In the past when I went from B1A to E1A: besides marking all the private
tapes READO, I also Deleted all the scratch tapes and put them back into
category FF00 and then followed up with a LABEL LIBV. Other people have
claimed this isn't neccessary. I figure why guess? Better to know.
this will do it:
upd vol * wherestg=TAPEPOOL acc=reado
Al Barth
t-14 days
Farren Minns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/05/03 09:08 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Our dual gripper is used 6% of the time, but we also have an HA setup (2
accessors) which requires dual grippers. You do lose storage slots at the
top and bottom as noted, but the thing I don't understand is why the top 2
slots of the I/O door aren't blocked out like the shelves because the
Didn't see an answer to your question posted on the list. If there was,
my apologies.
Yes, just delete the db disk vol which contains the error. The mirrored
dbvol will become the primary. You can then OS delete the old db.vol file
and then run a DSMFMT to create/format it again. Th
The path definitions should be automatically defined during the upgrade of
Farren Minns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/11/03 06:53 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
This is a SERIOUS shortcoming of TSM, and something I've brought up
several times over the past 6 years! But the TSM folks just don't seem to
get it. I'll try again. I believe the situation as presented in the
original post, which comes up more and more often, could be solved easily
if we co
There's no command I know of which will tell you number of 'frames'. Total
number of drives in the ATL, sure: mtlib -lblah-D
"Large, Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/04/03 04:07 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
When you say "deleted and redefined drives" what that in Solaris or TSM?
I've had similar situations (on AIX) and was successful delete/redefining
drives 1st on the OS, then in TSM.
"Maxim Baturin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/03/03 1
the number of parens is not balanced. You're missing a right paren
Fred Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
07/22/03 02:34 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
FWIW, Another important bit is server versions. I've experienced the same
sort of thing when server versions where different, especially when the
target server was at a lower release. An upgrade of the target server
removed my errors.
Al Barth
Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM:
Over two years ago I asked for the following enhancements:
add the node= parameter to move data command
add the stgpool= parameter to delete filespace command
I still believe these would provide a great enhancement to storage
Jurjen Oskam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dis
/soapbox on/
Well then.
Following this to the logical end suggests the server should be free,
because you can't use it for anything without a client. However, also
consider under the current pricing scheme: a large n-way client with huge
fairly static files will cost more versus a single proc
So far every single time I've upgraded Atape over the last 6 years I've
done it thru smit install without doing a deinstall of the previous
version, and have not had any problems. My experience is that the process
has always deleted and redefine the rmt#'s. Note that some of the levels
of Atape h
I'm not sure if this applies in os/390 as it does in AIX, but did you:
- specify enable3590 yes in dsmserv.opt
- create new 3590 device class
- checkin new libvols with status=scratch and devt=3590
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ah, this again.
Your mananger needs to be taken out back and beaten until agreeing to both
read ITSM concepts manual and be subjected to a quiz. :-O)
TSM manages DATA via mgmtclass parameters you specify. IE, x number
versions kept for so many days, etc. and into which primary pool should
age, including any attachments, is
for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential
and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please
contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy al
Please explain more, as I don't see how anything would change. Inserted
tapes in a 3494 go to category FF00 which means "who wants to adopt me?"
Are there some additional parms now in TSM to allow the search=yes and
"tapes that begin with xxx" which work for a 3494? I admit I haven't
looked rec
BTDT! I use this AIX script: (modified for your volsers)
cp /dev/null temp.file
for volid in `mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0 -qC -sff00|grep ^AIX|cut -c-6`
echo "checkin libv 3494vts $volid status=scratch checklabel=no" >>
dsmadmc -id=... -pass=... macro temp.file
Tommy Templeton <
Paul, try this:
Under smit->user->change/show chariceristics of a user for root, what is
the soft file size limit? Been bit by this before. Setting it to -1
(negative one) removes any filesize limitations.
"Coviello, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Agreed! I have gotten numerous boxes of 'prelabeled' tapes only to find
that the vendor had only applied the barcodes.
Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/26/03 12:55 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
To: [E
I'm at AIX 4.3.3 ML 10
Somewhere along ML 6 or so, additional entries were added to /etc/inittab
such that an rc script gets executed and passed the run-level much like in
Solaris and other unix environments.
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 4
You got several answers, but I got questions for you.
1. Is the 3494 shared?
2. Do you know if the tapes are initialized?
If the 3494 is shared, you can't just do a search=yes because you may very
well get tapes that *shouldn't* belong to ITSM
If the tapes aren't initialized then you can't just
It's stuff like this that makes my shake my head in disbelief...
The summary table was working fine will ALL my clients, regardless of
version, when the server was 4.1.5. After upgrading ONLY the server to
5.1.5. the byte counts in the summary table are Zeroes.
Hmmm, compatability tested? I thi
Hi list-
Due to some restructuring, I need to export node 'x' from TSM server 'k'
and then import it to TSM server 'c'.
I want to use virtual vols.
I set up the server-server comm stuff, devc, and client nodes as needed.
I ran the export node 'x' on server 'k' specifying a devc that points to
[lobbing armor piercing verbage]
Oh ye of narrow vision and holder of golden horseshoe of hardware luck:
1. Have you ever lost a stg pool disk? And before you answer "well ya
just backup again"
Along with regular clients, I backup data
You need to isolate the data for that server/filespace in the copypool in
order to delete ONLY that data. I've used this brute force method before:
Turn colocation on for the copypool at client/filespace level as needed.
find copypool volumes containing data for the client using: select
I did the same, but then continued on to 5.1.5. No problems during
upgrade as long as you follow the instructions. Make sure you choose the
correct filesets for TSM (32 bit). I've heard where the upgrade db
doesn't get done automatically for some (mine did), but that can be done
select distinct(volume_name) from volumeusage where
David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/15/03 12:40 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Hello Farren.
As others have said, and I cannot agree more, yes you can do this but it
gets ugly.real quick!
Tape reclamation is the area which I find suffers the most, particularly
for copypool reclamation. How much depends greatly on your mgmtclass
parms for version limits, expiration, a
Glad you found it!
However, regarding the collocation=no issue on copypools
Having done TSM DR recoveries at an offsite location a few times, let me
share my experiences. When I started with TSM I had one copypool with
colloc=no. We then did our first DR recovery test where my goal was to
-AIX tape drivers. I don't know if that is feasible
again, it isn't supported if a problem does occur.
I've heard that somewhere in 5.2 or higher Tivoli is planning something to
help moving a server across platforms, but we aren't there yet.
-Original Message-
Are you saying that the internal format of the db changes between OS's?
If not, I wonder if this would work:
Install ITSM on Solaris
Export filesystems on AIX containing db and log areas
NFS mount those filesystems to Solaris
Update dsmserv.dsk on Solaris to point to NFS db and log areas
I'll 2nd that on the cleaner blocks. We had many problems with media
errors until we *made* the CE remove the blocks. He shook his head and
said "Alright, it's your system"..Media errors just about vanished.
In 6 years of 3494 with 3490e and 3590 drives, I have only had 5 that were
omas Denier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/14/02 03:45 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Allen Barth/Chicago/DBNA/DeuBa@DBNA
Subject:Re: dsmcad scheduler and multiple tasks
> Is there any way, or is it possible, to get more than one scheduled
> to occur on
Hello list.
Is there any way, or is it possible, to get more than one scheduled event
to occur on a client during the same time (or overlapping times) in which
the scheduler is controlled via dsmcad? I don't remember if this was
even possible using 'dsmc sched'.
At midnight a schedule
Are you running with colocation enabled anywhere? For best reclaim
performance, I have found that having colocation enabled=yes on both
onsite and offsite pools works the best. Why? Reduction of tape mounts.
Cost? Need more tapes, especially in offsite pool.
Per pool:
Keep in mind that onsite
A little off base? Yes and no. My CE will gladly do FMR microcode
updates (for a fee). You can download them from (well this is where I get them for
AIX) and be aware that you may also need some compatable level of Atape
driver too (See
When you say "script", are you talking about a TSM script or an OS script?
