I am having trouble creating a Dictionary header for
constructing a new AdWordsUser. This is how I am currently
constructing the headers:
AuthToken authToken = new AuthToken(Email, Password);
authToken_str = authToken.GetToken();
clientEmail_str = p_clientEmail
Is there a limit on the number of operations that can be done with the
AdGroupAdService? I trying to change all the landing page URL for all
the ads in all the adGroups in a given campaign (happens to about
350-400 changes). I post the changes, apparently successfully, but
when I go to check the ch
Once an ad is created under an adgroup, is the url field (which is the
landing page url) editable? I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to
change this field via the api. Any suggestions as to why I cannot edit
this field via the api?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the G
This is a very useful article:
It explains how to use the v200909 AdWordsUser constructor.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"AdWords API Forum" group.
To post to this group,
First of all, I am using the .NET client libraries. My main issue is
that I am having problems getting a populated data field for the image
of an image ad. I am trying to use the API to make changes to ads and
the only way to do that is to create a new ad and delete the old one.
When I try to make
I am confused about the true meaning of the serving status field in a
campaign. I thought it was supposed to reflect whether or not a
campaign is currently serving ads, but when I check the serving status
of a campaign that is set to serve ads only during certain hours of
the day I find that the se
Try using the Campaign Target Service. There is an ad schedule target
type that contains the ad serving schedule for a campaign.
Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.
Also find us on our blog and discussion grou
What time zone are the times for an ad schedule? Are they in the zone
for the campaign, or is the time in UTC?
Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
In the Ad Schedule Target type there is a schedule, by campaign, that
dictates the the time of day that ads are supposed to be served. Are
the times given through the API for this ad schedule given in UTC or
in the time zone of the campaign?
Does the serving status field of a campaign relate to the ad schedule
or not? As far as I have seen the serving status field is not affected
by the ad schedule. So, is there some other field that indicates
whether or not a campaign is serving ads based on the ad schedule? If
not, what is the best w
Does the serving status field of a campaign relate to the ad schedule
or not? As far as I have seen the serving status field is not
by the ad schedule. So, is there some other field that indicates
whether or not a campaign is serving ads based on the ad schedule? If
not, what is the best w
So what is the best way to check to see if a campaign is currently
serving ads?
Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
How is one supposed to use the timeZoneId field in AccountInfo to get
useful data about that time zone when the format used does not match
the timeZoneId's used by Windows' .NET framework?
Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on
I know statistics about managed placements can easily be pulled from
the API, but is there a way to get the same statistics through the API
for auto placements? It seems as though the only way to get these
statistics through the API is to download and parse an XML file that
contains 2-day old data.
On the rate sheet for using the Google API, a mutate(ADD) call for the
ReportDefinitionService should only cost 1 token. Returned for that
mutate(ADD) call is a ReportDefinition object that contains the ID of
the newly created report definition. With this ID one can download the
newly created repor
I have been using the v201003 ReportDefinition Service in the .NET
client library for the better part of two months to download and parse
XML Placement Reports.
Currently, I create a predicate for filtering the results of the
report for a single campaignID.
I also use a custom date range for sele
Why is it that through the API three different, but similar, report
options for creating and downloading a placement report, when there is
really only one option for a placement report in the AdWords web
Also, why are there some field options for MP performance reports
(such as AdGroupI
surprising that they would suddenly disappear.
On Sep 27, 5:40 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi ADM,
> Could you
> runhttp://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-dotnet/source/browse/trun...
> and let me know the list of fields returned by the server?
> Chee
Thank you very much for your cooperation. I'm glad this got caught
early and is on its way to being resolved.
On Sep 28, 2:19 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi,
> The Adwords web interface allows you to get information about managed
> placements, automati
Thank you very much for your cooperation. I'm glad this got caught
early and is being resolved.
On Sep 28, 3:35 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi ADM,
> These fields should be there, and I'm working with the core
> engineering team to restore them
What is the best estimate as to when those fields will be back in the
On Sep 28, 5:51 pm, ADM wrote:
> Erik,
> Thank you very much for your cooperation. I'm glad this got caught
> early and is on its way to being resolved.
> Best,
Is there anyway that this process can be sped-up, this missing data is
extremely important for our business decisions.
