively). I do not know why I had to do this as my network mask was far more restrictive with my last

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote: > > > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting > > through, and i need to know what's on them. Some > > of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know > > way to know which ones aren't until i mount > > them

Re: dselect woes

1999-06-01 Thread shaleh
> > > I am currently trying to install some packages in Debian 2.0 (using the CD > Rom), using dselect. I can select them without any problem, however when I > choose the option to actually install them, I get the following error > message : > > "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock

RE: Changing IP address

1999-06-01 Thread Dan Willard
Samba sends out broadcast packets saying what services it has available to the network. If the netmask is set incorrectly the other machines on the network don't get the broadcast and don't see the machine in network neighborhood. Your router is dialing out 'cuse it thinks that the machine is on

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Brad wrote: > On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote: > > > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know > > what's > > on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know > > which ones aren't until i mount them. Eve

Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Pollywog
On 01-Jun-99 Daniel González Gasull wrote: >> personally i prefer either kxicq > > Is it an ICQ clone for KDE? > Yes it is, for KDE. >> or licq (for x, anyway). i've had no problems >> with either losing messages or userlist entrieson >> meyet. > > I also have LICQ version 0.43, and I loss

Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Pollywog
On 01-Jun-99 Christian Lavoie wrote: > > GnomeICU is doing most what ICQ98 was doing on windows. Chat (no more > than 2 though, but that's the next update I think), File Transfert > (alpha state. Works but crashed the client afterwise. (GnomeICU > v0.64)) messages, UINs (beta state, has some t

Re: desk jet 710C - drivers

1999-06-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Wojciech Zabolotny wrote: > > On Fri, May 28, 1999 at 09:28:05AM +0200, IS ZG wrote: > > Hi, > > My name is Margaret. I'm writing from Poland. > > Help me!!! > > My printer Desk Jet 710C doesn't print in DOS 6.22. I need this. > > Where can I find these drivers? > >

libvga and doom problems...

1999-06-01 Thread Mark Ewing
I recently got my sound card working and decided that playing DOOM would be a good test for it. Unfortunately after installing DOOM i got the following errors: fãts:~# linu×sdõõm linu×sdõõm: cãn't lõãd librãrý '/usr/lib/libvgã.sõ.1' E×ec fõrmãt errõr linu×sdõõm: cãn't find librãrý 'libvgã.

Re: Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi, How do I make AUB download single messages with attachments? AUB seems to do filtering OK with the 'hook' keyword but it wouldn't get images from single messages when I tried it :-( TIA -- Andy Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satani

Re: Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-06-01 Thread Steve Lamb
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:13:05 +0100, Andrew Holmes wrote: >How do I make AUB download single messages with attachments? AUB seems to do >filtering OK with the 'hook' keyword but it wouldn't get images from single >messages when I tried it :-( TIA I

Re: Floppy drive problem.

1999-06-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
"N. Raghavendra" wrote: > > Hi, > > I am a Debian newbie and have the following problem with my floppy drives. > There are two of them: a 1.44 MB floppy drive and an unused 1.2 MB floppy > drive. In the BIOS setup I have configured the 1.44 MB drive as A: and > the other floppy drive as B:. Are

Re: Floppy drive problem.

1999-06-01 Thread Morgoth3
If i recall,i had that problem. Just use the command "umount" with the same parameters as mount that you used, and then you can use mount again without a problem. Colin Winters

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Pedro Quaresma
Hi, I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb. When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb... do you know where it can come from ? thanx for help If you use lilo you can do the following boot=/dev/hda2 root=/dev/hda2 install=/boot/boot.b map=/boot/map vga=normal dela

RE: getting out of fvwm

1999-06-01 Thread g
i get to see the textmode login after control alt backspace...and if i am fast enough i can log in there...but if i don't just another X wm to run...i find myself back at the login EVEN THOUGH it takes me away from a logged on session as ROOT...pulled me out of dselect to stare at that graphical

I'm really confused by bash, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc, etc, etc

1999-06-01 Thread Mark Wright
Is there a good system for setting variables, aliases, etc that need to be set for user X, whether I log in at a login prompt or using su? I'm confused by all the different .profile options (there are at least 3 for bash, why is that?) Mark. --- Mark Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SV: Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-01 Thread vw
Yo Gancho Think I know where you're at. The problem is accessing the IBM's bios/cmos w/out the special IBM system diskette. I used to have one for my ancient ibm laptop, but I can't find it right now, and I'm not even sure it works on a stationary system. A way of getting around it might be to inst

2 lingering probs

1999-06-01 Thread John Bagdanoff
Prob #1 I'm running slink, upgraded libc6.2.1.1 because wine needed it: ran into too many problems, so went back to libc6.2.0.7. Now, when I boot up, /etc/X/Xresourses/xterm is not read. So, I have to: xrdb -merge xterm to get the file read. What do I need to do to remedy this? Prob #2 Printi


1999-06-01 Thread Lorne Williams
Dang computers anyway! I'm just trying to do something simple. I want to change the color of listed directories from bright blue to bright white. I'm running slink. I've created my own config file, ~/.dircolorsrc, and changed one item - dir color from 01;34 to 01;37. This is the result: # eval d


1999-06-01 Thread Morgoth3
Are there any nationwide ISPs around for Linux users? I'm using AOL, which doesn't support Linux, and there aren't any Linux ISPs in my area. It'd make it a lot easier on me for upgrading if I could get onto the internet. Does anyone know of anything like this? Colin Winters

Re: ISPs

1999-06-01 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 12:42:22PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Are there any nationwide ISPs around for Linux users? I'm using AOL, which > doesn't support Linux, and there aren't any Linux ISPs in my area. It'd make > it a lot easier on me for upgrading if I could get onto the internet.

