2001-02-14 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,FC-SIL/INF.
You can simply query actlog with above filter or use a select statement to query the actlog, filtering with "ANE4955I" yours, René Lambelet Nestec S.A. / Informatique du Centre 55, av. Nestlé CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) *+41'21'924'35'43 7+41'21'924'28'88 * K4-117 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vi

Re: dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread Thierry ITTY
of course you tried to run it in the foreground without redirecting the stderr to null ? and checked the dsmerror.log and sched.log files ? this may happen if there is a password problem, or if the node is not registered in adsm's schedules hth A 13:03 14/02/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit : >I re

Re: Restored NT Node failed to back up via the scheduler

2001-02-14 Thread BURDEN,Anthony
RC32 is an open can not backup the page file...try excluding some of the NT system files/directories. -Original Message- From: Raymond Chao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, 15 February 2001 16:07 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Restored NT Node failed t

Restored NT Node failed to back up via the scheduler

2001-02-14 Thread Raymond Chao
Hi TSM, Recently, we restored an NT(Lotus Notes) node into a test box using 2 node names. We then successfully did a manual backup of the test box. So far so good. However, the overnight backup for the test box via scheduler failed. Here's the error logs- 05-02-2001 11:2

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Ganu Sachin, IBM
Yes we do have this problem. 3590 E11 supports TEST MEDIA option. Before using the tape for the first time, we test the tape. It has failed while writing indicating on control panel writing / reading very fast and then resulting in failure. Also 2-3 tapes reports write-protected tape even if it is

Re: Virus on the list

2001-02-14 Thread Dominique Laflamme
You don't follow the list? But you're *MY* ADSM administrator! :-) :-) > -Original Message- > From: Martha McConaghy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:11 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Virus on the list > > > The note posted on Monday which carried t

Re: 3494, multiple tsm's connected, balancing media

2001-02-14 Thread Davidson, Becky
>From personal experience if you try to checkout a tape that is mounted you won't be able to. As for sharing the convenience i/o I think whoever starts their task wins. On a slightly off question but dealing with the same environment I have discovered that I have a greedy tsm server in that it w

Re: 3494, multiple tsm's connected, balancing media

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Cowen
Snyder.John [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: >This configuration should allow us to "rebalance" the number of scratch tapes between the different servers as required. (ie: if I need to move some tapes from server A to server B, I don't need to peel and stick any volser labels!) So far, so good...

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Talafous, John G.
Keep in mind that there are currently three (3) manufacturers of 3590 media. Off the top of my head I can name two of them. Can this be nailed down to a particular media manufacturer? John G. Talafous IS Technical Principal The Timken CompanyGlobal Software Support P.O. B

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Othonas Xixis
Debbie Hi, You are correct, there is sensitivity nature issue with the 3590 E (Extended length) tapes or "K" type or Condor. I was told that if you drop a "K" cartridge from a height as short as 4 inches would cause the tape to be unusable. I've not seen this in print but this indicates how serio

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Tom Bebee
Debbie, We have a couple of instances where we have bought tapes for our 3590E drives and shortly after inserting them in the library we have encountered what looks like drive errors. The CE came out both times and replaced some components. The first time I was convinced that it truly was a

Re: IBM 3575-L32 tapes broke

2001-02-14 Thread Tab Trepagnier
David, We have three 3575s with a mix of blue, green, and red tapes. We have 360 tapes online and another 250 near-line. We have never had one break in four years. What we have seen with our drives is: - bad microcode; - worn heads; - misalignment of the drive with the picker path; - failure of

dsmaccnt.log and MS-Excel - was RE: RESTORES

2001-02-14 Thread Talafous, John G.
While discussing the format of dsmaccnt.log and the fact that it can be easily imported into MS-Excel I wonder... Has anyone developed any chargeback procedures for TSM? How can I determine what it costs to provide this service using the dsmaccnt.log file and MS-Excel? I know, the biggest argumen

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Talafous, John G.
Our environment is a 3466-C00, 3494 library with 3590-E1A drives. We stocked it with 600 extended length cartridges that were initialized and labeled by a media supplier. To date, we have had NO media problems. We DID have a micro-code upgrade early on when the 3590-E1A's were reporting data probl

