Lib problems under Apache

2005-03-02 Thread Aaron Craig
= And you can see that the file DOES exist in that directory, and that permissions are world-readable. Any ideas? - -- Aaron Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] === Get Firefox! ==

Re: Hyperlink to act like submit button...

2001-07-25 Thread Aaron Craig
At 07.13 25/07/2001 -0400, you wrote: >Click here > >name: fliptop©=copy Absolutely correct! What a bummer -- they're doing reverse error correction :) Even though an HTML entity is supposed to end with a semi-colon, they go ahead and accept it if you leave it off, blech. Kinda makes you wo

Re: Hyperlink to act like submit button...

2001-07-25 Thread Aaron Craig
At 18.07 24/07/2001 -0700, you wrote: >Paul> For example: > >Paul> >Paul>";> >Paul> Page 2 & examples >Paul> >Paul> > >You're getting the benefit of error-correction. > >Try that again setting the variable "copy" to "3". >Or "a

Re: breakable loop???

2001-07-12 Thread Aaron Craig
gt; go for that particular task. I too read the perldocs and saw the same > thing. In fact, I suggested to Thomas that he check them regarding just > that problem. That message also went to the list. cool -- just offering my $.02 :) Aaron Craig Programming

Re: A litle traking problem

2001-07-12 Thread Aaron Craig
from $now) stick $expires in your database every time the user logs in, check the current time against their expiration date ChargeThemMoney() if(time >= $expires); Aaron Craig Programming

Re: breakable loop???

2001-07-12 Thread Aaron Craig
r. If FILEHANDLE is omitted, reads from STDIN. This is not particularly efficient. ***However, it cannot be used by itself to fetch single characters without waiting for the user to hit enter. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: applause for Casey!!!!! APPLAUSE DUDE! ('Turning the tide...' and a 911 plea for help)

2001-07-12 Thread Aaron Craig
eet smiling JPG picture from client to my server. Have you looked at It handles file uploads from HTML forms. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-11 Thread Aaron Craig
At 09:22 10.07.2001 -0600, Ken Scott wrote: >On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Aaron Craig wrote: > > > At 12:21 09.07.2001 -0400, fliptop wrote: > > > > >why reinvent the wheel? > > > > I like my wheel better? :) > >But a wheel is just a wheel. Why not use the o

RE: cgi scripting

2001-07-11 Thread Aaron Craig
. The outputi am getting is the >entire code with print statement... > >print".." >print".." > >I would be happy to get some inputs in this regard >Roopa > > > >Do You Yahoo!? >For regular News updates go to Aaron Craig Programming

Re: cgi-bin directory

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron Craig
My intent is to open a browser from the Win2k box and look at > to open the script. > >Thanks >Frank It depends on which box will be the server. It sounds like you want that to be on Linux -- so that's where you'll put your cgi-bin. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron Craig
e? Can you do that for the other functions as well? Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron Craig
least, check out >CGI::Lite. You are correct that loading is going to make very little difference in the overall time it takes to run your project. But, I find it good programming practice to be as efficient as possible -- even if the difference is negligible. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron Craig
At 12:21 09.07.2001 -0400, fliptop wrote: >why reinvent the wheel? I like my wheel better? :) Aaron Craig Programming

Re: how to upload a file through an html form, again.

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron Craig
any differences between browsers, OS's, etc. etc. I did have problems getting it to work at the beginning, but once you get it going, it works like a charm. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-09 Thread Aaron Craig
At 07:03 09.07.2001 -0700, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote: >Aaron Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >[...] > > test.cgi?MultipleSelectMenu=1&MultipleSelectMenu=2 > > > > since I don't use for basic web stuff, I have my own function > > getting

Re: Password protected area using perl.

