Hi Tom,
I also have a problem with Backtrack and signal 11's. I'm using 3.7.x clients
into a 3.1.x server (soon to be upgraded to 3.7). We have a couple of nodes
using the 4.1 client, none of them being unix, and haven't seen any issues.
Can you share your issue # with BMC to me? I'll pass this info along to our
DBA's anyway.
The interesting thing is that BMC was hesitant to commit to supporting the 3.7.2
client until a month ago, so I find it somewhat odd that they are suggesting
moving to a 4.1 client.
Al Barth
Scudder Kemper Investments
| | "Fluker, Tom R" |
| | <Tom.Fluker@VIASY|
| | STEMS.COM> |
| | Sent by: "ADSM: |
| | Dist Stor |
| | Manager" |
| | .EDU> |
| | |
| | |
| | 08/14/00 02:26 PM|
| | Please respond to|
| | "ADSM: Dist Stor |
| | Manager" |
| | |
| |
| cc: |
| Subject: compatibility |
I've got a problem with SQL-BACKTRACK (signal 11)... BMC is telling me to
load the 4.1 client software.
My server is ADSM 3.1...
Has anybody had any experience running TSM 4.1 client software into ADSM 3.1
server? Probably just asking for trouble and BMC will probably tell me to
upgrade server if that doesn't work. Man it must be great to have software
"up to date" all the time!!!!
Thanks for any help
Tom Fluker
Viasystems Technologies