Re: [Clamav-users] amavisd-new + clamAV ?

2007-07-05 Thread Kevin
ciate for your suggestion and sharing. Kevin 2007/7/4, Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > When you restart amavisd, check /var/log/maillog and see whether it then > finds > the clamd socket as the primary virus scanner, rather than just clamscan. > > Double-check w

Re: [clamav-users] Tips for low memory systems

2014-05-27 Thread Kevin Lin
natures and, if JIT is desired with a smaller memory footprint in clamav, you can configure clamav with "--with-system-llvm" to use the system's native llvm. -Kevin On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Michael Heuberger <> wrote: > Hello ever

Re: [clamav-users] clamscan : correct syntax : exclude Directory

2014-06-12 Thread Kevin Lin
"/BTC" directory. For further information on clamscan options, you can refer to the clamscan man page or run *clamscan --help*. -Kevin On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 2:39 PM, ellanios82 wrote: > Hello List > > > my hope is to exclude from clamscan a Bitc

Re: [clamav-users] invalid icon entries?

2014-08-12 Thread Kevin Lin
most part. Regards, Kevin On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Tom wrote: > When I run clamscan (clamav-0.98.4-1.el6.rf.x86_64), I get this output: > > LibClamAV Warning: cli_scanicon: found 3 invalid icon entries of 3 total > LibClamAV Warning: cli_scanicon: found 3 invalid icon e

Re: [clamav-users] Locked freshclam.log error msg

2014-09-23 Thread Kevin Lin
at process is locking a freshclam.log. -Kevin On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 6:26 PM, David Cain wrote: > ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = > /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log). > ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by ano

Re: [clamav-users] Configure Options For Minimal Install

2015-01-21 Thread Kevin Lin
'clamscan' is an on-demand scanner. In regards to the blog post, have you tried running 'autoreconf' after your changes? I'm assuming the 'SUBDIRS' changes were to an autotools file. -Kevin On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Ed Christiansen MS wrote: > I

Re: [clamav-users] Unclear how to proceed after Windows install

2015-02-13 Thread Kevin Lin
;clamscan' is also a stand-alone scanner. For additional information for program usage, you can read the program's help message or query its manpage. -Kevin On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Jonathan Coles wrote: > I installed clamav-0.98.6-win32.msi on Windows. It added nothing to

Re: [clamav-users] [SUSPECTED SPAM] Re: Calamav cannot scan tar file and gzip files?

2015-02-17 Thread Kevin Lin
natively support parsing HTTP messages. When I send a file to scan to clamd using curl, clamd fails to understand the message and sends back the message: UNKNOWN COMMAND -Kevin On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Noel Jones wrote: > On 2/17/2015 12:11 AM, Manoj Ramakrishnan wrote: > >

Re: [clamav-users] Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain FP

2015-08-25 Thread Kevin Lin
scan-precedence=yes" is set as well. Additionally, you can provide the false positive to -Kevin On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Alex wrote: > Hi, > > I have an email with an apparent false-positive spoofed domain. How > can I determine

Re: [clamav-users] Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain FP

2015-08-25 Thread Kevin Lin
It's not necessary to whitelist the heuristic. If you choose to, you can whitelist the domain which can be done using a .wdb signature. There is documentation on how to write an entry in the phishsigs_howto.pdf document. -Kevin On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Charles Swiger wrote: > O

Re: [clamav-users] some clamd.conf issues

2016-01-11 Thread Kevin Lin
It appears that the "PCREMaxFileSize" options is currently set to accept raw numbers and not sizes as indicated by the documentation. This is a minor bug in the current release of ClamAV 0.99. The work around would be to use "26214400" instead of "25M". -Kevin O

[clamav-users] DNS queries to

2016-02-10 Thread Kevin Kretz
list archives, the manual, and the FAQ but haven't found an answer. Thanks Kevin Kretz ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:

[clamav-users] clamav ignoring HTTPProxyServer/HTTPProxyPort in freshclam.conf?