2001-07-09 Thread Aaron Craig
ssion cookie. That can easily be handled by setting a unique cookie each time someone logs on, and storing it in your db as a "used cookie" when the user logs off. Use big strings for you cookie value so that you can go for a long time before you run out of cookies (or use a timestamp?) Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-09 Thread Aaron Craig
tuff, I have my own function getting values out of the query string, and it was only giving me the last value of MultipleSelectMenu -- bad :( Aaron Craig Programming

Re: newbie question

2001-07-06 Thread Aaron Craig
gram i am new to CGi >programming and i am unable to figure out the problem. >it would be appreciated if i get some input in this >regard... > >regards >Nila > > > >__ >Do You Yahoo!? >Get personalized email addresses fr

Re: splitting on filename separators

2001-07-06 Thread Aaron Craig
;, your regular expression will fail, because you're looking for frontslashes. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Subroutine returning a hash (?)

2001-07-03 Thread Aaron Craig
ReturnedArray; >'There's always more than one way to do it' can be very confusing at times.. >-- >Martijn van Exel, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >WEBkitchen >Waterstraat 11 >3511 BW Utrecht >tel/fax 030-6701818 > > Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Concurrent file access problem !

2001-07-03 Thread Aaron Craig
$ST_MTIME] ne $oldimagetime) > { > $sameCount = 0; > $oldimagetime = $fstat[$ST_MTIME]; > } > > #We may send the same image multiple times but there is a strict limit > > if ($sameCount > ($maxNoUpdate * $freq)) > { > die; > } > > $sameCount = $sameCount +1; > > print "Content-type: image/$con_type\n\n"; > > open(PIC,"$basefile"); > print STDOUT ; > close(PIC); > > print "\n\n--myboundary\n"; > >sleep($freq); >} > > >- Gaël Jeanniard du Dot - Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Different reply-to?

2001-06-26 Thread Aaron Craig
y message in a thread at times. No wonder I download 200+ messages a day from these two lists alone. If the list must be set to not mess with the reply-to field, could list members at least make sure that they cut out addresses from the To: field before sending their mail? Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Re: Code Review

2001-06-26 Thread Aaron Craig
tly. The following record would break this >(because of a middle name): > >Jones, John Van 35 20 02 05/02/2001 F 060506050705040405047 11 04 01 Good call -- I hadn't thought of that. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Re: Code Review

2001-06-26 Thread Aaron Craig
ntf OF (" %3u", @hole[$q]); > printf OF2 (" %3u", @hole[$q]); Perhaps you're writing to two files needlessly? Or, if you need two copies, can't you write to one and then copy it to another file at the end? Why are you writing the same thing to two files? Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Re: Code Review

2001-06-25 Thread Aaron Craig
ariable to contain a number, not a string. more importantly: sub ParseNames($) { my($raNames) = @_; ... } instead of sub ParseNames($) { my($names) = @_; ... } 6 months from now, when I'm looking at this code, I know I'm expecting this subroutine to get passed an array reference, and nothing else. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Code Review

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron Craig
app was written for the >Windows platform. > >Thanks, > >Brian > >_ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Is LWP common?

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron Craig
gt;myself (in my home dir) and use it from there? > >Is there a viable alternative? I only use it to grab some remote HTML. > >Any help is appreciated. >-- >martijn van exel -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Slightly OT: Kenneth Copeland and regexps?

2001-06-21 Thread Aaron Craig
nal as our correspondence, in whatever form it happens to be in. Can you imagine the mess that would come about if the US Postal Service began opening up envelopes and striking out words with a red pen? Don't child-proof our world! }; Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Re: Running CGI's locally

2001-06-21 Thread Aaron Craig
home. Is that what I'm missing, or has Apache changed and now requires the shebang line on Windows as well. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: XML problem

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron Craig
nbud >2001-06-14 >14-06-01 >DAGENS INDUSTRI >Dragkamp om förlusttåg >Here is the indroduction about the article and when the word >anbud comes up it is enclosed in anbud tags. >This is the word we use as criteria on the articels we should recive. > > >Here comes the rest

Re: parsing character by character and printing

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron Craig
nd I want to print that character >string, BUT I want to print only 50 characters a line or less. How >might I do this if I have a variable called @row?? Aaron Craig Programming

