This is another post about the problems that some people have been
having with sco.a seemingly making it past clam due to doggy mime
structure in bounce messages.

I noticed that Symantec on our exchange servers (which are behind a
mailscanner box running clam and sophos) is picking up a few Sco's in
bounce messages inside 'Message Body', it is detecting it as

If I understand Symantec's naming scheme correctly this signature is
matching the encoded body part, rather than after unencoding an

Therefore I'm suggesting that Clam should follow Symantec's lead and
include a signature for the encoded data.

I understand that some may have an issue with this as the message is
broken and may be harmless (assuming no mail clients are fault tolerant
enough to unpack it), but please consider the following...
The messages are a nuisance at best, as the sender address is forged
they cause confusion and fear amongst users (we have had a number of
false alarms with users reporting an infection that was in fact just a
bounce due to a forged sender address).  Other scanners are detecting
them, which does not make clam look good in comparison - perceptions are
often more important than technology (especially for non-technical
senior management).  I seem to remember this was done before (maybe
Gibe-F? or Sobig??) - following a long discussion.

In fact, given that we have had this discussion before (I think...)
perhaps it should be a matter of policy to create an additional sig for
the encoded message on all mass mailing worms.

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