On Sep 30, 2:10 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi ADM,
> I don't have a firm estimate, but likely within the next couple of
> weeks.
Why is there inconsistency in the reports? Has this change been
implemented yet or not?
Also, why did the data type of the cost field change from double to
On Oct 3, 9:20 pm, ADM wrote:
> Eric,
> Is there anyway that this process can be sped
reate one report and then use it repeatedly for downloading
placement statistics for auto-placed campaigns.
Is it possible to add this new enumeration to the API for creating
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
The main reason I suggest adding this enumeration to the API is
because it will save a large amount of tokens. Creating a report once
and using it repeatedly costs significantly less than creating and
changing a report every time new data is downloaded.
On Oct 17, 9:00 am
Imp = 1,488,286 and API Imp = 168,852.
We are only parsing the XML "impressions" value from the returned
Best regards,
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Imp = 1,488,286 and API Imp = 168,852.
We are only parsing the XML "impressions" value from the returned
Best regards,
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Imp = 1,488,286 and API Imp = 168,852.
We are only parsing the XML "impressions" value from the returned
Best regards,
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Is there any explanation why the simple code snippet below repeatedly
fails with the exception UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR, every time the
call is made for any campaign within a specific account, but works all
the time for any campaign in any other account?
service =
looking at posts we are not the only people
seeing this issue.
On Nov 4, 10:47 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi,
> This appears to be caused by some temporary issues in the AdWords
> system. I'll work with the core engineering team to address the
> proble
issue for us.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
You received this message because you are
conv = 8 cost = $72.71
And the problem is present for every single case I examine on all
accounts (campaigns/adgroups).
How can we get getting such incorrect values for the Impression counts
from the URL Placement report?
minimum number of impressions (say 100)
Is this what is really going on?
Please give let me know.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
, with the meaningless "UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR"
Please help resolve quickly, this is a VERY important account to us.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Any ETA on really fixing this problem? We have now been down for a full
week, which is pretty much Forever at this time of year.
It would be nice to be told when you know a particular account is
seriously affected by problems on your side of the API. Is that
Best regards,
How do you check on it being done?
It was fixed yesterday (Monday, 29 Nov 2010) about around 5:00 PM PST.
I must admit I find this process very broken.
Best regards,
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
We are pulling the URL Performance report data by day for each of our
campaigns (3 days after they finished). I am comparing these results
(imp, click. conv, cost) directly to the Network tab results for the
same campaign on the same day at the URL level. All the results match
exactly to th
Now the problem reappeared the account discussed above yesterday (3 Dec
2010), and then today we are getting the same problem on 3 other key
accounts. On everyone of these accounts we get the
lovely "UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR" for anything we do everytime.
What in the World is going on?
I am still seeing these UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR message for these
key 4 accounts on all calls.
This is a very serious issue. We went literally months with nothing
like this occuring, and now we see it all the time with apparently no
solution in sight; this has been going on for week
I just sent the information requested to the email given. I assume this
is a private email.
I agree with Dan it is most likely due to AdGroup services failure.
Please let me know the resolution.
Best regards,
Also find us on
and lost
significant money during this 36 hour period of misreporting. How can this
be addressed?
Help in understanding and resolving is appreciated.
Best regards,
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
else see this?
On Sunday, June 10, 2012 6:46:50 PM UTC-7, ADM wrote:
> Google AdWords,
> Over the weekend a number of our account campaigns experienced what now
> appears to be significant reporting errors on conversion counts for 36
> hours from 12:00 AM PDT
on to this issue? Is $2000/day a hard ceiling for campaigns?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:46:55 AM UTC-7, GregT wrote:
> Hi,
> Starting around a day ago or so, almost all our calls to run the URL
> Performance Report have failed on google's end. We are getting an HTTP
> status code of 500 and the message "!!!1|||-1|||Unexpected exception???".
> T
going on?
On Friday, June 22, 2012 8:45:07 AM UTC-7, GregT wrote:
> Hi, this is still happening. Any word from someone at Google?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:46:55 AM UTC-5, GregT wrote:
>> Hi,
d the full URL being returned as before.
Until before 19 Jun 2012 this report was used used daily by us on all our
client with no issues for over a year. Now it does not work at all.
Google - What is going on? Help!!!