Re: XML problem

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron Craig
nbud >2001-06-14 >14-06-01 >DAGENS INDUSTRI >Dragkamp om förlusttåg >Here is the indroduction about the article and when the word >anbud comes up it is enclosed in anbud tags. >This is the word we use as criteria on the articels we should recive. > > >Here comes the rest

Re: parsing character by character and printing

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron Craig
nd I want to print that character >string, BUT I want to print only 50 characters a line or less. How >might I do this if I have a variable called @row?? Aaron Craig Programming

Re: binaries of DBI, DBD::mysql, CGI

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron Craig
is wrong) on them -- this allows them to set themselves up in the proper directory with the proper files where they need to be. However, you do not need to compile them -- this gets done at run time by the Perl compiler itself. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Directory Structure under Win32 (Perl, CGI, Apache, MySQL)

2001-06-15 Thread Aaron Craig
e for development and testing of cgi scripts? I know that perl looks >for cgi scripts in the cgi-bin directory, but what about everything else? > >Thanks >Frank Aaron Craig Programming

Re: comparing date values

2001-06-11 Thread Aaron Craig
o get the days, months, years, etc out, if that's what you want to do -- I don't know if there's a module that handles this kind of stuff. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: inserting line breaks in a string

2001-06-08 Thread Aaron Craig
ce or an empty string, if it isn't, add the dash $count = 0; } else { $count++; } } This code could be written in fewer lines, but it's nice and clear this way, so I'll leave it :) Aaron Craig Programming

Re: the ENV command? parameter?

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
omain) you can pick up the value of the input text field. here's the perl that would pick that up -- I know, I should be using :) #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; # prints out 'Input=My%20Value' # or you can print out the whole ENV hash print "$_: $ENV{$_}" foreach keys %ENV; Hope that helps Aaron Craig Programming

Re: perl compiler and editor for windows

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
ow on day 135 of my 30 day trial period, still enjoying full functionality, and I haven't paid a dime. That's free :) However, this program is so great, that I'm going to pay for it -- a first! Aaron Craig Programming

Re: perl compiler and editor for windows

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
At 21:25 06.06.2001 -0700, you wrote: >Help me I have been desperatly looking for a compiler and editing program >for windows that is free. Please help me! EditPlus2!! We love it! Aaron Craig Programming

Re: tutorial proposition (was: Re: Succinct Code, Use of my $var and global vs local)

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
sbook. > >does anyone feel this would be helpful? i'd put in the time only if >other beginners thought it would be of use. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: Succinct Code, Use of my $var and global vs local

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
here, I know I'm getting a clean, empty variable. if you put this: use strict; at the top of your perl script, the use of my will be required when you declare a variable. Play around with it and see how much it helps you keep your program in order -- it also helps find typos :) Aaron Craig Programming

Re: More "Succintification"

2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
print qq~ Result: $apartment $aptname$address$city $zip$phoneContact UsRent: $rentmin to $rentmaxBedrooms: $bedrooms Pets: $pets Laundry: $laundry Garage: $garage Hyde Park Location: $location Comments:$comment ~; } } print "\n"; Aaron Craig Programming


2001-06-07 Thread Aaron Craig
$IP . "\n"; >close (A); > > >I hope that helped more than it confused you. If you need any more help, >feel free to ask. remote_host is not the same as HTTP_REFERRER, is it? -- http referral is the address of the server where the page lives that the person clicked on to arrive to the cgi script. It should also be treated with a grain of salt, as the information it provides can easily be manipulated and forged to make it look like the request is coming from a different computer. You shouldn't use http referral alone for security, for instance. Aaron Craig Programming

Re: E-mailing attachments?

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron Craig
f your ISP's installation doesn't include, then you >should find another ISP. :-) You can also install your own modules in your cgi-bin (I usually stick them in cgi-bin/lib) and then alter your shebang line to include your own library: #! usr/bin/perl -I./lib Aaron Craig Programming