At 15:42 22.06.2001 -0400, Brian Bukeavich wrote:
>Sorry, I just thought the text would be too long.
>#! /perl/bin/perl
first of all, you need to use strict!
<insert standard strict rant here>
this is going to cause your program to fail, because you haven't declared
your variables using my() or local(). However, it's very important that
you keep your namespace clean.
all your variables need to be declared thusly:
my $var = "value";
>$n = 0;
for instance, if you now use $n in a subroutine (very likely that you'd
want to) and don't declare it with my inside the sub, you don't know if
you'll get the latest value of $n, the value that you want in the
subroutine, or what...dangerous!
I bet you mean $prevname[0] here.
> if (@prevname[0] ne "")
> {
> Prnt_Player_Stats ();
> }
a more Perl way to write this would be
Prnt_PlayerStats() if($prevname[0] ne "");
>sub Load_Stat_Rec ()
> {
> $fline0 = $_;
> @name[$i] = substr $fline0,0,22;
> @course[$i] = substr $fline0,22,2;
> @tee[$i] = substr $fline0,25,2;
> @team[$i] = substr $fline0,27,3;
> @date[$i] = substr $fline0,31,10;
> @nine[$i] = substr $fline0,42,1;
> @score[$i] = substr $fline0,45,18; #046 - 063
> @total[$i] = substr $fline0,64,2;
> @handicap[$i] = substr $fline0,67,2;
> @opponent[$i] = substr $fline0,70,2;
> @week[$i] = substr $fline0,73,2;
> @substitute[$i] = substr $fline0,75,22;
> @notes[$i] = substr $fline0,98,25;
this is frightenenly complicated. Couldn't you pass this function an
array, or format the string for a split() or something?
Check your array syntax. I bet you want to use $notes[$i] here as well.
That's just for starters, I'm sure others will put their two bits in as well.
You definitely want to re-examine your program flow, as well -- or at least
your variable naming. You may know that $i contains the index of the
current record, but if some poor schmuck has to maintain this code when
you're on vacation, they'll have to waste time figuring that out. I'd call
it something like $lCurrentRecord.
I know it's very "C", but I really do like prefixes on my variable names
that tell me what kind of value I'm expecting the variable to hold, a
number, a string, an array, etc. This is very useful when you have to
change or debug code that you wrote a year ago.
my $index = 1;
if fine, but what's wrong with saying
my $lIndex = 1;
6 months from now, I know that I'm expecting that variable to contain a
number, not a string.
more importantly:
sub ParseNames($)
my($raNames) = @_;
instead of
sub ParseNames($)
my($names) = @_;
6 months from now, when I'm looking at this code, I know I'm expecting this
subroutine to get passed an array reference, and nothing else.
Aaron Craig