Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could you perhaps tell how to make Gnus use mbox format by default?
> (serious question of course)
Gnus 5.8 has the "nnmbox" backend, so which I assume reads and writes
mbox files. Using nnml is a lot nicer though. I hear mutt even groks
nnml folders n
Francesco Chicchiriccò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm searching CD ISO images to download and burn CDs. I'd like to
> have the 2.2r2-powerpc version (complete as a set of 3 or more CDs).
Using the pseudo-image kit is definitely the best way to go. Try:>
and more sp
Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> * Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 20010309 10:25 +0100:
> > Gnus 5.8 has the "nnmbox" backend, so which I assume reads and writes
> > mbox files.
> Theoretically yes. But it doesn't work with
I just got my Ti PowerBook, and I'm trying to install Debian on it,
having no use for the proprietary software that came with it. I've
made a CD of the non-us 2.2r2 image using the pseudo-image kit and
So, I get into OpenFirmware, and then I try using "boot cd:", but that
[ no need to CC me; I am subscribed to the list ]
Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So, I get into OpenFirmware, and then I try using "boot cd:", but
> > that fails with:
> boot cd:\\yaboot
Maybe a note about how to boot from CD using OF could be added to the
installation gu
Roy Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've downloaded and burned to CD-R the latest 2.2r2 ISO images, but
> contrary to what is suggested in the install docs, I can't boot from
> them (at least not by holding down "C" when rebooting, though I have
> to take a look at open firmware tricks still).
Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Aha. Fonts are kinda oversized and smushed together, but Batmon is
> working. Kewl. Thanks!
By the way, for any GNOME users out there: I have Debianized the
(very cool) gpmudmon GNOME applet.
Snarf your copy from:
Wilhelm *rafial* Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is indeed very cool, and it works great with my TiBook. Wow,
> with the Gnome packages from Unstable, my Gnome desktop looks almost
> as cool as my OSX desktop! (and there are more apps for Gnome ;)
Yeah, Gnome 1.4 in sid is definitel
Is there a reason gimp1.2 isn't built for powerpc? I checked the
buildd logs I found at, and
gimp1.2 wasn't listed. I've successfully built it from source on my
sid system.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason E. Stewart) writes:
> Yeah, the order is critical, the Fn key *must* be the last key
> before F{1-6}, otherwise it won't work. It only took me 6 months to
> figure that one out...
Ahhh. That explains why I wasn't able to switch VTs before. Thanks!
Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I installed woody on my Pismo just a week ago. I'm running a recentish benh
> kernel (2.4.3pre1) with PMU / Power Management support.
> pmud is also working nicely after I made a few changes to /etc/power/pwctrl:
> So far, so good. C
[ I'm on the list, so no need to CC: me posts ]
Wilhelm *rafial* Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > So far, so good. Closing it makes it sleep. [...]
> >
> >Does anyone know if there is support for this for the tibook?
> This works fine on my TiBook as long as I am in X when I put
Matt Mohebbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have been faced with the same error messages starting X regardless
> of the changes suggested by this list. I am running 2.4.3-pre6
> kernel from the ftp site on debian unstable. I have had
> the problem with X 4.0.2 and I just upgraded to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David N. Welton) writes:
> Anyone got audio cd's working with the tibook?
In the same vein, has anyone gotten a cd ripper like cdparanoia
working? I get an error message about an invalid ioctl...
[ I'm on the -powerpc list, no need to Cc: me ]
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> XMMS with OSS works fine here on a Pismo running testing, xmms
> 1.2.4-4, kernel 2.4.4 (BenH).
Hm, I'm running sid as of a week or two ago on my tibook, with the
same version of xmms and BenH's 2.4.4 kern
Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hmm. Could you try to reproduce this with an older kernel and a
> newer glibc?