Sounds to me that you're doing a TSM script and, as such, the message is
completely valid. There is no mail command in TSM. In AIX I have client
schedules set up which run shell scripts.
Joni Moye
It is possible that the disks in question were previously used in a raid
configuration. As such they won't configure as hdisks. Go into diag,
service aids, ssa service aids and reformat them as AIX system disks. You
can get the serial numbers from lscfg -vp output. After that do a cfgmgr
and t
of problems, I have sturdier ground to stand
to get IBM to provide the functionality. And why are they having these
problems, because everyone wants the reliability of the 3590 platform,
this library already installed and say why not.
-Original Message-
From: Allen Barth [mailto:[
I stand by the statement that the 3494 volume claiming is working as
I have a 3494 which for the last 6 years is used concurrently by:
multiple non-shared os/390 lpars
two disparate as/400 systems
multiple rs/6k servers
2 TSM systems
Yes, it is up to the 'host software' to maintain cat
TSM will use the media that is available. If the copypool tapes are still
READW or READO, TSM will call for their mount. If those tapes are
OFFSITE then TSM will call for primary volume mounts as long as those
tapes are READW or READO.Please note that all this has NOTHING to do
with whether
It wasn't stolen. I have seen where the 3494 will eject a cart all on its
own for various reasons. This action is not sent to TSM. Perhaps the
operators saw the tape in the IO door and just pulled it out and put it
back in without letting anyone know. Mine have done that several times,
the vol
Yes, you can start backup stgpools before your cleint backups are
NO, the client data arriving at the server after the backup stgpool is
begun does not get backed up to the copypool in this cycle. Backup
stgpool is an incremental function in the same sense of client
Depends upon just what you mean by 'reserve'. Can you make db backups use
the same drive in a library/devc. That answer is no. You could, however,
define a 2nd library/devc and define one of the drives to it. Depending
on your server level, drive sharing may be available, otherwise you'd have
Actually it's a little worse
I found the hard way that the tapes which been emptied by move data or
reclamation also needed to be deleted. TSM somehow seems to record the
tape density/capacity when the tape is added to a stg pool. I had, um,
several tapes that would fail mounts and gen
I think this is what you want:
Select * from actlog where left(message,10)='ANR2565I'
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/28/02 03:21 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
I've heard this before, but I couldn't find anyone at IBM to confirm it.
I've been running tape and dasd thru the same FC adapter for about a year
now. Traffic goes from rs6k to an IBM2109 (brocade) switch and then splits
from there. I suspect the switch is handling the arb
Also make sure you've got either EXPQUIET specified in your server options
file, or specify QUIET=YES on the expire command.
David Longo
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Subject: Re: Expiration processing
Mark the tapes as read-only. When the tapes were added to TSM, it recorded
the fact that they are B1A density. During reclamation, move data, and
audit vol, TSM tries to mount the tapes R/W. The message is accurate
because you don't have any drives that can write at B1A density. If you
mark t
OOPS, it's early and I hit the reply before all your text registered in the
grey noodle.
Is there enough room in /usr?
Have you installed the device drivers for the fcp adapter card?
Jason Morgan
Sent by:
Jason, you cannot have both.
..rte is scsi support
..fcprte is scsi AND fcp support
de-install the .rte and then install the .fcprte
Jason Morgan
Sent by: Subject: Tivoli SAN definitio
Hi all.
I've got a client option set defined on the server for my UNIX clients.
The include-exclude specifications fulfill most everything I need. However
there are some UNIX clients which have a few special case needs. As such
these boxes have a local inclexcl file specified in the dsm.sys.
Fred, if the users' data is already compressed (ie BACKTRACK data) coming
in it is quite possible to get only this much. You don't say, but are
these K or J carts? In my experience with J carts I was getting 12-60 gig
per cart depending on the data, with an average around 18G.
Also I think I'd
While you don't mention what the tape usage is during the day, I'd create a
schedule which runs every hour or two which does a BACKUP STG disk
Doing this allows this oracle archive data to get copied to the copy pool
on several small increments and thus the majority of the data is alread
My TSM server is 4.1.4 on AIX 4.3.3. I had already been at Atape 6.1.9
and atldd 5.0.7, and was experiencing the 'lost track of tape drives
problem'. Ended up having to upgrade the microcode on my fibre attached
3590e's to level E350. Poof...problem gone!
