At 12:22 06.07.2001 +0530, Byju P.Nair wrote:


>        if (!defined $nexturl || $nexturl eq "") {
>             # Sets nexturl to be argv0, stripping everything up to and
>             # including the last slash.
>             $0 =~ m:[^/]*$:;
>             $nexturl = $&;
>         }
>       <FORM action=$nexturl method=$method>
>this is one of the statement is file.
>As seen above, the $0 =~ m:[^/]*$:; doesn't seem to work as the
>resulting page is showing it as,
>       <FORM action="c:\mycgi\enterMy~1.cgi" method=$method>

if $0 contains a path that looks like "c:\mycgi\enterMy~1.cgi", your 
regular expression will fail, because you're looking for frontslashes.

Aaron Craig

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