Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-04 Thread Jack Norton
Brian L. Stuart wrote: Just getting something to happen might be training, but it sure isn't education. Thats the best one-liner I have ever heard on the subject. -Jack

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-04 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: *with*, not *on* right? with. it's an appliance. Now, the information above is quite useful, yet my question was more along the lines of -- if one was to build such a box using Plan 9 as the software -- would it be: 1. feasible 2. have any advantages o

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-08 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: I think what he means is: You are given an inordinate amount of harddrives and some computers to house them. If plan9 is your only software, how would it be configured overall, given that it has to perform as well, or better. Or put another way: your boss wants you to co

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-08 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: Also, another probably dumb question: did the the fileserver machine use the AoE device as a kenfs volume or a fossil(+venti)? s/did/does/. the fileserver is running today. the fileserver provides the network with regular 9p fileserver with three attach points (main

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-09 Thread Jack Norton
Abhishek Kulkarni wrote: On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Russ Cox > wrote: > anyone written any software recently? i did. Thanks. I like the new interface. It makes searching through the archives a lot easier. I do still kinda sometim

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-14 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: So what about having venti on an AoE device, and fossil on a local drive (say an ssd even)? sure. we keep the cache on the coraid sr1521 as well. How would you handle (or: how would venti handle), a resize of the AoE device? that would depend on the d

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-14 Thread Jack Norton
Russ Cox wrote: On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Jack Norton wrote: So when you create a Venti volume, it basically writes '0's' to all the blocks of the underlying device right? In case anyone decides to try the experiment, venti hasn't done this for a few years.

Re: [9fans] fun quote

2009-09-17 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: i don't know how ingo managed to put his finger on so many reasons i enjoy plan 9 by counterexample. Linux is a 18+ years old kernel, there's not that many easy projects left in it anymore :-/ Core kernel features that look basic and which are not in Linux yet often turn ou

Re: [9fans] fun quote

2009-09-17 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: Now, Plan 9's kernel is pretty old too, isn't it? that's the point. age is a red herring. What has saved other 'popular' kernels from this? For instance, no body ever complains about FreeBSD being a complex cluster, but it has pretty wide adoption (even as a '

Re: [9fans] "Blocks" in C

2009-09-17 Thread Jack Norton
David Leimbach wrote: On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Charles Forsyth>> wrote: we'd have been much better off if Apple had instead spent the time and effort writing a decent iTunes, or opening their platform interfaces enough that someone else could

Re: [9fans] linux stats in last year from linuxcon

2009-09-21 Thread Jack Norton
ron minnich wrote: 2.7M lines last year 10K lines added a day. 5K lines deleted per day. I keep thinking this can't be sustained. What happens next? At the same time, well, as pointed out, we all use it all the time. I'm sending this from gmail. Or you can use Linux by googling these stats :-)

Re: [9fans] Petabytes on a budget: JBODs + Linux + JFS

2009-09-21 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: i think the lesson here is don't by cheep drives; if you have enterprise drives at 1e-15 error rate, the fail rate will be 0.8%. of course if you don't have a raid, the fail rate is 100%. if that's not acceptable, then use raid 6. Hopefully Raid 6 or zfs's raidz2 w

Re: [9fans] linux stats in last year from linuxcon

2009-09-22 Thread Jack Norton
Richard Uhtenwoldt wrote: J.R. Mauro writes: Another thing they won't consider is having separate versions for high-end servers and PCs. I don't understand why Torvalds thinks Linux has to be all things to all people. the Linux running on a high-end server is probably compiled from the

Re: [9fans] acme without a heavy grid (SFW)

2009-09-30 Thread Jack Norton
Jason Catena wrote: A quick edit frees acme from its "heavy grid prison", a la Tufte. Jason Catena How about no grid whatsoever (while you're at it)? There is plenty of contrast there to forego any kind of hard devisions. However, I end u

[9fans] Plan 9 Xen -- Follow up on previous 9fans topic

2009-10-02 Thread Jack Norton
Hello, I would like to know if the fellow below (Andreas Erikson), ever tried to compile plan 9 xen3 sources against xen 3.2.x (or 3.[2-4].x for that matter). I am going to try that this weekend, and if he started to patch some code, I would appreciate the head start. >From: Richard Mille

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 & VirtualBox

2009-10-26 Thread Jack Norton
Jacob Todd wrote: On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 04:28:20PM -0700, Sam'l B wrote: Is anyone working on making them play nice together? Is it possible, even? I get slightly farther with VirtualBox on Vista Home Basic than on Fedora 11, but then things come to a complete halt. Sam'l B. (Us

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 & VirtualBox

2009-10-26 Thread Jack Norton
Antonio Hernández Blas wrote: On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Jack Norton wrote: Jacob Todd wrote: On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 04:28:20PM -0700, Sam'l B wrote: Is anyone working on making them play nice together? Is it possible, even? I get slightly farther

