You should always include the code that is giving you the problem when you 
ask a question.  It makes it a lot easier for us to help you.  Could you 
send your code?

At 02:24 06.07.2001 -0700, nila devaraj wrote:
>i have a webserver that has been configured for CGI
>scripting. i placed the  HTML file in the required
>directory and the cgi program in the wincgi directory
>of the webserver. The problem i am facing is- if i
>submit my form i am getting the download/save dialog
>box.If i say open it is opening a word document
>containg the codes in the program.... i am new to CGi
>programming and i am unable to figure out the problem.
>it would be appreciated if i get some input in this
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Aaron Craig

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