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
I deleted one by one ..But don`t you feel that there should be a command to delete volumes by storage pool name ? Hope will get in TSM5 :- ) Thanks Shekhar . George Lesho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 02/14/2001 03:49:22 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Debbie Lane
2 of our first 20 tapes (IBM brand) were damaged. Our CE checked out the drives and the tapes. The CE and IBM support said that the tapes were probably damaged in shipment. We did not have this issue with the 3590's. -Original Message- From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Se

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Kathleen M Hallahan
What server code are you using? There has been some discussion over the last couple of weeks about problems like report of a microcode fix, which we are i also in the process of trying out in our test environment and should hopefully put into production soon. Kathleen |+---

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Debbie Lane
oops, The drive is a 3590-E1A. The tapes in question are the "K" higher capacity tapes. -Original Message- From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:27 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 3590E >We recently started using 3590E tapes. Several

Re: IBM 3575-L32 tapes broke

2001-02-14 Thread George Lesho
David... TSM AIX 4.3.2 with a 3575 L32... I have about .015 of my 700-800 total volumes with excessive media errors. Out of the same total, I have about a dozen that have had to been marked destroyed because they couldn't be mounted and I have had one break. I am using a variety of Magstar

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Prather, Wanda
One out of our first 100 tapes appears to have some sort of damage, can't read the internal label. Have you tried reinitializing them, or do you have a way to tell for sure that the tape is trashed? -Original Message- From: Debbie Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February


2001-02-14 Thread George Lesho
Absolutely correct. The dsmaccnt.log is a comma delimited flat file which is intended to be imported into an Excel spread sheet. Since there are 29 fields, most of which are figures, it is easier to import it into the spread sheet to do any in depth analysis. It can be viewed in flat file form to

Re: 3590E

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>We recently started using 3590E tapes. Several of them are damaged. We >talked to IBM support, and it sounds like other customers have had similar >problems. I am wondering if any of you have experienced 3590E damaged in >shipment? Have you had other problems with the 3590E? I think you mea


2001-02-14 Thread Selva, Perpetua
Are u talking about dsmaccnt.log? Please Advise > -Original Message- > From: Richard Sims [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 3:19 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: RESTORES > > >iS THERE WAY OF FINDING OUT HOW MANY RESTORES ARE BEING PERFORMED >

3494, multiple tsm's connected, balancing media

2001-02-14 Thread Snyder.John
This note is specific to a situation where: - there are multiple TSM instances, - servers run on AIX, - multiple TSM instances share a 3494 library, - we do NOT use volser ranges for each tsm's media, - we DO use different scratchcat and privatcat numbers on each

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Prather, Wanda
Here's a quick and dirty suggestion: While the backup appears to be noodling around doing nothing during the compare, enter the command "Q SESSION F=D". If the server shows the session in RUN state, you are probably waiting on the server. If the server shows the session in IDLEW state, the serv

Re: IBM 3575-L32 tapes broke

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>Anybody have any bad experience with tapes breaking in 3575 libraries? David - Don't have a 3575, but tape handling is largely governed by drive microcode. It's possible for microcode to cause excessive tension to be placed on the tape during some phases of its handling. Or, as you addi

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>I believe you change the buffer pool size in the dsmserv.opt file and use an >entry as follows: >BUFPOOLSIZE 16384 >The accepted way to do this is to note your current buffer pool size and then >double it. Watch your cache hit percentage for a day or two and then double >again to achieve the opti

Re: dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread George Lesho
Bill, The nohup is probably unnecessary if you are using a modern shell. I am also not familiar with HP syntax but I don't use dash in front of the sched argument after the dsmc binary the entry from my /etc/inittab file is as follows: /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsmc sched >/dev/null 2>&1 George Lesh

Re: Export/Import Data between servers

2001-02-14 Thread Ruddy STOUDER
Sorry for answering so late. Just reading my mails after 2 weeks with customers. Same procedure to run on destination server but to import from him to himself : DEFINE SERVER TARGET NODENAME=SOURCE PASSWORD=XXX. with IP address= DEFINE DEVCLASS TARGET SERVERNAME=TARGET


