Von: Rick Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> >In the XF86Config file, in Section "Screen", add a "Virtual" parameter
>> >each subsection, and set it to the max res for that subsection.
>> I've got a dozen 'Subsection "Display"' entries - under Driver Accel,
>> Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Driver VGA2.  In each case there is one
>> Modes "1024*768"    "800*600"    "640*480"
>> If I split the line or insert  eg 'Virtual 800 600' in the middle, I get
>> error message when I 'startx'.  So can you tell me where I put these
>Actually, I may have misinterpreted your question.

Yes, sorry, perhaps it was not very clear.  There are actually two
questions, as explained later.

> You can only have one
>Virtual for each subsection, which you would set to the maximum res:
>    Subsection "Display"
>        Depth       16
>        Modes       "1152x864-75c"
>                    "1024x768-101"
>                    "800x600-81"
>                    "640x480-99"
>        ViewPort    0 0
>        Virtual     1152 864
>    EndSubsection

All  the 'Modes' lines are identical - <Modes  "1024*768"  "800*600"
Should I, for example, amend one of them to <Modes "800*600" "640*480"> and
then write <Virtual 800 600>?

That's the first question, which concerns how I see the screen - I'd like to
understand how to control these things but if I can't, frankly, I don't
really mind too much.  The second question concerns how java applets are
If an applet wants to present something that should more or less fill the
screen, it can get the screen size from the local system and size the image
accordingly.  In M$ Windows, 640*480  means that a 640*480 image would fill
the screen, but it seems that Linux by default returns the size of the
largest screen available, and if the user is actually in a lower screen
resolution he/she either would not realise that they are missing something
or would have to change their resolution to see everything.
Am I talking a load of codswallop?


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