Hi Everybody,
I would like to thank you for the magnificent work in packaging KDE4.2 for
Debian as soon as it was
released. Since then, I have tried it, tested it, liked it. Almost everything
works, but not
kpackage. When it's launched, it takes a while as usual seeming that it's
loading the
Alle sabato 31 gennaio 2009, Nick Shaforostoff ha scritto:
> I'm afraid KPackage is maintained no more,
> and I suggested removing it from kdeadmin upstream.
> What makes KPackage UI better then the one of Adept (or anything else) for
> you?
kpackage is the application I was behaved to when I wa
Alle sabato 31 gennaio 2009, Nick Shaforostoff ha scritto:
> On Saturday 31 January 2009 13:04:21 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Alle sabato 31 gennaio 2009, Nick Shaforostoff ha scritto:
> > > I'm afraid KPackage is maintained no more,
> > > and I suggested re
Alle sabato 07 febbraio 2009, Daniel Silva ha scritto:
> Hi guys, can anyone help me?
> I'm trying to install kde 4.2. My sources.list only contains:
> "deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main
> deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main
> deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ exp
Hi All,
Has someone been able to make work the gadgets that you can download directly
from google? I have
just played a little with them but without any success. Another question is
how do I uninstall
downloaded application? They generally appear in the plasma menu, but I can't
found a way t
Alle domenica 08 febbraio 2009, Valerio Passini ha scritto:
> Hi All,
> Has someone been able to make work the gadgets that you can download
> directly from google? I have just played a little with them but without
> any success. Another question is how do I uninstall downloa
Alle Tuesday 10 February 2009, Ivan Grimaldi ha scritto:
> I have a problem with powerdevil on kde 4.2, when I suspend to ram the
> computer screen does not turn on. Someone has a solution?
Sorry, it's unclear what you mean. Do you want the screen to stay turned on
when the system is
Alle Tuesday 10 February 2009, Valerio Passini ha scritto:
> Sorry, it's unclear what you mean. Do you want the screen to stay turned on
> when the system is suspended? Consider that it can be unrelated to
> powerdevil can you try other ways to suspend and see if they works? I'
Alle Wednesday 11 February 2009, Ivan Grimaldi ha scritto:
> yes i have Nvidia card (Nvidia geforce 8800m), i have read there is a
> problem with a DPMS and powerdevil...have you a solution?because it's a
> problem when a pc suspend
> Ivan
From what I have read on nv forum, it depends on the dri
Hi All,
I have configured several keyboard shortcuts bot none is actually working, even
the defined from
default Volume up and Volume Down with OSD. Is anybody else experiencing the
same or there is
someone with a solution?
Alle giovedì 19 febbraio 2009, Andreas Jacob ha scritto:
> On Wednesday 18 February 2009 20:01:57 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have configured several keyboard shortcuts bot none is actually
> > working, even the defined from default Volume up and V
Alle giovedì 19 febbraio 2009, Andreas Jacob ha scritto:
> I also installed the release candidate early in the mid/end of January,
> meaning i upgraded from 4.1 to the pre release. But my global shortcuts,
> assigned to an multimedia key, stopped working immediately.
> The mysterious thing for me,
Alle mercoledì 25 febbraio 2009, Bernard Gray ha scritto:
> Hi All,
> I'm using current kde 4.2.0 packages from experimental - but I've not
> yet worked out how to get the desktop search working on tags.
> I have "Nepomuk Semantic Desktop" enabled in systemsettings, however I
> can't enable the s
Alle giovedì 26 febbraio 2009, Dominik Schulz ha scritto:
> Am Donnerstag 26 Februar 2009 01:07:35 schrieb Bernard Gray:
> > On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Valerio Passini
> >
> > wrote:
> > > Alle mercoledì 25 febbraio 2009, Bernard Gray ha scritto:
> > &
Alle sabato 28 febbraio 2009, DVW ha scritto:
> Anyway it's a big handicap for Linux to be a real alternative to Windows
> this distro "slavery". If just there were a really working aptitude-like
> app which allowed to install form sources and resolve dependencies and
> updates... Daydreaming, I su
Alle domenica 01 marzo 2009, ddkconsulta...@gmail.com ha scritto:
> Sorry but I am just a newbie, so forgive me in advance :-)
> I just want to get my great Debian 5 with KDE start ups with numlock
> on and the numlock led on.
> I googled a lot but nu solution found.
> KDE numlock on setting
Alle domenica 01 marzo 2009, ddkconsulta...@gmail.com ha scritto:
> How can you check the bug with Debian?
