On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, moron wrote:

> >> I've got a dozen 'Subsection "Display"' entries - under Driver Accel,
> >> Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Driver VGA2.  In each case there is one
> line:
> >> Modes "1024*768"    "800*600"    "640*480"

> >Virtual for each subsection, which you would set to the maximum res:
> >
> >    Subsection "Display"
> >        Depth       16
> >        Modes       "1152x864-75c"
> >                    "1024x768-101"
> >                    "800x600-81"
> >                    "640x480-99"
> >        ViewPort    0 0
> >        Virtual     1152 864
> >    EndSubsection
> All  the 'Modes' lines are identical - <Modes  "1024*768"  "800*600"
> *640*480">
> Should I, for example, amend one of them to <Modes "800*600" "640*480"> and
> then write <Virtual 800 600>?

Yes. As far as I can tell, for any given pixel depth (8, 16, 24) you can
only have one subsection, and for each of these you only have one Virtual,
set to the largest size in the subsection.

> The second question concerns how java applets are read:

I know nothing about this...


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