I forgot to mention that I can't use an older kernel (presuming you
mean 2.2), because neither sound nor X will work on a TiBook with 2.2
AFAIK, which pretty much precludes run
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Colin Walters wrote:
> >
> > I forgot to mention that I can't use an older kernel (presuming
> > you mean 2.2), because neither sound nor X will work on a TiBook
> > with 2.2 AFAIK, which pretty much precludes
Tovar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I tried the older binary on the '' site and it faulted
> immediately. 'cmucl' compiles itself, so it's non-trivial to build
> from scratch. Does anyone already have a working copy or do i need
> to try cross-compile the thing?
IIRC, Python support
"Lorenzo De Vito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In which package I can find glibconfig.h ? I tried it in glib but
> there was only glib.h.
Try adding `glib-config --cflags` to your CFLAGS. That will always do
the right thing.
Georg Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sorry, I forgot to mention when doing the postfix dpkg-reconfig the
> postfix-installation script exits with an error-number 2.
At least for this problem, there seems to be a bug already filed (#98008).
Check out
Georg Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Running woody on my box i did a mozilla download this morning. With
> it came an automatic fetchmail and postfix-upgrade. Despite I tried
> to configure my postfix as it was it's still broken. Now I'm far
> away of beeing an expert and after hours I have no
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason E. Stewart) writes:
> Two annoying things about recent versions of Gnus:
> * I can't turn off emoticons (and it looks really stupid in source
> code patches)
Does (setq gnus-treat-display-smiles nil) do the trick?
> * It turns on reading of HTML'ized mail by default
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> its compiled --without-debug --with-optimization (or however those
> are named) and with -O3 compiler optimization. believe me, it can't
> be optimized anymore then it is as far as build opts.
> unless of course -O3 is bogus and harmful on powerpc...
Andrew Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It's really got a specific symptomology. I am almost tempted to say
> it has something to do with powersaving/sleeping, as it only happens
> when the system is idle, virtually always when the video is off
> (although it runs for hours with the video off
So, I finally got my TiBook back from Apple repair, who kindly
reinstalled MacOS. After re-erasing it and installing potato r3, I
tried to boot my new Debian system, and I got the "image not found"
message from yaboot.
At first, I thought I'd screwed up mkofboot, but I eventually traced
this mess
Does anyone know what's up with the main postgresql package in powerpc
sid? It doesn't appear to be in the archive, and I didn't see a
failed build log on voltaire. The postgresql-doc package is
available, though, which indicates the buildd must have at least tried
to build the postgresql source
[ I'm on the list, no need to CC me ]
Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I see it's in non-US, is there a buildd for that?
> No, there isn't at present.
Voltaire is a dual-processor machine, right? Could it run another
buildd for non-US packages? Or would we need to actually
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> well thats normal... sortof. the kernel is installed as part of the
> `install OS and kernel modules' which copies the kernel from the
> rescue image. you should have at least had the quik cruft in thier
> though...
Well, I did skip the tasksel install
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> did you run the `Install Operating System kernel and modules' step
> in dbootstrap? (before the base install) thats when the kernel is
> installed. i just did a potato r3 installation a week ago and did
> not have a problem with lack of kernel.
Yeah, I
"Mark K. Gardner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Welcome to yaboot version 0.9
> Config file read, 158 bytes
> Loading kernel...
> Image not found try again
> Warning ! default close called !
> boot:
> At this point I have no idea what to type! Would someone please
> enlighten me
Russell Hires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm trying to install zope-popy and python-popy for my zope install,
> but it appears that it depends on postgresql > 7.0.3. I'm surprised
> that woody is using 6.5. I realize debian's conservative philosophy,
> but I at least thought we'd be at version
Russell Hires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I checked through that group of postings (after you mentioned this,
> I should have checked first), and very little of it actually
> revolved around postgresql, that I could tell. They were related,
> but not about the actual Subject: line.
Well, they t
[ I'm on the list, no need to CC me ]
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> With APT 0.5 or later, apt-get build-dep postgresql should install all
> build-dependencies for postgresql.
