Alle Thursday 24 September 2009, Cassiano Leal ha scritto:
> I'm trying to find out how to use Nepomuk and Strigi for indexing my
>  files.
> I have managed to make Nepomuk use Strigi (as far as I can tell), and
> there is a Nepomuk icon in my system tray.
> When I click it, a window entitles "Nepomuk Strigi File Indexing -
> Nepomuk Service Stub" pops up.
> In this window, I can read:
> "Nepomuk Strigi File Indexing"
> "Strigi Indexing State
> Strigi is currently indexing files in folder <somefolder>"
> "Nepomuk Storage State
> Indexed files: 0 files in index
> Nepomuk store size: 813.4 MiB"
> The first thing that I noticed is that even though Nepomuk's store
> size is almost 1GB, there are no files indexed. The other thing is
> that it is very slow to change directories while indexing.
> Anybody has any comments on that?
> Thanks a lot,
> - Cassiano
I don't think it is supposed to work at the moment. I remember that it's 
disabled because of redland's low performances and the difficulties to 
package sesame, that are two backends required for indexing (buzzword, 
buzzword, buzzword that I'm using without mercy). You can follow a 
guide, like the one in Sidux, to try nepomuk, but think that would be 
hard for anyone to try helping you at the moment. Good luck


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