2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>iS THERE WAY OF FINDING OUT HOW MANY RESTORES ARE BEING PERFORMED >FROM THE CLIENTS.. The TSM accounting records track backup, restore, archive, retrieve, and HSM operations such that customers can produce reports on frequency, amount of data, and the like. Richard Sims, BU

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread George Lesho
Shekhar, Do a: h del vol and you will see that specifiying the storagepool name is not an option. I don't believe that there is a command to delete volumes from a specific storage pool. George Lesho Storage/System Admin AFC Enterprises Shekhar Dhotre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/14/2001 01:09


2001-02-14 Thread Debbie Lane
We recently started using 3590E tapes. Several of them are damaged. We talked to IBM support, and it sounds like other customers have had similar problems. I am wondering if any of you have experienced 3590E damaged in shipment? Have you had other problems with the 3590E?


2001-02-14 Thread William Sherrill
If you have accounting turned on, you can look in the dsmaccnt.log file. Bill Sherrill Analyst International

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread George Lesho
I believe you change the buffer pool size in the dsmserv.opt file and use an entry as follows: BUFPOOLSIZE 16384 The accepted way to do this is to note your current buffer pool size and then double it. Watch your cache hit percentage for a day or two and then double again to achieve the optimal se

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
... >We are trying to complete an incremental backup an NT Server with about 3 >million small objects (according to TSM) in many, many folders and it can't >even get done in 12 hours. To the excellent responses already posted regarding the TSM db being in the middle of the operations, I could onl

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Malbrough, Demetrius
I think you have to do it one at a time, as Kelly stated... Unless you can write a SELECT statement to perform the task!!! -Original Message- From: arhoads [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:56 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: deleting copypool tapes. S


2001-02-14 Thread Prather, Wanda
The TSM accounting records. If you turn accounting on, TSM will cut one record for each session the client starts. The record gives you a count of the "objects" restored and the KB restored during the session. "Objects" include files+directories+any other things TSM considers "objects", which ma

Re: TSM and the last access date on a file

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>I have been asked to get confirmation from IBM regard TSM about the last >access date on a file. We are in the process of implementing SRM which looks >at a number of attributes on files including the last access date to give a >report of stale and redundant data. We need TSM to be able to back u


2001-02-14 Thread Selva, Perpetua
How to Report how many RESTORES were done during a certain time period iS THERE WAY OF FINDING OUT HOW MANY RESTORES ARE BEING PERFORMED FROM THE CLIENTS.. > [Selva, Perpetua]

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread arhoads
Shekhar, I don't have time to look up the command but try it without the asterisk ('*'). Steffan Shekhar Dhotre wrote: > > Demetrius > the given command will delete only one tape at a time . > I am searching for a command that will delete all copypool tapes in one command > so the * , in m

Re: dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread arhoads
Shekhar/Bll, While it can be done many of the problems with the TSM scheduler can cause problems with respawn. Better to add a manual start script that calls the same script used by inittab so you can quickly restart the daemon. Steffan Shekhar Dhotre wrote: > > Add the entry for sched dameon

IBM 3575-L32 tapes broke

2001-02-14 Thread David Longo
Anybody have any bad experience with tapes breaking in 3575 libraries? We have 6 C-XL drives with both blue and red tapes and both break. When I started here over 4 months ago I found that we were loosing maybe 2 tapes a week. I opened cases and all were being broken cleanly at the midpoint.

Re: Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
> 3.) I get following message on the library manager console: > > A cartridge could not be released from Gripper 1 , Accessor A Grippage problems can indicate an alignment problem in the 3494 frame. The 3494's robot has no "eyes" to see where it's going, but rather remembers where all pos

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Kelly J. Lipp
One at a time! Kelly J. Lipp Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc. PO Box 51313 Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313 (719) 531-5926 Fax: (240) 539-7175 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAI

Re: dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
Add the entry for sched dameon in /etc/inittab file and set it to respawn . shekhar "Evans, William C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 02/14/2001 02:03:45 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> T

Re: Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library

2001-02-14 Thread Jolley, Bill
We experience the same problem. The solution was to use cardboard to shield the light. -Original Message- From: Davidson, Becky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 2:14 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library As st