That's easy: open a browser to
Then you must fill the form.
This approach is useful for just navigate into bugs.
If you want to file a bugreport you should use
Alle lunedì 02 marzo 2009, Lisi Reisz ha scritto:
> On Sunday 01 March 2009 23:29:36 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > And remember: google is your friend. In other words: even if you are new
> > to Linux and/or Debian, search always by yourself a solution at the best
> > of your p
Alle mercoledì 04 marzo 2009, Patrice Pillot ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Those two apps were recently removed from testing since they were not
> present anymore in sid.
> I suppose this may be related to the fact that they don't seem to be
> maintain well upstream and moreover, since KDE4 is on its way
> Apart from one thing -- knetload & kcpuload when clicked on, produced a
> text window with the actual data rate or cpu usage. The plasma widgets
> I've tried don't do that and since the network one autoscales it's hard
> to use for more than "is anything happening or not"
I agree with you, but
Alle domenica 08 marzo 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> Hola.
> First. Are you sure you want to install ALL KDE4, with all the games, the
> educational programs, etc, etc? If not you can try the package
> "kde4-minimal" and later install the programs you want individually.
> Second.
> After making the dist-upgrade, currently I can see severl warning about
> /etc/modprobe.d/ blacklist.XXX has not config file, .. etc etc ...
> Are there something broken in the branch?
As I told you before, don't worry for now: it's normal and it depends on
module-init-tools. It has
Alle giovedì 12 marzo 2009, Guan de dio ha scritto:
> Hi there,
> After making a distr-upgrate from Debian Lenny with KDE3.5 to Debian
> 5.0 SID I always have a black screen for logging. I need to logging using
> the console mode.
>I remember that listers told something similar iss
Alle venerdì 13 marzo 2009, Ana Guerrero ha scritto:
> You will see a program named kaboom
> doing this in the future (again, no yet!)
First of all many thanks for all your efforts that you put in packaging and in
mailing list. Where can I find the homepage/project page of kaboom? I'm
Alle venerdì 13 marzo 2009, Guan de dio ha scritto:
> Hello there,
> It's not a KDE question, it is more general, I expect that
> someone can to help me.
> After a several fights with Debien, I have now installed KDE4.2.1
> using a Debian sid branch :)
> The screen it is not in o
Alle venerdì 13 marzo 2009, Ana Guerrero ha scritto:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:37:21PM +0100, Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Alle venerdì 13 marzo 2009, Ana Guerrero ha scritto:
> > > You will see a program named kaboom
> > > doing this in the future (again, no yet!)
Alle sabato 14 marzo 2009, Herbert S. ha scritto:
> After doing a) you can run the NVIDIA-installation program (Download it
> from the NVIDIA Homepage (the ONE that I use is:
> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82-pkg1.run )
> Herbert
I don't agree on this point. Why do you mess your system when packages are
> there's plasma-widget-networkmanagement package.
> At the moment, it's in NEW queue:
> http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.1~svn926
> I use it and it works fine.
> cheers,
> Fathi
Lucky one, when will we be able to install/try it?
> However, you can clone the git repository (you can find the url in the
> above html page) and build the package yourself (dpkg-buildpackage
> -rfakeroot -uc -b should work).
> ciao,
> Stefano
> > Ciao
> >
> > Valerio
Thank you for the hint, but it's non-trivial to retrieve source code from
Dear Developers,
I'm happy to have finally found plasma-widget-networkmanagement/weather widgets
in experimental but I have some problems with them.
The weather applet is very similar to the other one bundled at the moment with
KDE4.2 that allows only to choice weather services among a subset of
Alle venerdì 27 marzo 2009, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Select source "BBC Weather", enter the city below and press "Search". It
> should not be a big problem to get forecast for Europe countries from that
> source. However, current situation wrt weather plasmoids is ridiculous though.
Alle venerdì 27 marzo 2009, Mark Purcell ha scritto:
> I guess some more localised plugins for local weather would be a sensible way
> forward.
Following the suggestion from Modestas, I have filed an RFP to Debian BTS, but
I have decided to promote the packaging of a different plasmoid for weath
Alle Monday 06 April 2009, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On 2009 m. April 6 d., Monday 14:57:47 Ana Guerrero wrote:
> > Well, it gets annoying so much people asking. Not only in the mailing list,
> > also private emails, IRC, etc. When we have something to tell, we do. If we
> > were a
Dear Developers,
Lancelot is a nice replacement for kickoff and bears several features among of
which there is the possibility to access disk partitions and devices connected
to the computer. I have a dual boot machine with a couple of NTFS partitions
that I don't need to access normally, thus
Thank you, Manolete
> Are you sure it's a distro especific problem, it only happens in Debian?