Re: ISPs

1999-06-01 Thread Alec Smith
Any ISP which can use plain vanilla Windows Dialup Networking ought to (in general anyway) work. Examples I've used Netcom / Mindspring Earthlink AT&T MCI IBM Baby Bells (regional phone company) On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Are there any nationwide ISPs around for Linux users

Re: I'm really confused by bash, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc, etc, etc

1999-06-01 Thread Jean-Pierre Parent
Mark Wright wrote: > Is there a good system for setting variables, aliases, etc that need to be > set for user X, whether I log in at a login prompt or using su? I'm > confused by all the different .profile options (there are at least 3 for > bash, why is that?) I don't know if there is such a s

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Rune Linding Raun
your using a 2.0.x kernel right? On 01-Jun-99 Pedro Quaresma wrote: >Hi, > >I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb. >When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb... > >do you know where it can come from ? > >thanx for help > > > If you use lilo you can do the

Creating device sr0

1999-06-01 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329
Hi, Can anyone please tell me how I can create /dev/sr0 as my cd writer wants to use that device. I have tried the man pages and the MAKEDEV command etc but to no avail. Any ideas? Regards Graham

Adobe fonts

1999-06-01 Thread Payne-Tingleff, Sam
Running slink... My .xsession-errors fills up with missing fonts: Helvitica, Lucida, Times, maybe some others. I've installed all of the relevent packages (I think) from Is there somewhere else I need to get these fonts? And could this be why Gimp is seg faulting? Thanks. Sam Pay

Re: I'm really confused by bash, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc, etc, etc

1999-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Mark Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Is there a good system for setting variables, aliases, etc that need to be > set for user X, whether I log in at a login prompt or using su? I'm > confused by all the different .profile options (there are at least 3 for > bash, why is that?) Put all your

Is there a PPPoE client for Linux?

1999-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all: My ISP is going to implement that crap for my ADSL connection. They'll of course be only supporting WinXX. Should I start looking for another ISP? -- Arcady Genkin "... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate of eternal blessedness in the other world..." (S

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi. Andrew J Fortune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Daniel, > > Thanks for replying ! You are welcome :-) > Is GNOME some sort of alternative to Debian ? Nope. It's an alternative to KDE. I've never used it. Now I'm installing KDE. KDE and GNOME are desktop environments for the X Window sys

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi! "Robert V. MacQuarrie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >I have modify /etc/X11/window-managers and it > >worked the first time I do "startx". I didn't > >need to reboot. But perhaps you enter in X > >everytime you turn on your computer. Then exit > >from X (CONTROL-ALT-DEL) and restart X with >

A thank-you regarding exim deb (fwd)

1999-06-01 Thread Ben Messinger
-- Forwarded message -- Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 11:16:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Ben Messinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]<--- oops, typo! Subject: A thank-you regarding exim deb Mark, I just installed/configured exim and it was refreshi

Missing gtk-config for building GnomePGP

1999-06-01 Thread J Horacio MG
I'm trying to build GnomePGP-0.3 in Slink. I run the ./configure script and get: checking for gtk-config... no checking for GTK - version >= 1.1.1... no *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or s

Re: I'm really confused by bash, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc, etc, etc

1999-06-01 Thread Marc Mongeon
"su - userx" will cause userx's profile to be executed, as in a login. Marc -- Marc Mongeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Unix Specialist Ban-Koe Systems 9100 W Bloomington Fwy Bloomington, MN 55431-2200 (612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344 -- "It's such a fine line between clever and

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Eric Gillespie, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know what's > on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know > which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted > floppy, moun

Two glibc versions on one system ?

1999-06-01 Thread Steinhauer Juergen
Hello! I'm using slink and want to upgrade to libc6 2.1. But I still need libc6 2.0 to compile my programs which are based on the LEDA ( library. This library uses the __setfpucw function (fpu_control.h) which isn`t (as far as I know) implemented in ver. 2.1. Can I run the

pppd / pon problem

1999-06-01 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hi, I run potato. Just did an ppp update using dselect, and now I can not use pon from my user account, I have to su to root to dial or I get the message: /usr/sbin/pppd: Can't open options file /etc/ppp/peers/provider: Permission denied I have trteid to change permissions for /etc/ppp/peers/pro

Re: Two glibc versions on one system ?

1999-06-01 Thread shaleh
> > Hello! > > I'm using slink and want to upgrade to libc6 2.1. > But I still need libc6 2.0 to compile my programs which > are based on the LEDA ( library. > This library uses the __setfpucw function (fpu_control.h) > which isn`t (as far as I know) implemented in ver. 2

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