2016-02-17 Thread Kevin Kretz Can someone explain what these lookups are for please? Thanks Kevin ___ Help us build a comprehe

Re: [clamav-users] Unscannable MS Office files?

2016-04-02 Thread Kevin Lin
It seems as if the xml parser ClamAV is has some parsing errors in regard to this document variant. You could submit a bug report at; attaching a sample would also help. -Kevin On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 6:30 PM, David Shaw wrote: > Hello, > > I am using ClamAV 0.99 on

Re: [clamav-users] Strange problem with custom Yara rule

2016-04-13 Thread Kevin Lin
ClamAV, in order to optimize the AC algorithm execution, runs the filetype signatures alongside the malware detection signatures. ClamAV is set to immediately return after AC execution if a filetype signature detection occurs. This unfortunately causes the engine to skip PCRE signature execution.

Re: [clamav-users] Strange problem with custom Yara rule

2016-04-13 Thread Kevin Lin
Please refer to the bug report at: for the patch to resolve the issue. On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Kevin Lin wrote: > ClamAV, in order to optimize the AC algorithm execution, runs the filetype > signatures alongside the malware det

Re: [clamav-users] yara #match does not work with regex

2016-04-14 Thread Kevin Lin
o find all matches of the affected regex signature; yara signatures unfortunately do not have such an option at this time. -Kevin On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 7:27 PM, David Shrimpton wrote: > Using #match as a condition in a yara rule to > count the occurences of $match doesn't appear to >

Re: [clamav-users] LibClamAV warning, cli_pdf unimplemented filter DCTDECODE

2016-05-19 Thread Kevin Lin
uments is cli_pdf. In a nutshell, this warning occurs because ClamAV encountered a DCTDecode filter but does not have a implementation to decode that filter yet. It is possible but unlikely that associated document is malicious. -Kevin On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 12:43 AM, Rick Valenzuela wrote: > H

Re: [clamav-users] ClamWin finds malware, ClamAV doesn't.

2016-07-21 Thread Kevin Lin
additional information on clamscan options, refer to the clamscan manpage or use the the "--help" option. clamscan --help Finally, if you suspect that this may be a bug, please report the issue to and supply the appropriate samples. -Kevin On Wed, Jul 20

Re: [clamav-users] ClamWin finds malware, ClamAV doesn't.

2016-07-26 Thread Kevin Lin
ding the engine limits as scanning oversized files can be dangerous. -Kevin On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:10 AM, Al Varnell wrote: > You might be able to re-compile the ClamAV source and configure it with > --maxfilesize=xxM, but the limit is there to prevent severe system damage > that can r

Re: [Clamav-users] 0.91 - high load under solaris (and FreeBSD?)

2007-07-27 Thread Kevin Way
I just had a report from one of my sysadmins of a similar problem under FreeBSD. The load was up around 40, almost all of it spent in interrupts, all caused by clamav. We were using the libmap.conf trick that had prevented bad behavior under 0.9. It's the first time the trouble has occurre

[Clamav-users] Anyone solve the powerpoint issue yet?

2007-07-30 Thread Kevin Windham
also notice that clamscan doesn't seem to have the same problem clamd does, but I haven't looked into that further yet since I needed to get my mail server up and running again. It may be a configuration difference that I didn't noti

Re: [Clamav-users] Anyone solve the powerpoint issue yet?

2007-07-30 Thread Kevin Windham
On Jul 30, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Oliver Schwarz wrote: > kevin, > > i ran into the same problem with clamd, but was able to dig a bit > deeper and figuring out, that as soon as an attachement was encoded > in octet-stream clamd would run nuts. the logs showed it crashed, but > the

Re: [Clamav-users] clamd suddenly starts dying

2007-08-02 Thread Kevin Windham
sages with powerpoint attachments in the queue? I noticed that was killing my clamd recently. I ended up disabling the OLE2 and we haven't had any issues since. HTH, Kevin ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

[Clamav-users] Virus definition file /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd is missing....

2007-08-04 Thread Kevin Williams
tell me what am I doing wrong or what is going on ? Thanks for any help. Kevin ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

[Clamav-users] Virus definition file /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd is missing....

2007-08-04 Thread Kevin Williams
ssage ! I just changed the script to look for the new database and things are working just fine as the way they meant to be. Sorry again. Thanks anyways, Kevin On August 4, 2007 13:09:44 Kevin wrote: > I just upgraded clamav to the latest svn version an hour ago. Now, when I > run

Re: [Clamav-users] Testers needed

2007-11-26 Thread Kevin Windham
so I don't think it's critical if you don't care to support OS X. Regards, Kevin ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Testers needed

2007-11-26 Thread Kevin Windham
On Nov 26, 2007, at 12:57 PM, Gerard wrote: >> > I know nothing about OS X, so I cannot test against it directly. I > use 'wget' > because I like it better than 'curl'. Strictly a personal > preference. I might > include an option to use 'curl' in place of 'wget' at some future > date. > >

Re: [Clamav-users] Stopping Phish Success

2009-01-21 Thread Kevin Gagel
Is this information publicly viewable anywhere? Kevin W. Gagel Network Administrator Local 5448 My blog: My shared files: --- Original message --- Subject: [Clamav-users] Stopping Phish Success From: Nigel Horne To: ClamAV

Re: [Clamav-users] Stopping Phish Success

2009-01-21 Thread Kevin Gagel
Awsome! Kevin W. Gagel Network Administrator Local 5448 My blog: My shared files: --- Original message --- Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Stopping Phish Success From: Nigel Horne To: ClamAV users ML Date: 21/01/2009 11:12 AM

[Clamav-users] clamav-milter 0.95.1 logging deficiencies

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Clark
I'm following up on a previous post about logging to maillog: I am using Sendmail 8.13 on CentOS-4 but whereas previously with 0.94.2 I would get a log entry in /var/log/maillog for every scanned message I now only get a log even

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter 0.95.1 logging deficiencies

2009-04-16 Thread Kevin Clark
> > I'm following up on a previous post about logging to maillog: > > > > > > > > I am using Sendmail 8.13 on CentOS-4 but whereas previously with > 0.94.2 I would get a log entry in /var/log/maillog for every scanned > message I now

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter 0.95.1 logging deficiencies

2009-04-17 Thread Kevin Clark
> > What am I missing? > > > > I believe Kevin is seeking an option similar to clamd's LogClean option > in clamav-milter. > > From clamd.conf: > > > > # Also log clean files. Useful in debugging but drastically increases > the > #

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter 0.95.1 logging deficiencies

2009-04-20 Thread Kevin Clark
> > Kevin Clark wrote: > > Craig is correct - I would like clamav-milter to log clean files as > > well as infected ones much like it used to. > > Hi Kevin, > I think this is pretty pointless as that would basically duplicate any > line already in the logs. Tha

Re: [clamav-users] FW: ClamAV - Open Source License

2017-11-29 Thread Kevin Kretz
The first sentence on the the "About" page on, which is the first response when googling "clamAV license": "ClamAV ® is an open source (GPL) anti-virus engine" From: "Peggy Anstett" To: "clamav-users" Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 12:57:33 PM Subject: [clamav-users] FW: C

Re: [Clamav-users] How to test ClamAV installation

2003-12-02 Thread Kevin Brouelette
iding a virus, but apparently MailScanner or ClamAV doesn't > realize the file is there or doesn't pick it up (I think it's the EICAR virus). Hello This is the safe way to test any av engine. Kevin --- Th

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav and squid

2003-12-02 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 13:42, Benny Pedersen wrote: > > ONAY, Gabriel wrote: > > I have heard, that is possible to use clamav with squid. > > Is that right? We use clamav with DansGuardian Anti-Virus ( ) which sits between squid and users and

Re: [Clamav-users] Bagle Virus/Worm Status?

2004-01-19 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 20:57, Tom Walsh wrote: > Anybody seen these yet? > > > > There has been some discussion on bugtraq about it's payload today. > > Just curious... > Yeah, we had about 30 today so far. It seems to be spreading quite rapidl

Re: [Clamav-users] Bagle Virus/Worm Status?

2004-01-19 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 21:31, Tim Wilde wrote: > On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Kevin Spicer wrote: > > > Yeah, we had about 30 today so far. It seems to be spreading quite > > rapidly. Good news is its supposed to deactivate on the 28th. > > Only 30? I've seen over 500 on

Re: [Clamav-users] Bagle Virus/Worm Status?

2004-01-20 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 11:12, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote: > Kevin Spicer wrote: > > >I guess it depends on how much mail you handle! To put mine in > >perspective I'm talking a daily load of only about 7000 messages of > >which only about 3-4000 will be incoming. So pro

[Clamav-users] Listing viruses in the db?

2004-01-20 Thread Kevin Hanser
Title: Message With the release of thei Bagle/Beagle/whatever worm, I was asked to check if our scanner (clamav) was updated to catch it.  In previous versions of ClamAV, when the virus definition file was plaintext, that was easy for me as I would just grep the virus file and see if the vir

Re: [Clamav-users] Mailscanner, sendmail 8.12, split input queues

2004-01-21 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 22:19, Peter Bonivart wrote: > Leif Neland wrote: > > How does this fit in with sendmail 8.12 already having two queues, mqueue > > and mqueue-client? > > You really should have posted this on the MailScanner list since nothing > of this is Clam related. I'll second that,

Re: [Clamav-users] SCO.A virus

2004-01-26 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 23:19, Rick Macdougall wrote: > Hi, > > McAfee has picked it up and is calling it MyDOOM. > Symantec are calling it [EMAIL PROTECTED] BMRB International +44 (0)20 8566 5000 _ This mess

Re: [Clamav-users] Worm.SCO.A

2004-01-28 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 16:01, Patricia Viana wrote: > Hi. > > My SMTP filter running ClamAV is blocking a huge amount of messages with the > Worm.SCO.A. > It seams to be the same virus as MyDoom or Novarg. > Can anyone confirm this?! > That is correct. Clam had a signature whilst t

[Clamav-users] [Fwd: Handling zip files]

2004-02-01 Thread Kevin Spicer
(Posting this again as it seem not to have reached the list) I encountered some behavior that was not as I expected with some zip files and clamscan (I'm not saying it is a bug - it may be by design). One of our clients attempted to send us a zipfile or data which had been compressed down to arou

[Clamav-users] Handling zip files

2004-02-01 Thread Kevin Spicer
I encountered some behavior that was not as I expected with some zip files and clamscan (I'm not saying it is a bug - it may be by design). One of our clients attempted to send us a zipfile or data which had been compressed down to around 1.5% of its original size. Not surprisingly this triggered

[Clamav-users] Sco.a again

2004-02-04 Thread Kevin Spicer
This is another post about the problems that some people have been having with sco.a seemingly making it past clam due to doggy mime structure in bounce messages. I noticed that Symantec on our exchange servers (which are behind a mailscanner box running clam and sophos) is picking up a few Sco's

RE: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter compilation problems again

2004-02-04 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 23:29, Stevens, John wrote: > and sorry for this stupid disclaimer. > We also have a stupid disclaimer, but one question about yours - can you have "omissions that are present"? I did think about making it a very small font, or white text on a white background - but then yo

RE: [Clamav-users] support?

2004-02-12 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 17:02, Randal, Phil wrote: > And the license.txt reads: IANAL but I believe points 2, 3, and maybe 6 would make this license GPL incompatible. >2. The unRAR sources may be used in any software to handle RAR > archives without limitations free of charge, but cann

OT: Re: [Clamav-users] calling

2004-02-13 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 22:19, Craig Daters wrote: > >Maybe it's cool for you but surely not for a sender who receives that > >auto spam. > > How is it spam? The sender is simply receiving an email asking for > them to confirm that they sent the message? All they do is reply to > it. It is no diff

Re: OT: Re: [Clamav-users] calling

2004-02-13 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 23:17, Antony Stone wrote: > What's a "joe-job"? > As with all jargon see ESR's excellent jargon lexicon! BMRB International +44 (0)20 8566 5000 _

Re: [Clamav-users] unrar

2004-02-14 Thread Kevin Spicer
ace, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # The author, Julian Field, can be contacted by email at # [EMAIL PROTECTED] # or by paper mail at # Julian Field # Dept of Electronics & Computer Science # University of Southampton # Southampton # SO17 1BJ # Un

Re: [Clamav-users] How to handle quarantined SPAM

2004-02-17 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 00:19, Luc de Louw wrote: > Hi all, > > Does someone know a software, that allows users to browse and handle > quarantined Mails? > > Preferably a Web-interface... > You don't say what you are using to quarantine, but if using MailScanner then I think Mailwatch for MailSc

[Clamav-users] Mydoom.F not in my virus defs...

2004-02-26 Thread Kevin Hanser
Title: Message I've recently been asked if our virus scanner (clamav) detects the latest mydoom, Mydoom.F.  I've seen other messages on this and the mailscanner list that indicate that it does, but I've been unable to confirm it myself yet.   If I do: sigtool --list-sigs | grep -i mydoom I

[Clamav-users] Errors - need some help

2004-03-02 Thread Kevin Barrett
ition: clamd: ClamAV returned /var/spool/exim/scan/1AwiW8-NF-Lk: Can't access the file ERROR The directory is there and owned by exim but there are no files in it. Any help, thoughts? Kevin --- SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start

Re: [Clamav-users] some little questions

2004-03-03 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 02:28, Rembrandt wrote: > I know guys wich are working as administrators at a newspaper. > They make backups.. yes.. > But they make it only for 1 week (couse there's too much data). > So they're able to restore all files wich changed since date X. > But what's about a virii

RE: [Clamav-users] Problem with *.zip atachments!

2004-03-03 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 20:57, Grzesiek Staleńczyk wrote: > > MailScanner users need to upgrade to MailScanner 4.28.4 (just out), which > > can block password-protected .zip files. > RP> MailScanner users need to upgrade to MailScanner 4.28.4 (just out), which > RP> can block password-protected .zip

Re: [Clamav-users] some little questions

2004-03-03 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 23:05, Rembrandt wrote: > I think zzip-lib could be replaced with the info-zip > is under BSD-like license! :) > And info-zip is in use on nBSD. > > Are there other parts of clamAV witch are GPLed? > > And Michael I dislike the GPL couse it dosn't se

[Clamav-users] Inline mail scanning for pop clients ?

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin BRown
Can I set clam to scan incoming mail messages? I use a clarkconnect 2.1 (redhat9) based firewall /gateway for a dsl modem. It is not a mail server, jsut want to set clam to scan for clients who use the gateway to access mail servers on pop or smtop kevin

[Clamav-users] Inline scanning on firewall ?

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin BRown
Can I set clam to scan incoming mail messages? I use a clarkconnect 2.1 (redhat9) based firewall /gateway for a dsl modem. It is not a mail server, jsut want to set clam to scan for clients who use the gateway to access mail servers on pop or smtop kevin

[Clamav-users] clam and pop3 scanner

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin BRown
3scan.conf file is set at scanner=/var/lib/clamav default=basic. I can run freshclam /home/user no problems and even found a virus last week (mp3 file none the less) Also when I do a rpm -q libpcre it shows nothing, but I have a rpm -q pcre it shows rpm pcre-3.9-10 installed. Is it

[Clamav-users] W32.Beable@mm!rar getting through?

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Hanser
We just recently got a message sent to us that's infected w/the [EMAIL PROTECTED] virus (that's what norton/symantec calls it).  For some reason, clamAV doesn't seem to be catching this virus.  I ran a saved copy of the message thru the online clamAV @ and

RE: [Clamav-users] W32.Beable@mm!rar getting through?

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Hanser
submission howto for newbie submitters, that'd be great :) Thx k -Original Message- From: Tomasz Kojm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 15:22 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] [EMAIL PROTECTED] getting through? On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 12:35:17 -050

Re: [Clamav-users] pipechk: [kegger:clamav-virus-list] (fwd)

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 20:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Has the Ladmar.A virus been merged as a different virus? The count went > down by 1 and Ladmar was removed. Any ideas? > It was temporarily removed due to a false positive. You can keep track of additions and removals by subscribing to

[Clamav-users] FAO. List admins -- clamav-announce

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Spicer
Would it be possible for posts to clamav-announce to be cross-posted here please. I imagine I'm not the only one here that didn't know about 0.68. Cross posting to the users list seems to be fairly common among other projects (it makes sense that anyone on the users list is going to want to know

RE: [Clamav-users] W32.Beable@mm!rar getting through?

2004-03-16 Thread Kevin Hanser
the virus in it. Thx! k -Original Message- From: Tomasz Kojm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 15:22 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] [EMAIL PROTECTED] getting through? On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 12:35:17 -0500 "Kevin Hanser" <[EMAIL PROT

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Nbr of signatures

2004-03-16 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 17:53, Alex S Moore wrote: > Has the number of virus signatures increased significantly lately? I > thought there were around 21,000 but now I have this msg in clamd.log. > > Tue Mar 16 11:45:22 2004 -> Protecting against 40969 viruses. > Maybe you have both old and new sty

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Yet another result !!

2004-03-27 Thread Kevin T.
Your's did better than mine did, 12, 19-25 all slipped through mine. I'm running 0.70-rc, any advice on getting these detected? On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Bart Silverstrim wrote: > > On Mar 26, 2004, at 2:35 PM, Trog wrote: > > > On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 18:35, Bart Silverstrim wrote: > > > >> Hmm...w

Re: [Clamav-users] clam not fresh

2004-03-27 Thread Kevin T.
Actually, I'm running ClamAV version 0.70-rc and getting the same message. Anyone else having this issue? On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Tomasz Papszun wrote: > On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 at 16:18:38 -0800, Brian W. Antoine wrote: > > > > I'm updating from and starting a short time ago

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav on early Linux 2.0 release

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Sun, 2004-03-28 at 15:45, Fred Flintstone wrote: > Any other quick 'n' dirty suggestions for this one? :) > Have you tried just building a statically linked binary on a more recent distro and seeing if it works on yours? BMRB International +44 (0)20 8566 5000

Re: [Clamav-users] RAR module failure

2004-04-13 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 23:01, Niek wrote: > Hi list, > > Using devel of 20040412, and got this RAR module failure on a rar. > unfortunately qmail-scanner deleted it, so can't reproduce it. > > Isn't it possible to make clamav call the freeware unrar executable ? clamscan --unrar=/path/to/unrar

Re: [Clamav-users] What is this Exploit.JUnksurf.A ? (Off topic)

2004-05-13 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 20:53, Damian Menscher wrote: > You are obviously correct in the case of an intrusion. But I don't know > many 1337 h4x0rs that would mess with: > //usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/example.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND > which is why i recommended updating clamav before re

RE: [Clamav-users] Re: Virus Alias Database

2004-05-11 Thread Kevin Spicer
easy it is to mirror a mysql database, I suppose I could script something that writes incrementals out to some web space. But it all needs more work first... I'm away for a few days, maybe I'll find time next week. Kevin BMRB Intern

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Alias Database

2004-05-10 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 18:24, jef moskot wrote: > So, if I type in "Netsky", I don't see any ties to SomeFool. If I put in > "SomeFool", I don't see any immediate reference to Netsky, but if I poke > around a little, it becomes apparent that we're talking about the same > thing. But if you put in W

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Virus Alias Database

2004-05-10 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 11:38, Russ Phillips wrote: > I had a look, and I have a couple of thoughts/comments. > > 1. Will it handle heavy loads? It may start to get a lot of hits once > people start to find out about it Its running PHP & MySQL on apache2, unfortunately this is my home box (that sa

Re: [Clamav-users] Recommendation RedHat replacement

2004-05-10 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 19:57, Bora wrote: > Sorry, this may not be appropriate to post here, but I know many of you are > using RH and are figuring new options as they are no longer offering free > download for RH 7, 8 and 9. When starting a new topic please would you create a fresh message rather