> Perhaps is a Lancelot one.
I can't be sure since I use only Debian
> I'd recommend you to search, and eventually post, in http://forum.kde.org
I going to search, but this way is going to incre
Alle Wednesday 08 April 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ha scritto:
> In <200904090014.01454.modes...@vainius.eu>, Modestas Vainius wrote:
> >On 2009 m. April 8 d., Wednesday 23:59:10 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> >> Then file the bug at the Debian BTS and the maintainer will forward it
> >> to upst
Alle Thursday 09 April 2009, Alejandro Exojo ha scritto:
> El Jueves, 9 de Abril de 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. escribió:
> > Can you think how fast a RFS on the debian-mentors list would
> > be denied if accompanied by "I won't have time to deal with bugs, please
> > file them all upstream."?
Alle Thursday 09 April 2009, hai scritto:
> Hello
> I'm using KDE 4 since the beginning (on Sid with experimental packages).
> Yesterday I've upgraded to KDE 422 and migrate my .kde4 to .kde
> Some hardware related things are not working anymore since the upgrade
> (I'm using a laptop):
> - pho
Alle Monday 13 April 2009, Mark Purcell ha scritto:
> On Saturday 11 April 2009 19:21:11 Arthur Marsh wrote:
> > > upstream. Takes me about 3-6 minutes per bug. Because that is what
> > > Debian is about. Lots of people, like you, doing a little bit of work
> > > when they have some spare time.
Alle Monday 13 April 2009, Charles de Miramon ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have upgraded my Debian sid box to KDE4. Thank you for the packaging work
> !
> I have a USB Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard and upgrading to KDE4 (and maybe
> to the latest xorg) broke the keyboard mapping. For example,
Alle Monday 13 April 2009, Charles de Miramon ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini wrote:
> >
> > IMHO this is not KDE's fault, but X: probably you will notice that in
> > terminal the console is working properly. In the last X version keyboard
> > and m
> No. It does not work with your xorg.conf. But with your options, I get
> compositing and the desktop effects work ;-)
> Cheers,
> Charles
Ok, next big improvement can be selecting the right keyboard layout.
Have you configured your console layout? X use the same.
Can you post here
Alle Thursday 23 April 2009, Edward C. Jones ha scritto:
> I have an AMD64 chip, so I use the AMD64 port of Debian. I use the
> unstable distribution. About two weeks ago, there was a major update of
> KDE for unstable. As part of this update, synaptic wanted to remove
> kdebase, kde-core, and k
Alle sabato 25 aprile 2009, Marc Bantle ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded from lenny(stable) to testing.
> Keyboard works for login in kdm as well
> as on console (ctrl+alt+F1). In KDE no
> keyboard input is available, just mouse.
> I attached some logs, in which I couldn't
> find anythi
Alle Sunday 26 April 2009, hai scritto:
> On Saturday 25 Apr 2009, Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Alle giovedì 23 aprile 2009, Bob ha scritto:
> > > I can set the screensaver and display power management with the "System
> > > Settings" application and these para
Alle Tuesday 28 April 2009, Felix Homann ha scritto:
> Hi,
> first, let me state that Konqueror has been my standard browser for
> many, many years now. It has been my standard browser although:
> 1. Javascript *never* worked decently IMO
> 2. Flash *never* worked decently IMO
Alle Tuesday 28 April 2009, Felix Homann ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Valerio Passini wrote:
> >
> > I think you are just missing the point that this is Open Source/Free
> > Software and its development is not tied to any economical revenue.
> I don&
Alle Tuesday 28 April 2009, Felix Homann ha scritto:
> Most probably, your rather a little less ;-) The effect grows with the
> size of your mailboxes. KMail didn't stop working for me, either. I
> stopped working with KMail, because I couldn't fluently write emails
> anymore. While KMail was fi
I was playing a little with desktop effects and found that the Looking glass
doesn't work and freezes plasma too.
Is it happening only to me?
Alle Thursday 30 April 2009, emikaadeo ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was playing a little with desktop effects and found that the Looking
> > glass doesn't work and freezes plasma too. Is it happening only to me?
