Alle mercoledì 03 giugno 2009, David ha scritto:
> Hi there.

> - Ctrl+Alt+Backspace seems to have been disabled.

> I'm already using the Dontzap serverflags xorg.conf option, that
> doesn't seem to make a difference (I disagree with with xorg having
> changed this package, and users not being warned afaict, but that's
> offtopic for this list...).
If you use stock kernel you can press the combination Alt+SysStamp+k to kill 
running in that console or VT, otherwise you must enable kernel hacking-> Magic 
sysrq key 
and re-compile.

> - I can't configure the date format in the system tray clock. It shows
> "3 Jun 2009", I want it to show 2009-06-03
Launch systemsettings go to Country language options and set manually the date 
format you 
want if it's not present in the dropdown menu. For exampe:AAAA/MM/DD
Hope this helps. Bye


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