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
Demetrius the given command will delete only one tape at a time . I am searching for a command that will delete all copypool tapes in one command so the * , in my command . DELete VOLUME volume_name DISCARDdata=yes Wait=No How i can replace volume_name in above command with * . i.e. (All

Re: dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread Thomas Denier
> I recently installed the tivoli adsm product on an HP 9000, running O/S > version 11.00. I kick off the scheduler daemon using nohup /dsmc > -sched -pass= 2> /dev/null & > The daemon starts, runs for a few seconds and then ends; no errors > displayed, no entries in the syslog. > Anyone e

Re: Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library

2001-02-14 Thread Fred Johanson
That's what my CE thought for a while too. Removing the flourescent from above the 3494 gave temporary relief, but the real problem was that the door was ajar just enough to make the upper portion of the row opposite the hinge occasionally unavailable. Once he levelled off the door, no more prob

Re: deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Malbrough, Demetrius
-Shekar- To my knowledge that is an invalid command! The delete volume command is as follows: DELete VOLUME volume_name DISCARDdata=yes Wait=No Looks like you are trying to incorporate a MOVe DRMedia command or something... Thanks, Demetrius Malbrough TSM Consultant -Original Message-

Re: Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library

2001-02-14 Thread Davidson, Becky
As strange as it sounds we have had problems with our library with the ambient light. Cover the window above that section and see if it fixes the problem. Hope that helps. -Original Message- From: Mahesh Babbar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 6:32 AM To: [E

dsmc daemon

2001-02-14 Thread Evans, William C
I recently installed the tivoli adsm product on an HP 9000, running O/S version 11.00. I kick off the scheduler daemon using nohup /dsmc -sched -pass= 2> /dev/null & The daemon starts, runs for a few seconds and then ends; no errors displayed, no entries in the syslog. Anyone else experien

deleting copypool tapes.

2001-02-14 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
Hi all , what is the command that will delete all (90) copypooltapes in one shot .. I am trying DELETE VOLUME * WHERESTGPOOL=COPYPOOL WHEREDEVCLASS=STK9710 discarddata=yes with no luck 02/14/01 13:34:08 ANR2401E DELETE VOLUME: Volume * is not defined in a thanks shekhar

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files - ANOTHER QUESTION

2001-02-14 Thread arhoads
Diana, At the start of the backup session the server sends a list of all 'current' files to the client. If, on the client, the RESOURCEUTILIZATION parameter is set to a number greater than 2 then the task of processing the list may be split over a number of processes (and the task of backing-up

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files - ANOTHER QUESTION

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>I'm assuming that the MASTER LIST of these 1000 files, their creation, modifiy >date, # of generations kept, how many there currently are, etc. are kept in the >TSM Server Database. If we watch an incremental backup, via the GUI, we are >seeing that for this client the COMPARE time is horrible.

Re: BMR Software

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
>I agree with you that Tivoli should have never dropped this >capability. Steve - I concur. For Tivoli to support Disaster Recovery but not bare metal restore seems like a contradiction in terms. It is encouraging that The Kernel Group is the BMR vendor, given their track record in supp

Re: Tivoli response time to PMR

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Sims
> I recently used a feedback page to report a problem on the "end of > currency" web page > > > > Just a few minutes later I had a response and an hour or so later a > response that stated: > > Thanks for calling this to our attent

Performance Large Files vs. Small Files - ANOTHER QUESTION

2001-02-14 Thread Diana J.Cline
Thanks so far for the information that you have given me this morning. I have another question. Suppose my client has a total of 1000 files. My nightly backups usually only find 1 file to backup that has been new/changed/deleted. What is happening to each of the other 999 files during the back

Virus on the list

2001-02-14 Thread Martha McConaghy
The note posted on Monday which carried the "Anna Kornakova" virus or worm, has been removed from the list archives. I hope Mark Adams gets his machine cleaned up. If (when) something like this happens again, please drop me a note directly. I can usually get it taken out of the LISTSERV before t

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread arhoads
Diana, Each file backed-up requires a database update to record the backup. If each file is large the transaction rate is slower than if each file is small due to the time it takes to send the file to TSM. The only optimization is to tune the database & logs by spreading the load across multipl

