Updated: distrib.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello I have updated the file distrib.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/1c55d902cebd3d36c48fb81888f34354a9c83dc5 If there are any corrections, just tell and I'll update a

Updated: vendors.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello I have updated the file vendors.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/7665223ed1f20d8ddf33f536923cff47bf9a5a9d If there are any corrections, just tell and I'll update a

Updated: cdimage.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello I have updated the file cdimage.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/36413820976562df9f7fdb3ff445418b22178f37 If there are any corrections, just tell and I'll update a

[RFR] Updating security.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all This file only has one remaining string, this is my proposal: undated security advisories, included for posterity tarihsiz güvenlik duyuruları, gelecek kuşaklar için dahil I'm attaching the updated file and the diff, but I still didn't commit the changes. If there are no corrections

Updated: ports.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello I have updated the file ports.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. It was only one string (Configuration -> Yapılandırma) but Poedit added some formatting changes. I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/b8ad

Updated: countries.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again I have updated the file countries.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/622bf6a3daba1eac6cd89cda70ce38c6ac08e211 If there are any corrections, just tell and I'll

Updated: consultants.tr.po for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again I have updated the file consultants.tr.po for the Debian website. I'm attaching the updated file and the diff. It was only translating "Contact:" and I've used "İletişim:". I have committed the changes: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/3a01ec54633fae80ae4811797f72

Updating/completing Turkish language templates for the Debian website

2019-01-17 Başlik Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all I've updated the Turkish language templates for the Debian website and I'm planning to do small updates/completions, the easy ones, with help of Vikipedi and the Debian Turkish compendia [1] loaded in my POedit as Translation Memory. [1] https://i18n.debian.org/compendia/tr/ For example