Hello all I've updated the Turkish language templates for the Debian website and I'm planning to do small updates/completions, the easy ones, with help of Vikipedi and the Debian Turkish compendia [1] loaded in my POedit as Translation Memory.
[1] https://i18n.debian.org/compendia/tr/ For example, I've completed the countries.tr.po file translating the remaining countries (checked the names with the Turkish Vikipedi): https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/commit/622bf6a3daba1eac6cd89cda70ce38c6ac08e211 I'll send mails here as replies to this one, with the updated files and the corresponding diff for the case anybody wants to review and I do some mistake. If anybody is interested in translating parts of the Debian website, please contact, we can work together (for example if the translator does not want to care about the po/wml formatting, they can provide the plain text and I can edit the files and commit, or whatever). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona