On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 18:24, jef moskot wrote:
> So, if I type in "Netsky", I don't see any ties to SomeFool.  If I put in
> "SomeFool", I don't see any immediate reference to Netsky, but if I poke
> around a little, it becomes apparent that we're talking about the same
> thing.
But if you put in Worm.somefool (which is what clam actually calls it),
or click on worm.somefool vendor clamav when you search on 'contains
somefool' You can see it is Netsky as reported by some other vendors

> Not sure how it should be implemented, 

Me either!  My current thinking is to do it as automatically as
possible, otherwise I'll just get bored / occupied doing something else
and not keep the alias mapping up to date

I did think about doing some kind of 'smart-search' but thats going to
need some thinking about.  Maybe... 

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