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investm
I have *exactly* this combo. Each platform must be careful to claim only
those tapes in insert category (ff00) which it owns. For my Tivoli server
in AIX, I have a script which runs hourly to find insert mode carts that
belong to Tivoli and generate batch LABEL LIBV commands. In os/39
I haven't been able to find this Redbook online. Got a number for it?
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investments
Steve Harris
I migrated TSM from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 on AIX 4.3.3 ML6. The inventory
expiration that used to run in about 2 hours is now takes anywhere from 4
to 12 hours.
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investments
Andy Carlson
Last I heard, mixing multipath dasd with tape activity on the same FC card
is not supported, and from what I've seen on my system, this seems to be
the case.
I've got 2 FC adapters in a 7026-H70 risc box at AIX 4.3.3. These are
connected to an IBM 2109 FC switch which is some model brocade. Fr
Here here!
I suppose I might even be tempted to challenge the user to explaine why
they believe the files on disk are valid an intact in the first place.
Then I'd tell them their files are on RAID5 and enjoy the expressions.
"Cook, Dwight
We're using some from 'Symbol' and they hook into an interface which then
uploades data to a CA product on a pc
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investments
David Longo
Sent by: "ADSM: DistSubject: Re: Hand-he
Hmmm, a wide spread problem. I have these sessions from time to time with
a TSM 4.1.1 server running in AIX 4.3.3 ml 6. I've found that when these
sessions are present, the CPU is maxed out. Killing these sessions
restores the CPU to normal usage. I've played with several versions/makes
of br
A little planning, and the right hardware go a long way.
I had SSA disks looped thru both machines, and made sure all my TSM stuff
was in a VG on those disks. TSM was installed on the new box equal to the
version on the old box. Move time was simply:
Shut down TSM on old box, and shutdown new b
Well I've got a 4.1.1 TSM server on AIX in an H70 box and this
morning our performance guy came over and said "dsmserv is killing the
box". I logged in to TSM and found several old web admin client sessions
hanging around. Killed those, cpu back to normal. It's a shot...
Al Barth
I believe that Gisbert is saying that he's got data from node-a in a
storage pool 'x' where it should be in pool 'y'. TSM provide no direct
function to move the data for a specific node. His best shot at
accomplishing the task, as I understood it, was if pool 'x' has colocation
Richard is correct in once a "cart" is ejected from the 3494, the vol info
is deleted from the 3494 database. However, both our operators and I have
re-inserted 'used up, ejected' cleaner carts and the 3494 happily uses them
again. So the question then becomes "Are these cleaner carts doing
To do a list database, I have to take the 3494 offline. Now 'search
database' with no parameters will yield a list of everything 100 at a time
and I suppose I could stand there looking for the cell(s) containing the
offending carts. But a 3494 in HA with home location of 'float' could very
Congrats! I'll follow the same method if should I come across enough time
to do an inventory on the 3494. Ours is hooked to os/390(many lpars),
multiple rs/6k, and multiple as/400 machines. Finding or scheduling time
is difficult. Now should the 3494 breakHmmm..
Nonetheless, I view
Actually, good quality barcode labels WILL come all on their own provided
they were improperly put on. Our operators have given us this oportunity
multiple times.
And there is NO way to query the library manager to tell you what volser is
in a given slot, short of manually paging thru the entire
I don't think this is a passwd file problem, as we get them frequently in
SQL-BT, and at this time the user has signed on. However I do think it
does have something to do with authentication. FYI we also get these with
SQL-BT for MS SQL server on NT.
Andrea Campi
Also give thought to "Is there enough time allocated to reclamation?"