Re: Tivoli response time to PMR

2001-02-14 Thread Thomas Denier
> I recently used a feedback page to report a problem on the "end of > currency" web page > > > > Just a few minutes later I had a response and an hour or so later a > response that stated: > > Thanks for calling this to our attent

Re: BMR Software

2001-02-14 Thread Steve Hicks
Sorry for the vague post earlier. The Red Book number is SG24-4880. It's an oldie but goodie. Oddly enough (or maybe not), TKG called me after my original post on this subject and we are going to give this product another shot. I agree with you that Tivoli should have never dropped this capability

How to see what session is running on client

2001-02-14 Thread Malbrough, Demetrius
Good afternoon, *SMers! A colleague and I were wandering if there was some type of client command equivalent to running a 'query session' on the server to see all of the running client sessions that could be run on the client itself. It's like the client being able to see how many sessions he ha

Test - Do not open

2001-02-14 Thread Tiago Botelho

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Thomas Denier
> Does anyone have a TECHNICAL reason why I can backup 30GB of 2GB files that are > stored in one directory so much faster than 30GB of 2kb files that are stored > in a bunch of directories? > > I know that this is the case, I just would like to find out why. If the amount > of data is the same a

No Subject

2001-02-14 Thread Tiago Botelho
Make sure the file dsm.jar in the client directory exists. If exists, rename it and try to copy another dsm.jar from another client with the same level to the client directory. dsm.jar could be corrupt. Tiago > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Re: Tivoli response time to PMR

2001-02-14 Thread Wayne T. Smith
George Lesho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote, in part.. > Hi Petr... the lack of response for the time you cited is far too long. Tivoli, > here in the US, gets back next day usually for Level 3 email queries.. I recently used a feedback page to report a problem on the "end of currency" web page

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Imagine it strictly from a database perspective. Scenario 1: 15 files, 2GB each Scenario 2: 15728640 files, 2KB each In scenario one, your loop is essentially like this: numfiles = 15; for (i = 0; $i < $numfiles ; $i++) { insert file characteristics into database; request data be se

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Reinhold Wagner
After performing the command _q db f=d_ you will see a screen like this: Available Space (MB): 12,000 Assigned Capacity (MB): 12,000 Maximum Extension (MB): 0 Maximum Reduction (MB): 2,684 Page Size (bytes): 4,096 Total Usable Pages: 3,0

No Subject

2001-02-14 Thread Palmadesso Jack
Make sure the client acceptor piece and the Remote client agent piece are installed. Also make sure the client acceptor piece is started. If they are you may want to try reinstalling them using the dsmcutil program provided. Jack -Original Message- From: Reinhold Wagner [mailto:[EMAIL

TSM and the last access date on a file

2001-02-14 Thread Sharp, Neil (London)
I have been asked to get confirmation from IBM regard TSM about the last access date on a file. We are in the process of implementing SRM which looks at a number of attributes on files including the last access date to give a report of stale and redundant data. We need TSM to be able to back up fi

No Subject

2001-02-14 Thread Reinhold Wagner
Folks, after an upgrade of one of our clients to 4.1.2 web connect to port 1581 doesn't work any more. Server: 4.1.2 - AIX 4.3.3 Client: 4.1.2 - Solaris 7 This is the Java console of Netscape: Netscape Communications Corporation -- Java 1.1.5 Type '?' for options. Symantec Java! ByteCode Com

Re: Netware Client: Decompress Data before Backup?

2001-02-14 Thread Forgosh, Seth
We had exactly the same problem. As I understand it, this is a function of the TSAs and can be implemented in the backup software. Unfortunately TSM does not allow for backing up the files in a decompressed state. However, I would think that you would still need enough free space to do the decompr

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread David Longo
I don't have the fine detail reason but the "in a nutshell" reason is that for every file backed up there is a compare between the *SM server DB and the client as to file name and date to see if it needs to be backed up or what. (That to me is main reason for lot of small files taking longer t

Very Strange Problem related to IBM 3494 library

2001-02-14 Thread Mahesh Babbar
Hi , I am facing a very starnge problem. My Environment is: IBM Backup System: NSM 3466 C-30 RS 6000 , OS version AIX :- 4.3.2 TSM : Hardware : IBM 3494 Library 1 Gripper 3 frames in total L12 D12 S10 3590

Re: Antwort: TSM on Sun Solaris 2.7

2001-02-14 Thread Molloy, Tom
yes, we are. > -Original Message- > From: Matthew Muldoon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 10:02 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Antwort: TSM on Sun Solaris 2.7 > > Are you running the 64bit kernel on sol. 2.7?