[Clamav-users] Virus Alias Database

2004-05-09 Thread Kevin Spicer
due to an upgrade replacing the index.html page and me not noticing (doh!), but should be alright now. I hope people find this useful, any constructive comments or suggestions gratefully received. Kevin BMRB International +44 (0)20

[Clamav-users] Flase positive

2004-05-09 Thread Kevin Spicer
I submitted a false positive of Joke.BinLaden last week (through the web interface), but I haven't heard anything of it, and its not shown up in the virusdb list. Should I resubmit? BMRB International +44 (0)20 8566 5000 __

[Clamav-users] Virus Alias Database

2004-04-25 Thread Kevin Spicer
en I'll try and find time to add some other vendors and maybe even make it less ugly (and validate the html!) Its on a DSL line, so please be gentle with me! Kevin signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Clamav-users] Problem

2004-04-29 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 21:42, Bernard Elbourn wrote: > From a 1 year old installation [snip] > Is it time to upgrade? Oh yes. It was probably time to upgrade some months ago! Virus scanning (and virus production) is an arms race, really well advised to keep pace. BMRB International http://

Re: [Clamav-users] Problem

2004-04-30 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 08:05, Bernard Elbourn wrote: > Unfortunately this installation is remote to me so not so easy to just > update. Shame I did not get any warning! > > How can I find out when I should update so I can plan ahead? > Subscribe to clamav-announce list. Generally speaking its a

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus found in virgin RHES 3 installation?

2004-05-07 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 18:36, Ken Morley wrote: > I was surprised when clamdscan reported: > > //proc/kcore: Trojan.MiniCommander.dr FOUND > > What's the possibility that the server is really infected? It got to be somewhat unlikely that a running linux kernel would get infected with a Windows

Re: [Clamav-users] Easiest/best sendmail integration

2004-05-07 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 18:27, Mike Lambert wrote: > Again, the advantage is sending 5xx instead of 2xx. IMO, giving the > connecting mta a status code appropriate to the message disposition is > better than simply accepting _all_ messages only to drop some later (I > do not consider generating a sep

Re: [Clamav-users] One seems to have sneaked by W32.BEAGLE.X

2004-05-16 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Sun, 2004-05-16 at 02:26, Steven P. Donegan wrote: > This was a first for me - ClamAV has been - well about as perfect as any > software could be - today one sneaked by that Norton/Symantec caught. > I've only seen it twice recently.. One was a damaged Netsky/SomeFool that only Symantecs signa

[Clamav-users] New Address for Virus Alias Database

2004-05-17 Thread Kevin Spicer
For those that found my virus alias database useful I have now moved it to to get0 rid of the annoying UK2 popup add and banner. This also means that it will now accept direct links to URL's of specific entries, for those that requested that facility.

Re: [Clamav-users] name that worm: agobot,gaobot,polybot

2004-05-20 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-05-19 at 12:54, Betsy Schwartz wrote: > Some PC's on our network have been flagged as having > "agobot,gaobot,polybot" (or a sasser variant), by the perimiter security > system. I have looked at Kevin's excellent database at > and don't see any matches

Re: [Clamav-users] Question regarding virus detection

2004-05-20 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 19:21, Peter Bonivart wrote: > Jim Maul wrote: > > There is something that is causing clamav to not be able to detect this > > virus after the message has been bounced and now forwarded. > > Damaged bounces are not dangerous. Why bother making signatures for them > when you

Re: [Clamav-users] blocking attachments

2004-05-25 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-05-25 at 17:12, Ken Jones wrote: > Is it possible to configure clamav to block certain > types of attachements even if they do not have a virus? > Take a look at MailScanner it offers a number of ways to apply all sorts of policy to email. signature.asc

Re: [Clamav-users] blocking attachments

2004-05-25 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-05-25 at 17:12, Ken Jones wrote: > Is it possible to configure clamav to block certain > types of attachements even if they do not have a virus? > Take a look at MailScanner it offers a number of ways to apply all sorts of policy to email. BMRB Interna