Do a scan of the actlog to make sure there isn't something preventing
successfull offsite reclamation. An onsite tape with errors or in
unavailable status will play havoc with reclamations both offsite and
You make mention of "Depending on how often your directories change, this
could potentially
impact the size of our TSM database." What is the definition of when a
directory changes. We've got some dirs that haven't changed since
inception with respect to permissions, access right, ACL's,
Hi all
We've been using SQL-Backtrack for Sybase and Oracle for 4+ years. And
Upgrading the obsi to v2.5 yielded a non functioning system. BMC
personnel, after spending 3 days trying to dial into our system (got warm
fuzzies just with that alone) did manage to get their stuff to work
Did I hear UNIX?
Include/exclude statements go in a file which gets pointed to via the
INCLEXCL parm in the dsm.sys. Said file needs to be world readable.
Demetrius" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
While your statement is technically true Andy, *SM does take the liberty
of folding various fields to UPPER CASE which IMHO is just plain dumb.
OOPS, forgot that mainframe heritage.
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investments
Andy Raibeck
This is a case for archive!
Brian Nick
Sent by: Subject: Backup versions
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"
Welcome to the world of dueling hosts.
...been there done that
this condition is fixed by patching the mainframe. Get a good
understanding of what happens during library insert mode with respect to
the hosts attached, then look for info on CBRUXENT. This module is part of
OAM and provi
Hello all. When I saw this posting I was tempted to reply but knowing I
had a DR test coming in mid-NOV I figured I'd get some real life data about
DIRMC to share with everyone. I was not prepared for what happened.
Server TSM4.1.1 on AIX
Client TSM4.1.1 on AIX
I ha
Sure! Use the virtualnodename parameter in dsm.opt
"Wise, Alan
Subject: DR test-testing
Sent by:
"ADSM: Dist
Well, yes and no, depending on how much pain you are willing to put up with.
If you are looking to be able to directly MOVE the data for these filesystems,
the answer is NO! That funtionality doesn't exist in TSM, but has been
requested several times. The only way I got done what you're looking
apples - organges = bananas
What I mean by this is your method is flawed. You can't rely on numbers from
TSM (selects) and numbers from the 3494 (mtlib) to mean the same things.
For example: you did not consider tapes in INSERT mode in the 3494. They indeed
take up space but are niether private
Yes, it will, or should. I'm running a AIX server with 3590e J and K
carts in my 3494. Had to upgrade Atape.driver and atldd.driver (did this long
before the CE's did the MES). As previously mentioned in the forum, it's
probably a good idea to mark existing J's to readonly
I found that my view of TSM over the past 4 years is a moving target, as new
situations unfolded. Overall I'll give it an 8.
I'm currently going through a massive storage pool rework due to several
factors. Over time the number of frames on our 3494 has gone from 1 to 8 to 6
(because we've got
I'll 2nd that! I've found many tapes in creative location in our 3494.
Besides the floor, I've found them between racks, one riding back and forth on
the bottom frame fo the robot car, and as we have HA, found one in the 2nd
gripper on a robot arm that died just at the right time, and also found
I also experienced this problem, and besides doing everything that Reinhard
says, I also had to update the devclass for the 3590's to FORMAT=3590E-C instead
of DRIVE. That was the ultimate solution.
In our case this problem quickly came to light because restores began to fail.
The odd thing abo
Agreed. To the point! You will, of course, need the MES to upgrade the
physical drives to handle K capacity carts, and there is a minimum level of tape
driver needed too. But that said,
I have both 'J' and 'K' carts in the same library, same pools, save devclasses,
etc and working just fine
I don't see why they say it wouldn't work. You'll probably need some sort of
rs-232 adapter in the node though. For what it's worth, having been connected
via rs232 (not from an SP) but now connected via ethernet, I won't go back. The
access speed and reliablility of ethernet over serial, not t
Hi Tom,
I also have a problem with Backtrack and signal 11's. I'm using 3.7.x clients
into a 3.1.x server (soon to be upgraded to 3.7). We have a couple of nodes
using the 4.1 client, none of them being unix, and haven't seen any issues.
Can you share your issue # with BMC to me? I'll pass th
Hi Ken,
Been there, did that. It may be easier than you think. This is all predicated
on having SSA disks, but here's what I did:
1. Made sure all ADSM 'space' was on ssa, in it's own VG. (this includes vol
hist, device config, short anything needed to run ADSM apart from
the bina
90 matches
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