> May I rephrase a question I asked a day or two ago?  I'm running hamm with a
> mach64 card and a screen whose specs match the super vga details in
> XF86Setup.  I've configured things for 1024*768, 800*600 and 640*480.
> Whichever of the modes (is that the right word?) I'm in, the screen size
> stays at 1024*768.  If, for example, I'm in 640*480, my physical screen
> displays 5/8 (okay, 25/64) of the available image, and I can pan around to
> see the rest.  Is this what should happen?
>   If so, is there another way to configure it so that the available image
> just fills the visible screen and no more?

This is called a virtual desktop. When you are configuring the order of
modes, it asks you whether you want virtual desktop or not. Since you
don't want it, say No. I can't stand it either...but I use 3 out of 4
desktop screens.

>   If not, does anybody know what I might have done wrong?  Incidentally,
> there is a noticeable (livable with, but perhaps indicative of error) chunk
> of blank (black) on the left of the screen, although XF86Setup itself filled
> the screen perfectly.
You xvidtune. It's pretty safe, while you know the max hsync/vsync of your
monitor and the clock freq. Just make sure that those values are not
exceeded when configuring system. (This is how I get around my problem: I
have a 1280x1024 res. but the monitor leaves a top and right sides blank
by about 3/4 inch. I vidtune it everytime I have to restart X, which is
not very often. I am sure there is a way to change settings in XF86Setup,
but I just don't feel like doing it.).

 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.
 http://www.missouri.edu/~c680789  <--"Computer languages of the world"
                                       My work in progress.

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