Alle sabato 31 gennaio 2009, Nick Shaforostoff ha scritto:
> On Saturday 31 January 2009 13:04:21 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Alle sabato 31 gennaio 2009, Nick Shaforostoff ha scritto:
> > > I'm afraid KPackage is maintained no more,
> > > and I suggested removing it from kdeadmin upstream.
> > >
> > > What makes KPackage UI better then the one of Adept (or anything else)
> > > for you?
> >
> > kpackage is the application I was behaved to when I wanted to get a list
> > of packages and a description of them.
> apt-cache search <regexp>
> I have it aliased to be 'as <regexp>' under root.
> alias as='apt-cache search'
> plus apt-cache show
> > Another important reason why I liked kpackage was the ability to browse
> > the installed packages and even the single files.
> list packages: dpkg -l <globexp> | grep II
> list files: dpkg -L <package>
> also see apt-file.
> > It was very handy to check for README's, configuration samples and so on.
> > It was a matter of clicking on the file and having it displayed in
> > konqueror, in kwrite or inside ark. That is why I consider it more useful
> > than synaptic. Another feature that I liked is the ability of kpackage of
> > displaying at a quick glance any missing file in a package.
> there is a command line expression somewhere for that. googlable.
> > Last but not least I have
> > translated its documentation :) and I'm sorry to see kpackage
> > disappearing.
> Well, I'm translator myself. A lot of docs bevome obsote with KDE4.
> > BTW if it's supposed to remove kpackage, I agree that I should use
> > something different like adept (I tried it a long time ago and I didn't
> > feel a good impression from it, but now things have changed for good).
> > Anyhow adept is still missing the features I had mentioned above. I hope
> > to have answered to your question.
> Yes. thank you for the desired features list.

I agree almost on everything except the fact I would like to use GUI because 
it's simpler. I had to 
learn apt because was a basic tool in Debian, but I dream the day when I could 
forget about it.
Anyhow, adept too is no more maintained, you can read why here:
Are you involved in some way with a development of a package manager for Debian?

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