Re: [Clamav-users] blocking attachments

2004-05-25 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-05-25 at 17:12, Ken Jones wrote: > Is it possible to configure clamav to block certain > types of attachements even if they do not have a virus? > Take a look at MailScanner it offers a number of ways to apply all sorts of policy to email. signature.asc

Re: [Clamav-users] Version 0.71 - clamdscan error

2004-05-27 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 09:21, Mr Mailing List wrote: > Just noticed that scanning files with clamdscan does not scan > filesthat are not world readable. Perhaps it would be better if clamd could implement some kind of privilege separation, so that a minimal process running as root reads the files,

Re: [Clamav-users] CommuniGate Pro and ClamAV

2004-05-28 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 16:29, Brandon wrote: > Good Morning! > > Has anyone on this list had any luck running clamav with CommuniGate Pro? > Our mail volume is approximately 40,000 messages per hour across two front > end servers. Does anyone have any statistics they would like to share > about C

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Freshclam not responding

2004-06-01 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 22:09, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote: > Gervase wrote: > > >ERROR: Can't get information about host. > > > > > Seems like DNS problem. Configure your DNS server properly, > or use proxy (edit freshclam.conf) Make sure your firewall allows DNS over both UDP _an

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Freshclam not responding {Scanned}

2004-06-04 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 07:15, Gervase wrote: > On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 15:22, Jo Mills wrote: > > > Don't give up! > > Many thanks for joining in. Unfortunately I was impatient and > reinstalled. But, alas, the problem did not go away. > > Have you tried something along the lines of: > > host go

RE: [Clamav-users] Ethics Question

2004-06-09 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 20:10, Samuel Benzaquen wrote: > I think the only way I could think is reporting the IP to some DNSBLs. > That way you can stop receiving their mails and you leave the cleansing > problem to their ISP. Or simply block the IP with sendmails acces database (or the equivalent f

[Clamav-users] clamav 0.72 segfault

2004-06-11 Thread Kevin Horton
Subject: Re: clamav 0.72 segfault Hi, On Jun 10, 2004, at 4:05 PM, Kevin Horton wrote: I get a repeatable segfault when clamscan 0.72 tries to scan a certain large Word file. sudo clamscan /Users/kwh/Documents/Flying/RV/Avionics:Panel/gyros/gyros.doc zsh: 23956 segmentation fault sudo clamscan

Re: [Clamav-users] Sober.H

2004-06-12 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Sat, 2004-06-12 at 22:12, Philipp Grosswiler wrote: > Now I read a news article on, that F-Secure calls those e-mails > under the name of Sober.H. I would like that ClamAV could also add those > signatures to the database, as there seem to be a lot of victims out there > being infected

[Clamav-users] clamav 0.73 segfault

2004-06-16 Thread Kevin Horton
At 6:56 -0400 11/6/04, Kevin Horton wrote: Subject: Re: clamav 0.72 segfault Hi, On Jun 10, 2004, at 4:05 PM, Kevin Horton wrote: I get a repeatable segfault when clamscan 0.72 tries to scan a certain large Word file. sudo clamscan /Users/kwh/Documents/Flying/RV/Avionics:Panel/gyros/gyros.doc

Re: [Clamav-users] error in cronjob

2004-06-16 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 22:26, List wrote: > Hi, > > I notice some errors in my cron.daily. I am running RedHat 9 and Clam 7.2. > Errors listed below :- > > /etc/cron.daily/clamscan: > > /etc/cron.daily/clamscan: line 1: clamscan: command not found > /etc/cron.daily/clamscan: line 1: sigtool: comm

Re: [Clamav-users] Lib GNU MP on Solaris

2004-06-21 Thread Kevin Spicer
On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 19:41, Thomas Jackson wrote: > According to the FAQ and the configure script I need to install GNU MP > on my Solaris 8 system so that clam will support digital signatures. > > I've installed GMP 2.0.2, 3.1, and 4.1.3 on test systems and none will > satisfy the configure sc

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