Re: Sending messages to an email address on Windoze?

2001-02-14 Thread Braich, Raminder
We use stalkermail, yeah it is funny but works great and very simple. Raminder Braich > -Original Message- > From: Richard Cowen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:56 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Sending messages to an email address on Windo

Backing up NFS drives.

2001-02-14 Thread Wilson, Dominic
Hi, I'm having a problem backing up my nfs drives (from a netapp filer). TSM seems to back up some of the drives but not all. I have specified the nfs drives in the dsm.opt file and this seems to work if I run an incremental backup manually, but it keeps failing on scheduled jobs. Any ideas?

Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Diana J.Cline
Using an NT Client and an AIX Server Does anyone have a TECHNICAL reason why I can backup 30GB of 2GB files that are stored in one directory so much faster than 30GB of 2kb files that are stored in a bunch of directories? I know that this is the case, I just would like to find out why. If the a

Antwort: TSM on Sun Solaris 2.7

2001-02-14 Thread Matthew Muldoon
Are you running the 64bit kernel on sol. 2.7?

Re: Serios Situation - Related to Recovery Log - Update

2001-02-14 Thread Mahesh Babbar
Hi My bufpoolsize is 131072 and logpoolsize is 512. Memory is 512 MB. Richard's, inputs are also valid to actually know why it is happenning. Would like to highlight that it wan't happening always. Though as per Artuto recommendation ( and Tivoli also), I have upgr

Re: TSM on Sun Solaris 2.7

2001-02-14 Thread
Tom. I recently upgraded one of my 3.7.3 servers to 3.7.4 at Tivoli's recomendation after the server wouldn't start do to a recovery log problem. I'm see similar symptoms. I'm getting nothing better than 1.2 gb per hour with the client and server both running on the same node within my E1. Ho

Netware Client: Decompress Data before Backup?

2001-02-14 Thread Hanna Hahne
Hallo, We will migrate one of our Netware servers to new hardware: Source server: Netware 4.11, NTWFS volumes with compression. Target Server: Netware 5.1, NSS volumes (no compression). At the source server we do not have the disk capacity to decompress the data, which means we have compressed

TSM on Sun Solaris 2.7

2001-02-14 Thread Molloy, Tom
Hi all, I am currently testing TSM (new install) on a Sun Enterprise 4500 with 4GB of memory OS is Solaris 2.7. The performance is absolutely horrible (About 1 GB / hour), it appears that there is a memory leak in the server software. The only time I get ok performance (3 GB per hour) i

Re: tsm client acceptor. thanks.

2001-02-14 Thread Sandy Wu
Thanks for the info. on the tsm client acceptor. Mike and Disler Regards, Sandy Wu

Re: BMR Software

2001-02-14 Thread Richard L. Rhodes
> Go download the DR redbook Could please give the full name of the Redbook you are refering to? Initial searches on the redbook web site didn't find anything. Thanks Rick

will the real localhost stand up

2001-02-14 Thread Suad Musovich
RS6000/F80-AIX-TSM- Very bizzare thing happened to me on the way to the market... Restoring a file, locally, on my TSM server only yielded an 80KB/second transfer rate. When I backed up I was getting ~ 8MB/second. I eventually traced it down to changing the TCPServeraddress (in dsm.sys)

Antwort: Re: TDP for Informix 4.1 - Expiring Informix logs ...?

2001-02-14 Thread Rainer Holzinger
Hi Othonas, I followed the discussion about TDP for Informix 4.1 and I have another question belonging to this one. Question: Is there a 64bit support within TDP for Informix 4.1? We are about upgrading our 6 SAP R/3 systems to 4.6C and Informix 7.31 UC7 under AIX 4.3.3. All software (AIX, SAP R