> >
Alle Monday 04 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> Frank Störzer:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Am Monday 04 May 2009 19:42:38 schrieb Dietz Pröpper:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > stupid question - where is the configuration of the kde4 print dialog
> > > stored? Stuff like which printing system to use, special printe
Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini:
> > Alle Monday 04 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> > > Frank Störzer:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Am Monday 04 May 2009 19:42:38 schrieb Dietz Pröpper:
> >
Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini:
> > Alle Monday 04 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> > > Frank Störzer:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Am Monday 04 May 2009 19:42:38 schrieb Dietz Pröpper:
> >
Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, Christoph Burgmer ha scritto:
> Am Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009 schrieb Valerio Passini:
> > Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> > > Valerio Passini:
> > > > Alle Monday 04 May 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> >
Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, marc ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini said:
> > You should add a pdf printer to CUPS. First install cups-pdf,
> As I understand it, the need for cups-pdf has gone, because the ability
> to generate a pdf is available via print to file, in all case
Alle Tuesday 05 May 2009, marc ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini said:
> > You should add a pdf printer to CUPS. First install cups-pdf,
> As I understand it, the need for cups-pdf has gone, because the ability
> to generate a pdf is available via print to file, in all case
Dear Developers,
the applet in experimental is now working on my home wi-fi lan, protected with
WEP, and I
would like to thank you for packaging it and KDE4 developers for constantly
everything to meet our needs, regardless of the exaggereted complaints about
their work.
Thank you
Alle lunedì 01 giugno 2009, tv.deb...@googlemail.com ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I use KDE4 on Squeeze, I noticed that when I "eject" my camera (usb,
> mass storage mode) with the default "new devices" plasmoïd (the one
> sitting in the panel) I don't get the message "remove ok" I used to get
> from
Alle mercoledì 03 giugno 2009, David ha scritto:
> Hi there.
> - Ctrl+Alt+Backspace seems to have been disabled.
> I'm already using the Dontzap serverflags xorg.conf option, that
> doesn't seem to make a difference (I disagree with with xorg having
> changed this package, and users not being
Alle mercoledì 03 giugno 2009, Diederik de Haas ha scritto:
> In the Kickoff - Leave menu there is an option to log out, but it always
> shuts down my computer, just like Shutdown does.
> How can I configure it to actually log out?
> Or is Ctl + Alt + Backspace the way to do that?
No, it's weird,
Alle giovedì 04 giugno 2009, Diederik de Haas ha scritto:
> do have that blue button, but it invokes the shutdown procedure :-/
> Ctl + Alt + Backspace does work for me, since I have the DontZap Serverflag
> in my xorg.conf.The C+A+BS 'solution' was actually written in annoyance
> since I fell in
Alle giovedì 11 giugno 2009, Marcus Better ha scritto:
> Hi,
> after upgrading from kernel to 2.6.30, desktop effects cannot be
> enabled anymore in KDE 4.2.4.
> The system is a Thinkpad T61 with Intel GM965, xserver-xorg-video-intel
> 2:, xserver-xorg-core 2:, usi
Alle giovedì 11 giugno 2009, Marcus Better ha scritto:
> Stefano Avallone wrote:
> > What's the output of glxinfo regarding the OpenGL renderer string? If it
> > is software rasterizer, it may explain the lack of desktop effects.
> $ glxinfo |grep render
> direct rendering: Yes
> OpenGL renderer
Alle venerdì 19 giugno 2009, Diederik de Haas ha scritto:
> On Thursday 18 June 2009 22:26:39 marc wrote:
> > Just so you know, Ubuntu doesn't supply any help system with kmail; it's
> > completely empty.
> I've noticed that basically all KDE documentation is severely out of date
> :-( And I thin
Alle domenica 21 giugno 2009, Edson Marquezani Filho ha scritto:
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 19:05, Federico Brega wrote:
> > I've got this issue too. I'd like to compile nvidia module following
> > the Debian way, so I use module-assistant to not install the nvidia
> > driver every time a switch to
Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> Hi there,
> after a while of digging around why KDE4.2 wont display some KDE app icons,
> its seems that
> KDE wont use the (installed) hicolor icon theme.
> How can I fix this?
> Thanks
> jeibie
Have you chosen the right icon theme li
Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> > Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> > > Hi there,
> > > after a while of digging around why KDE4.2 wont display some KDE app
> >
> > icons,
> >
> > > its seems that
> > > KDE wont use the (installed) hicolor icon th
Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> > Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> > > > Alle venerdì 26 giugno 2009, Juergen Hornung ha scritto:
> > > > > Hi there,
> > > > > after a while of digging around why KDE4.2 wont display some KDE
> > > > > app
> > > >
Alle Wednesday 01 July 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> Hi, List.