Also, it should be mentioned that recent apt versions grok
apt-get install postgresql/unstable
which is
Well, I got irritated with the fact that gdb 5.0 didn't work with the
2.4 kernel on PowerPC, so I built packages from recent GDB CVS. It
took a little bit of hacking in powerpc-linux-nat.c, but it appears to
apt-able at:
deb ./
Just do "ap
I'm looking for someone to sponsor my packages of gpmudmon, a GNOME
applet for displaying the battery information from pmud. It is
apt-able at:
deb ./
Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could you please clarify? I run the Debian packaged GDB on PowerPC
> all the time. I've not had the slightest problem with it, beyond
> threads and the like.
Well, I just tried 5.0 again, and it does work for me. Weird.
Before, it simply segfault
Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Indeed, you could do that... or I could finish adopting GDB :) I
> just got permission from the maintainer to take it; I'll be
> uploading a CVS snapshot to unstable to simply replace 5.0, seeing
> as there's no noticeable testsuite regressions or ev
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Otto Wyss) writes:
> Unforunatly, I hoped on PPC there might be other alternatives as
> well.
Why? I don't see how the underlying hardware could really make a
difference for a text editor...
> I don't want to start a "which is better" war, all I want is an editor
> which has
Jan Schröder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am quite new to debian on ppc. I need some help with the internal
> modem in my iMac. Which is the device name of this modem? I tried
> /dev/ttySx ans /dev/cua Any of these worked. I'd appreciate a good
> advice.
On my machine, it's /dev/cua/0. But
Grant Hollingworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The one I grabbed from
> has problems with
> the Crux GTK theme.
That's the same one I'm looking for a sponsor for :)
> It could also be a problem with Crux, or with my installation of
> it. Anyw
Christian Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Of course it didn't work out, after several hours of fiddling around
> I see there are too many failed hunks. Maybe I would do it when I
> know that I am really the first person building xfree4.1. Am I?>
I don't thi
Ron Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I was unable to boot this way from the Debian 2.2r3 CD on an iBook
> dual USB and I just tried it again. I just get a pure white screen,
> no boot: prompt or text of any sort.
> I can boot if I enter OpenFirmware and type:
> boot cd:\install\powermac\y
Phil Fraering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I find myself wondering from time to time, if you don't have to run
> MacOS on it, why put up with the aggravation of using a non-X86
> linux? Don't get me wrong, I am _very_ grateful for the time you and
> others have put into this; it's given me two co
Phil Fraering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > PS: I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with that dpkg
>> > problem I'm having. It won't let me purge the packages, it won't
>> > let me install new ones, it just tells me it can't lock a certain
>> > file or directory or whatever and refuses t
Phil Fraering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory.
> dpkg: warning: old pre-removal script returned error exit status 2.
> dpkg - trying script from the new package instead
> install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such
Russell Hires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've got two problems with sound, actually. The first one is a
> mystery. I'm running KDE, and I've got sound support in the kernel
> enabled. I read a message in a previous post, from about 3-6 months
> ago, that talked about KDE not having a working so
Jimmy Kaplowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi PowerPC people. I installed Debian (current unstable, downloading
> everything over http, using a CD-RW burned from cvs boot-floppies
> from a few days ago) recently on an Apple G4.
[ installation failure ]
By the way, did you try the potato boot-
Matthias Güter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> i'm about to buy a new ibook ( and i'm not
> planning to use neiter macos9 nor macosx. as a happy debian
> gnu/linux user it is very important to me to know how well the ibook
> works with the ppc distro (potato or woody). i'd like
Is anyone else out there using a recentish benh 2.4.6 kernel with a
TiBook? 2.4.4 from a while ago worked fine for me for pretty much
everything, but 2.4.6 kills the machine when I close the lid.
I would just stick with 2.4.4, except that it locks the machine when I
try to build the Debian boot-f
I believe Yves meant to send this to the list.