Re: [9fans] parallel systems

2009-10-28 Thread Jack Norton
Sam Watkins wrote: I think my main points were good. * can parallelize by duplicating subsystems / divide and conquer * can parallelize by pipelining, even down to the arithmetic level * latency is limited by Ahmdal's law, potential throughput should not be * multi-tasking can potentiall

Re: [9fans] Scanners

2009-11-25 Thread Jack Norton
Peter A. Cejchan wrote: No need for spezial software except a Cifs Server. The scanner use smbclient. i repeat: i do not wish to have anything to do with windoze os, nor with smb and other bullshit. sorry for such a rude wording... windoze annoyed me along with other proprietary sw 20+ yrs...

Re: [9fans] Small Plan9 box suggestions.

2011-02-25 Thread Jack Norton
Jason Dreisbach wrote: Hi all, Can anyone help shed some light in my search for a "low power" minimal plan 9 hardware setup to start experimenting with. Has anyone had success running plan 9 on a Fit PC (the only atom box we have access to)? Gumstix would be ideal, but their plan 9 support i

Re: [9fans] Small Plan9 box suggestions.

2011-02-25 Thread Jack Norton
Jacob Todd wrote: Does inferno have support for (a) webcam(s)? Or are you using linux for capturing things from the webcam? On Feb 25, 2011 9:14 AM, "Jack Norton" <>> wrote: > Jason Dreisbach wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> Can anyone

Re: [9fans] recent plan9.iso on hosted kvm/qemu

2011-03-07 Thread Jack Norton
Stanley Lieber wrote: On Sun Mar 6 22:33:33 EST 2011, wrote: 9atom's 9load prints "%d e820 entries" on boot. is that number 0? found 7 e8s0 entries Then it freezes. it's not the e820 code, then. it's either falling over initializing the console, or it's falling ove

Re: [9fans] recent plan9.iso on hosted kvm/qemu

2011-03-07 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: On Sun Mar 6 22:33:33 EST 2011, wrote: 9atom's 9load prints "%d e820 entries" on boot. is that number 0? found 7 e8s0 entries Then it freezes. it's not the e820 code, then. it's either falling over initializing the console, or it's falling ov

Re: [9fans] off list - Re: recent plan9.iso on hosted kvm/qemu

2011-03-07 Thread Jack Norton
Stanley Lieber wrote: On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Jack Norton wrote: erik quanstrom wrote: On Sun Mar 6 22:33:33 EST 2011, wrote: 9atom's 9load prints "%d e820 entries" on boot. is that number 0? found 7 e8s0 entries Then it freezes. it'

Re: [9fans] recent plan9.iso on hosted kvm/qemu

2011-03-08 Thread Jack Norton
Stanley Lieber wrote: I'm installed. -sl Great to hear! Last night I successfully set up a cpu/auth in the vps and even fired up httpd and started serving http (and I could drawterm to it without issue). I didn't have an ip issue (however I did chase my tail due to a misconfigured /cfg/.

Re: [9fans] slightly on topic: pic preprocessor for drawing electronic circuits

2011-03-21 Thread Jack Norton
maht wrote: On 15/03/2011 22:07, Bruce Ellis wrote: Sounds cool. I'm using AVRs in the jeep fit out for the expedition. Anyone else here playing with these chips? yes, I have STK-500 dev kit & a pile of chips I have a little runtime Forth-like for writing code Is this a runtime that you wro

Re: [9fans] namespaces, Alef

2011-03-23 Thread Jack Norton
faif wrote: Some questions that came up while reading the first paper (Plan 9 from Bell Labs): a) It seems that the potential of namespaces can be exposed only when using a distributed environment with multiple machines (CPU servers, file servers, terminals, etc.). Can I get a feeling about what

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-05-02 Thread Jack Norton
errno wrote: Starting Goal: a modern, standards compliant web engine library for Plan 9 No! Has anyone tried out Gwene? Basically you "sign up" an RSS feed and it presents it as an NNTP news feed that you can access via Now, this is what I like. Take some core sites and

Re: [9fans] freedom (was Re: Compiling 9atom kernel)

2011-05-06 Thread Jack Norton
errno wrote: So, what to do? The Web: Reject it? (aka "go buy a tablet" ) Reproduce it? (aka "have you looked at webfs?" ) Reuse it? (aka "port webkit") There's no possible way that I'm the only one who has envisioned some rendition of the following science-fiction: * a Plan 9-based plat

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 IRL

2011-05-09 Thread Jack Norton
Anybody remember Rangboom? Well see here: Of course, the people behind this are on this list. Although it reads as a "who's who" among 9fans, their respective connections to industry are listed where applicable here:

Re: [9fans] Hey, new to this. Trying to get plan9 to work in a VM.