> As far as I've read it seems that isn't going to be a 4.2.5 release for KDE
> (correct me if I'm worng) since developers prfer to concentrate on
> polishing 4.3, so my question I think is previsible: Shall we have 4.
Alle martedì 07 luglio 2009, Didier Lecardez ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I'm using KDE 4.2 and I'm adding a "Folder View" widget in a panel. By
> default the icon used by this widget is represented by a 'home' icon.
> I would like to change this default icon, because I'll have many "Folder
> view" to
Alle lunedì 20 luglio 2009, David Baron ha scritto:
> Worth a try or best wait for 4.3 on Sid?
Given that you have to wait just a week or so for the new, official and likely
stable KDE
4.3 release packaged for Debian, it's up to you to try. I think that it's not
worth after
all to compile ever
Alle lunedì 20 luglio 2009, Valerio Passini ha scritto:
> Alle lunedì 20 luglio 2009, David Baron ha scritto:
> > Worth a try or best wait for 4.3 on Sid?
> Given that you have to wait just a week or so for the new, official and
> likely stable KDE 4.3 release packaged for Debi
Dear Developers,
At the moment with apt-get dist-upgrade the system tells that several packages
are going to be removed. I don't know if the packaging has been redesigned or
the packages removed or it's only needed to wait a little more for the packages
to be available on every mirror. Please,
Alle giovedì 06 agosto 2009, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> They need to be rebuilt.
Fast and precise as usual. Thank You.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Alle venerdì 07 agosto 2009, B A ha scritto:
> Okay, I have seen some of the traffic on this list, missing packages, lack
> of functionality etc.
> I run Compiz atop kde 4.2.4, and I am wondering if anyone knows what might
> break. Has anyone tried kde 4.3 with compiz? I use compiz instead of the
Oggetto: Re: digiKam and KDE 4.2.3 ugrade
Data: venerdì 07 agosto 2009
Da: Valerio Passini
A: benj...@gmail.com
Alle giovedì 06 agosto 2009, Benjamí Villoslada ha scritto:
> Hi,
> After KDE 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 upgrade digiKam doesn't show images.
> I've deleted confi
Alle venerdì 07 agosto 2009, Benjamí Villoslada ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Since KDE 4.2.3 upgrade Klipper doesn't show the «Open With» option after
> one URL copy. Maybe the reason is that «Regular expressions» configuration
> section is empty? I don't remember this from the KDE 4.2.2 version.
I thi
Alle venerdì 14 agosto 2009, Dietz Pröpper ha scritto:
> Quoting myself...
> You:
> > using the openssl version from above, konqueror complains that it
> > can not verify ceritificates due to some unqualified "internal error".
> > I don't know, wether it happens on all certificates. One example
Alle lunedì 24 agosto 2009, jedd ha scritto:
> On Sun 2009-08-23, George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> > 2009/8/23 jedd :
> > > With konsoles, typically full-screen, or at least full-vertical
> > > size, click-and-hold the top or side edge and start to re-size.
> > > For me I'm getting a 2s delay - during
Alle martedì 25 agosto 2009, jedd ha scritto:
> Hi Valerio,
> Thanks for your suggestion, and your xorg device section.
> I copied that into my xorg, replacing my existing sections for
> my two 8600's.
> It just took 8 seconds to resize an empty (apart from a prompt)
> konsole that occu
Alle lunedì 07 settembre 2009, roberto ha scritto:
> hello, i find the following problem while connecting to Internet by
> knetworkmanager:
> my system:
> 1. OS: debian lenny 5.0
> 2. kernel: 2.6.26
> 3. kde: 3.5
> knetworkmanager detects all available wireless networks in the area,
> using a
Alle lunedì 07 settembre 2009, drz ha scritto:
> Am Sonntag 06 September 2009 17:56:40 schrieb drz:
> > Hi there
> >
> > I got a problem here with desktop effects on 4.3.1 on a Powerbook g4
> > (powerbook 5,4 / ATI Technologies Inc RV350 Mobility Radeon 9600 M10).
> >
> > If I activate desktop eff
Alle lunedì 07 settembre 2009, drz ha scritto:
You don't need almost anything here. :)
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
> Driver "kbd"
> Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
> Option "XkbModel" "pc1
When system-config-printer-kde is installed and I try to print something from
within a KDE4 (KDE-4.3.1) application like Okular, the print process is very
very slow. The dialog window takes more than a minute to appear and the printer
starts printing after a similar amount of time.
