> > HTML and the Database. Now I want to use Perl as language that does the
> > cgi-stuff. I know, I ought to use the modules DBI, DBD::mysql and CGI,
> > but my test-server runs on my desktop-pc with windows on it. As the
> > modules come as sourcecode, i would have to compile them to use them. My
I think you may be confused about modules and Perl compilation in
general. You don't have to compile the modules, you simply use them. If
they have dependencies, you'll want to "install" them by running makefile
(correct me if my term is wrong) on them -- this allows them to set
themselves up in the proper directory with the proper files where they need
to be. However, you do not need to compile them -- this gets done at run
time by the Perl compiler itself.
Aaron Craig