--- Begin Message ---
Colin Walters([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 02:38:56PM -0400:
> Matthias Güter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > i'm about to buy a new ibook ( and i'm not
> >
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ozymandias G desiderata) writes:
> I'm running sid on my TiBook with vmlinux-2.4.6benh20010705 as my
> kernel. Overall, I'm pretty psyched with how well everything works
One of my friends (a math guy) who has a passing familiarity with
systems like GNU/Linux, upon seeing my TiB
Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could you resync again ? Sleep is supposed to work with my current
> kernels on the TiBook, if it's still locking up your box, some
> investigations will be needed.
rsync as of about 33 minutes ago doesn't work for me.
> Note that if you are u
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AFAIK this is related to thermal management. Apparently you should
> leave it off for now. It doesn't harm my Pismo though.
I don't have thermal management enabled. FWIW, here's the .config:
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
"Noah John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> can you even use rpms in debian? i ask because i was under the
> immpression only .debs were usable...
For some values of "can", yes. Alien can convert a .rpm to a .deb,
but it isn't magic. It can't add patches to convert a package to
comply with the F
Cole Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> whenever I 'startx' or try and directly invoke xdm or I
> type in my username and password It lookes to login but loops, (it
> brings up another xdm or screen). I think it's a problem
> in the init's, do any of you know how to fix thi
Adam Lazur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Disabling altivec seemed to fix the problem sleeping. It went to
> sleep and woke up 7 or 8 times with no problems aside from
> temporarily scrambling the console a bit.
Yep, disabling altivec worked for me too.
Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could one of you quickly test if the problem still happen with my
> current rsync ? I merged some fixes from recent bk _2_4_devel that
> may or may not help.
Yep, rsync as of about 20 minutes ago, with Altivec support enabled,
sleeps just fine
"John Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> For some reason, any 2.4 kernel I try and boot (I've compiled two
> from Benh's tree, and got 1 deb from walters and 1 deb from Jonas) I
> get the same error:
> it tells me it can't read the superblock, make sure I have a valid
> partion, etc and th
"John Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> For some reason, any 2.4 kernel I try and boot (I've compiled two
> from Benh's tree, and got 1 deb from walters and 1 deb from Jonas) I
> get the same error:
> it tells me it can't read the superblock, make sure I have a valid partion,
> etc and th
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David N. Welton) writes:
> Jul 13 13:45:37 localhost kernel: TASK = c29fe000[1774] 'cdparanoia' Last
> syscall: 4
You need to save this to a file, then do:
apt-get install ksymoops
ksymoops /tmp/oops
That will resolve the function addresses in backtrace to their symbol
"Noah John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1. Is there a PDF viewer included in potato? how do i tell x to
> use it to open pdfs when i double click them?
There is xpdf, among other solutions like a pdf to ps converter and
gv. Try running "apt-cache search pdf.+view"
I think the node "File Typ
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David N. Welton) writes:
> Woops, sorry about that and thanks for the information.
> Unfortunately, things seem to be a bit out of sync, so... I guess
> I'll try again in the future.
Oh, you mean you got warnings about mismatched and not found symbols
and the like? I did too (
Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Where did you find the pattern definitions? I had to write a script
> that ran multiple "apt-cache search" and then looked for duplicate
> responses to do multiple word searches. Thanks. I didn't see it in
> the apt-cache man page (and still don't).
Peter Meilstrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Also, in general, is there a way to search UNinstalled packages for
> a specific file?>
"Frederick V. Heitkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have been using the latest benh kernels on my snakebite (G4 533
> dual) powermac however modules do not seem to work. Even if I try
> to load modules manually using insmod, they don't "insert".
Could you be more specific here? Do you see
"Frederick V. Heitkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I don't know what I'm running. I got a Debian PPC CD. I think it
> has 2.2r3 or something; whatever that is.
Then you're running "potato", the stable Debian release.
> I looked in the sid binary-powerpc directory on
> There's
Leandro Noferini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am trying to install kaffe on my woody, to use freenet.