Best regards,
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 7:03:56 PM UTC-7, ADM wrote:
going on?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
You received this message because you are
hen is this going to be fixed?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Have you found a solution to this issue?
Have you heard anything from any of the AdWords API staff?
This is now been going on for over a week, and there seems to be absolutely
nothing happening on the Google AdWords API side, very hard to understand.
Best regards,
Hey Anash,
I've sent you the past 6 days reports that show the issue.
On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 2:09:16 AM UTC-7, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you email a failed request (developer token, clientCustomerId,
> report definition xml) to me (anash.p.oo
Any updates?
I just tested it and it is still broke. Now it has been down for at least 8
full days. This is a VERY SERIOUS issue to us, and I would assume anyone
who depends upon the URL Performance report working.
We really need this fixed.
On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 2
Any fix in sight? This has gone on since 19 Jun 2012, now over 12 days, and
is critical information that we can get no other way.
Best regards,
On Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:04:08 AM UTC-7, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> This looks like an issue at our end.
Have you found any solution?
I have not, and not appears on 28 Jun 2012 that Google (Anash) says it is
on their end, but still nothing.
I can be reached directly at "goo...@scienceops.com".
Best regards,
Bryan a.k.a. ADM
On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:28:43 AM UTC-7, G
We are running a Bulk Mutate process in C# to do updates to campaign
URL exclusions, and AdGroup inclusions. We keep getting these
[JobError.TOO_MANY_JOBS_IN_QUEUE @ operation.operand] messages,
especially for larger submissions. This happens when we are doing even
just on submission.
At time we c
We keep getting this error message
operation.operand.request] when submitting Bulk Mutate submission for
doing Campaign URL exclusions and AdGroup URL inclusions.
Typically an image resubmission run successfully, though not always.
What is the so
I just received 2 of these errors from the API:
RateExceededError RateExceededError
What doest this mean?
I reran both cases immediately and they worked without error. Nothing had
Is this new?
Also find us on our
Daily we run Placement Performance reports on our clients. After many months
of doing this successfully we started seeing numerous cases in the last week
were the report is empty, with no data.
Here is an example ran on 25 Jan 2011:
requestID = cb5b71811b658ba38ff2fad6ed929616
reportID = 34738
Is it possible to get a response to this question?
I has been here with response now for 9 days?
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Any chance of getting some help on this very important issue?
I can provide many more examples of this issue.
It is still happening NUMEROUS times.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
The AdWords UI report (Network tab with all URLs) does not agree with the
Placement Performance report for this case provided. The Network tab report
shows hundreds of clicks and many conversions, compared to the Placement
Performance report with nothing in it.
This is not happening ever
On any new campaign we create today (23 Feb 2011), when we go to adjust the
CPC via the API we get this error for the first time today:
Looking at the article:
It appears this was sche
There are still these 3 columns for Max CPC when I look at a campaign:
- Default Max. CPC
- Managed Placements Max. CPC
- Display Network Max. CPC
The problem is apparently being generated by trying to set the second one.
But if we stop setting it and it is still being used thi
This was working well on 22 Jul 2011.
Yesterday this API issue wasted a HUGE number of our tokens (millions).
This is critical functionality for our clients.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I am now seeing this an API Exception when grabbing this report in most
cases (95%):
Failed to grab current managed placement info. Failed to create a new
inclusion info report [requestID = 0004a925057e68280a83261727aa4b98] An API
exception has occurred. (This is our internal error messa
All the Relative CTR values for all my accounts are blank for all the month
of November 2011 still.
This is not normal. Typically the Relative CTR values fill in after 24
Why are all these values of Relative CTR missing for all of Nov 2011? Is
this still available?
All the Relative CTR values for all my accounts are blank for all the month
of November 2011 still.
This is not normal. Typically the Relative CTR values fill in after 24
Why are all these values of Relative CTR missing for all of Nov 2011? Is
this still available?
All the Relative CTR values for all my accounts are blank for all the month
of November 2011 still.
This is not normal. Typically the Relative CTR values fill in after 24
Why are all these values of Relative CTR missing for all of Nov 2011? Is
this still available?
throw new
Exception(string.Format("Bad XML report [{0}].", path_str), ex);
Why are only some of the XML reports getting truncated? And why would
this truncation not be dependent on the size of the X
example of the malformed XML.
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