Alle Monday 21 September 2009, BasaBuru ha scritto:
> Hello:
> I'm look for a mode to change the kde icon appears in the plasma cube at
> top and bottom. And i can't
> Do you now how???
> thanks
> BasaBuru
It doesn't seem a real problem, I hope you can do better than this. :)
Alle Thursday 24 September 2009, Cassiano Leal ha scritto:
> I'm trying to find out how to use Nepomuk and Strigi for indexing my
> files.
> I have managed to make Nepomuk use Strigi (as far as I can tell), and
> there is a Nepomuk icon in my system tray.
> When I click it, a window entitles
Alle Wednesday 30 September 2009, Rod Lovett ha scritto:
> Hi Jed,
> I am even beginning to enjoy Gnome after KDE 4.x,
> Debian Lenny still uses KDE 3.5.10, and that just works.
> So I less than happy with KDE 4.x also, it is bloated, ?permanently
> lost the KISS principle and floundering a b
Alle Wednesday 30 September 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> Well, Integration and eyecandy aren't exactly the same thing; but you
> may be right here, ok. I mentioned K3b just as an example of things
> that could have been done before if all those pretty themes,
> plasmoids, effects
Alle Thursday 01 October 2009, Karl Schmidt ha scritto:
> Please cc -- I'm off list..
> http://kde4.debian.net/
> (I think so?)
> This is the correct one?
> http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde4.html
> -
> --
Hi Everybody,
As from subject, I have found that kover, a small application for KDE4
to create booklets/covers for various kinds of CD cases is really slow
to start (about a minute in my case). I'm trying to help solving it but
it's difficult to understand if it is just a misconfiguration: i.e.
Alle Friday 09 October 2009, tv.deb...@googlemail.com ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Hi Everybody,
> >
> > As from subject, I have found that kover, a small application for
> > KDE4 to create booklets/covers for various kinds of CD cases is
> > really sl
Alle sabato 17 ottobre 2009, Nate Bargmann ha scritto:
> After a brief search I found that I needed to install the
> konq-plugins package for the searchbar extension which I did. When
> I go to Settings|Configure Extensions the Search Bar plugin is shown
> as available and enabled. When I go t
Hi All,
it seems that Qt has improved enough to recognize more media-keys on my
keyboard. In the past trying to bind some of the media buttons would
have generated an "unknown code" in qt. What is missing now is a proper
action in consequence of the pressing, I have bound two keys to dolphin
Alle mercoledì 21 ottobre 2009, Spiros Gatzounas ha scritto:
> I am looking for the kcoloredit and kregexpeditor applications for
> kde4 in testing/unstable but I cannot find them.
> Are they planned to be packaged and included?
> Thanks
> *
> *
kcolorchooser sobstitutes kcoloredit, kre
Alle lunedì 09 novembre 2009, Ing. Tadeo Vargas ha scritto:
> HI
> As you may now by know, there is a bug regarding with Radeon Xpress
> 200 chipset in kernel 2.6.30-* the bug number is # 514286
> Same thing happened to me, i upgraded to the kernel 2.6.30-* version
> and when rebooted my Deskt
Alle domenica 22 novembre 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> Hi.
> Any of you have experienced the annoying issue of Iceweasel not
> really closing after quit it, hear how your computer's fan starts to
> blow furiously and go checking system monitor to see that
> firefox-bin or xulr
Alle domenica 22 novembre 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> e, but I use dark backgrounds and light fonts (I cant stand much time
> in front of my screen with all that white and light grey without
> feeling visually fatigued, besides dark colors save some minutes
> when using battery)
Alle mercoledì 25 novembre 2009, Manolete, ese artista... ha scritto:
> Sorry for my previous message. My intention was to reply the author
> privately, but I clicked the normal reply button.
No problem, now we know (at least those who speak a Romance language)
that you have kindly explained
Alle Saturday 28 November 2009, B. Alexander ha scritto:
> I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this question, but here
> goes...
> I just built a brand new sid box at my new job. On that box, I am
> running KDE 4.3.2 and using Compiz as a window manager. I know KDE4
> has its own comp
Alle sabato 12 dicembre 2009, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> > On my nvidia (proprietary drivers) box I've had to
> > revert back to the vanilla 'nv' drivers to resolve the
> > permanent snow (over whole screen) look. I tried:
> > NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1.run
> > NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.3
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