Well, it looks like libffi isn't available in woody/sid, which would
explain why kaffe packages aren't available.
> I need to compile it because I can't find any package but I get
> always th
Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've had great luck with 4.1.0 in testing (woody). DRI and
> acceleration is nice.
4.1.0 has DRI for the tibook?
Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 4.1.0 has DRI for the tibook?
> *drool*
/me cleans up his drool
Well, I'm having some problems with the XFree 4.1.0 from branden's
repository. It seems to need keyboard_sends_linux_codes to be
enabled; otherwise, my k
"Lorenzo De Vito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What's the better way to run Java on DebianPPC ? I've looked for
> Java 2 on but I've found only versions for x86 or Sparc.
> There is good compatibility with LinuxPPC Java Version and that
> distribuited from Sun? There are debian packag
> is this a "political" issue or is there just no maintainer for JAVA
> packages?
Sun's Java implementation is proprietary software. You can't even
redistribute it, much less improve it and share it with your friends,
like you can the rest of Debian.
That being said though, there was some discu
"Roland Wegmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I use a MS Wheel Mouse Optical USB (PS/2 Compatible). I red someting
> about gpmconfig, but when I use this command, nothing happens. Do I
> have to install a "gpm-tool" ? And if so, where can I find it?
> Another thing I have seen, is something about
Peter Meilstrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Whenever I try to run wget with the -r option, it either segfaults
> immediately, or after completing the first page. Any ideas?
> (running on Sid)
Yeah, I was getting this too. What sucks is that recompiling with -g
made it go away, at least for me
Kevin Carney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Recently I tried installing Debian 2.2r3 on my 2000 Powerbook
> (Pismo). This laptop is used in two different places, at work (with
> a LAN internet connection) and at home (with dialup service). At
> work there is no problem using lynx to browse the web
So, this problem is hopefully fixed for pmac architectures. Could
anyone tell me what problems they've had on non-pmac PowerPC
I'm looking at the kernel-package code now, and it seems likely that
it would break on APUs, Amiga, MBX, and PReP (by defaulting to running
LILO). Can any
Package: kernel-package
Tags: patch
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes. Not a big deal on APUS though as we don't have a real
> bootloader, we just say no to all LILO questions.
Ick. I can't believe you didn't report this as a bug! :)
Does this patch look ok to everyone?
cd /usr
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> With Xkb, you probably need XkbModel "pc104" or any pc variant with
> Linux keycodes, "macintosh_old" otherwise. Without Xkb, it should
> work either way.
Yep, "pc104" works for me with Linux keycodes.
> Don't enable AGP GART (we don't have support yet
John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hmmm, nothing truely official I guess test wise. I own a dual PII 233,
> k6-266, PII300, Cell 300a(over clocked at times, but not at the moment),
> Athalon 800, PIII 450, Sparc 20(dual 55mhz), U1 170. I have owned and gotten
> rid of quite a few more...
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> there is currently no way to do this, audio volume is stored in
> another partition of the nvram, probably the undocumented MacOS one.
Maybe someone who has MacOS could save a snapshot of the nvram, boot
MacOS, frob the volume, then take another snapshot
[ by the way, I'm on the list, so no need for a CC ]
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Just make -f Makefile.linux r128.o in
> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/drm/kernel/ and then
> insmod r128.o or put it where your modules are so the X server can
> load it automaticall
Matthias Klose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> powerpc libgcj packages are on ftp-master in incoming.
Well, I couldn't find anything related in incoming, and was an empty directory, and
~doko/gcc gave me a 404.
> > cat debian/libgcc1/DEBIAN/shlibs >> debian/shlib
Sorry, I sent that to the wrong place by mistake.
Peter Meilstrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DefaultDepth24
I had this same problem, and Michel Dänzer told me that it's necessary
to run XFree in 16 bit depth; otherwise there's not enough video ram,
Pedro Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How do I configure ethernet settings, after debian installed? I
> have a modem/ethernet card built-in in the powerbook.
