I recently got my sound card working and decided that
playing DOOM would be a good test for it.
Unfortunately after installing DOOM i got the
following errors:

fãts:~# linu×sdõõm
linu×sdõõm: cãn't lõãd librãrý '/usr/lib/libvgã.sõ.1'
        E×ec fõrmãt errõr
linu×sdõõm: cãn't find librãrý 'libvgã.sõ.1'
fãts:~# linu××dõõm
linu××dõõm: cãn't find librãrý 'libXt.sõ.3'

libvga.so.1 is a symlik to libvga.so.1.3.1 if that
makes a difference.
So my questions are; 
1) doe anybody know how to fix the vgalib issue?
2) what package contains libXt, only found a
developement version when searcing in dselect.
3) why did netscape decide to put tildes above
letters? I simply opened the text file containing the
errors with netscape then copy pasting-or are they
only showing up on my screen? I am using K 1.1.1 and
netscape 4.6 if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance,
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