Also give thought to "Is there enough time allocated to reclamation?"
Do a scan of the actlog to make sure there isn't something preventing
successfull offsite reclamation.  An onsite tape with errors or in
unavailable status will play havoc with reclamations both offsite and

                    Jim Taylor
                    <jtaylor@ENLO        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    GIX.COM>             cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Offsite tapes expiration
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    01:26 PM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

You state that you are running reclamation.  What is the reclamation
threshold on your offsite copypool being set to?  Check the status of your
offsite tapes.  If the Pct Util for a volume is less than that of your
reclamation threshold, those volumes should be reclaimed(emptied) when you
run the reclamation.  If the Pct Util of your tapes is not changing then
nothing is being expired.


-----Original Message-----
From: Braich, Raminder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Offsite tapes expiration

The landscape:
  IBM 3494 with 4 3590 drives
  Server TSM 4.1.2 on WIN 2000
  Client        TSM 4.1.1 on WIN NT
        We are not using DRM. However we do have a macro that checks all
tapes which were written to go offsite , ejects the tapes and marks them
offsite. This is working fine except that the offsite tapes seldom become
empty. We have two domain which are backed up SAP R/3 and all the other NT
machines. For R/3 the backups are supposed to be kept for 360 days and for
NT machines for 30 days. The expiration process runs everyday and
reclamation process runs every weekend.
   It has been over two months since we implemented TSM server 4.1.2 and
only six tapes have become empty till date. The combined data for R/3 is
about 700GB. Tapes are added constantly to the library since they are not
being emptied. Can someone please tell me which parameters should I be
looking at in order to get the tapes back. Or if there are any good

Raminder Braich

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