If I understand your question correctly, you need to edit the
/etc/network/interfaces file. See also interfaces(5).
If you want to u
James Maitland Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a 500MHz titanium with 512Mb RAM.
> I am intending to install base from powerpc binary-1 potato, and
>then upgrade to unstable.
> With the cd in the drive i booted the machine pressing 'c' whilst it
> boots, all I get is a white scr
Stefan Heimann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
> si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
> si_errno [0]: Erfolg
> si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 0, uid: 0]
> stackpointer=0x7fffc2bc
Are you doing anything that requires AWT, Swing, or
Russell Hires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello, I upgraded to benh's 2.4.8-pre7 this morning, and now my
> sound only partially works. I rsync'ed according to directions
> posted in another message, and I did a "make oldconfig" to make sure
> everything stayed the same. What happens is I've go
Pan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I did that, and disabled the standard CD audio plugin too. And I
> opened the cd device node. I got all the songs on the playlist all
> right. It looks like it's playing but somehow the sound is not
> coming out.
Have you tried running "gmix" or a similar program
Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Incidently, I was wondering the other day if I moved /var /usr and
> /etc to their own partitions, is there any reason why / needs to get
> mounted rw at all?
You also need /dev mounted rw. Devfs is a nice way to get around
"Martin Breidung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> booting a floppy isn't possible because g4-400pci neither have a
> floppy build-in nor a controller onboard and i don't have any
> external fdd's for it...
You could also try netbooting. I played around with it once, and I
couldn't get it to work,
Kerstin Hoef-Emden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've read that some people in MacOS specific German newsgroups call
> these keys "Badewanne" (bathing tub = alt key) and "Blumenkohl"
> (cauliflower = apple/quadrupel loop key).
Ok, you have sparked my curiosity. I can maybe see the quadruple loop
"Edouard G. Parmelan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> up /bin/echo Work > /tmp/connect_route || true
> down /bin/rm /tmp/connect_route || true
I'm not sure what you're doing here, but you should use /var/tmp.
These commands are run as root.
crisbill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm trying to install Debian on a G4 using the current linux and
> root.bin from Woody (3.07-2001-07-11). I've placed these files on my Mac
> harddisk, along with yaboot 1.2.3.
> kernel panic: machine check
Are you using the pmac root.bin? I'm guess
Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'd appreciate it if people would try the kernel-image-2.4.8-powerpc
> packages I've uploaded. There'll be 2.4.9 shortly I expect. I know
> of one problem in them (you may discover RTC support not getting
> modprobed correctly, and as a result your
Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> As of today, the sleep support is now complete in bk _2_4_devel. It
> is partial in _2_4.
Very cool! This is good to hear. Thanks again for your kernel work;
my laptop would be dead weight without it :)
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> xfs works perfectly on powerpc, unlike reiserfs which needs patches
> (only available in the alan cox series, that tree is not recommended
> for powermac). you will need to partition your disk in a such a way
> that you can move your filesystems around t
Doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am working on installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r3 "Potato" -
> Official powerpc Binary-1 CD on a new world G4. As far as I can
> tell, I have the base system installed correctly and used mkofboot
> to configure the booting properly. I am unable to get the syst
Mark Hepburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've just been trying to boot my ibook2 using a set of 2.2r0 cds
> (using the 'debian video=ofonly' boot arguments) and it appears to
> boot fine, loads the installer; the problem is I press 'continue'
> following the welcome message, then it just sits an
Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am using: rsync -arHpogDtxz -e ssh ... This preserves hardlinks,
> ownerships, permissions and timestamps and doesn't cross filesystem
> boundaries. The latter may not work with separate partitions for
> /usr and whatnot.
The -a option in rsync is the
Bastien Nocera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Talking of which, would a libapm for ppc which supports both
> /proc/apm (or proc/pmu whichever) and the use of pmud to read
> battery stats be interesting for people on this list ?
Sounds like a very good idea to me.
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