> Apart from one thing -- knetload & kcpuload when clicked on, produced a
> text window with the actual data rate or  cpu usage. The plasma widgets
> I've tried don't do that and since the network one autoscales it's hard
> to use for more than "is anything happening or not"

I agree with you, but I premised that they are different aka they are not a 
full replacement. 
Probably the next applets will be more complex and sport more features. It's a 
matter of fact that 
KDE4 is not feature complete and as mature as it is KDE3.5, but this is going 
to change for good in 
the next months. Until then you must live with some missing features, small 
problems, etc. When you 
really miss something you can install/pin kde3.5 from stable.


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