Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I installed woody on my Pismo just a week ago. I'm running a recentish benh 
> kernel (2.4.3pre1) with PMU / Power Management support.
> pmud is also working nicely after I made a few changes to /etc/power/pwctrl:


> So far, so good. Closing it makes it sleep. [...]

Does anyone know if there is support for this for the tibook?  I tried
closing my cover, and sometimes the throbbing led comes on after about
10-15 seconds; other times it seems to never come on.  It also seems
to take a long time (30secs-1m) to wake up after making it sleep this

snooze -f works fine; the led comes on immediately, and it seems to
wake up quickly when I press a key.

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