2011-06-06 Thread Jack Norton
Balwinder S Dheeman wrote: On 06/05/2011 11:51 AM, Josh Marshall wrote: I'm chugging through the resources, reading, and documentation. This system acts differently from anything I've previously used, so I'm at a loss at...everything. I visited the IRC channel and am working through the .pdf a

Re: [9fans] Mousing is faster than typing but users do not believe it

2011-06-15 Thread Jack Norton
dexen deVries wrote: On Wednesday 15 of June 2011 18:23:56 David Leimbach wrote: I'm getting tired of the level of groupthink. Yesterday it was about Anthropogenetic Global Warming^W^W^W Anthropogenic Climate Change (with a comment stating pretty m

[9fans] Survey: Current Fossil+venti Filesystem

2011-06-22 Thread Jack Norton
Fellow 9fans, I am about to build a large-ish fileserver to go along with my cpu/auth machines (native and qemu). I'd like to know some recent real world experiences with fossil+venti. This stems from rumors that for some people, fossil has a history of data loss. I don't like rumors (or da

Re: [9fans] Survey: Current Fossil+venti Filesystem

2011-06-23 Thread Jack Norton
All of these are great reports and are what I expected. Thanks. David du Colombier wrote: These problems with Fossil just have to be fixed. I am currently working on a fossil derivative which use libventi and libthread instead of liboventi and eventually fix these problems. I am already running

Re: [9fans] Survey: Current Fossil+venti Filesystem

2011-06-23 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: On the other hand, if you can burn $$$, there are enterprisey SSDs based on SLC Flash, built in form of PCIE cards, should be quite reliable. i think the pcie form factor for a hard drive is a trap. pcie is not easily hot swappable, and more expensive than a number of sm

[9fans] Cheap ARM board to play with

2011-06-24 Thread Jack Norton
All, I just had to post this on 9fans. Sorry if everyone has already seen it. It is $69 USD. I can't even remember how the ARM port is going but this might be some cheap hardware to get up and running. I've never tried getting an ARM board working unde

Re: [9fans] interesting(?) widgets idea

2011-07-12 Thread Jack Norton
yy wrote: 2011/7/12 dexen deVries : on an unrelated note, it seems to me websites with large horizontal margins are synonymous with bullet-point engineering and little to no useful content. This made my morning, thank you. On a related note, I was taught i

Re: [9fans] interesting(?) widgets idea

2011-07-13 Thread Jack Norton
dexen deVries wrote: if the user hovers mouse over widget area, it would be understood as intention to activate widgets, triggering their visibility. ... in other words, all the widgets (menus included) of an app turned into margins when mouse's /not/ over those widgets. eeek! Am I the on

Re: [9fans] 9fans archive engine

2011-07-14 Thread Jack Norton
Russ Cox wrote: On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Yaroslav wrote: Is the software which powers 9fans web archive publicly available? it's not. ahem... let me put on my pedantic shoes... wrote: > "powered by grep(1) "

Re: [9fans] cheep ssds

2011-08-03 Thread Jack Norton
erik quanstrom wrote: i just got a 40gb intel ssd for building up a new file server. i really wasn't expecting 275 out of a theoretical 300mb/s. maybe i forgot how to count and it's actually 27.5. :-) blakely# time dd -if /dev/sdE0/data -of /dev/null -bs 512k -count 100 100+0 records in 100+0

Re: [9fans] Fossil fs recovery

2011-08-11 Thread Jack Norton
David Leimbach wrote: Is it obvious enough from the man pages that this wouldn't be too useful to have on the Plan 9 wiki? I'm a big believer in the wiki, but not when it pushes one to avoid reading the authoritative documentation of the man pages. Dave

[9fans] Those power-saving USB drives and Plan 9

2011-08-18 Thread Jack Norton
Greetings, I'm shopping around for a 2.5" usb enclosure/drive solution for some cool and quiet backup. I'm reading that lots of these enclosures spin down the disks when they feel like it. Now, this might be more broad than a Plan 9 question, but I'd simply like to know if this is a safe 'fea

Re: [9fans] Intel atom system

2011-08-26 Thread Jack Norton
John Floren wrote: On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 1:42 AM, Ruckdashel wrote: i'm looking at building a system to get my plan9 tinkering out of VMs. I'm looking at using a zotac Ionitx-t-u mobo with a sata ssd. I'm curious if any one has tried this mobo. I'm trying to avoid having another linux box lyi

Re: [9fans] Intel atom system

2011-09-06 Thread Jack Norton
> Hi, I have a few of these little boards (D510MO). I read both on Eric's site and this list that someone had these working, but I am having issues. I've tried the lab's 9pcf, 9pccd, and 9pcf/9pccd from Eric's ftp server (I had assumed they were from 9atom... maybe that was a bad assumptio

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 is dead

2011-09-15 Thread Jack Norton
Christoph Lohmann wrote: Hello, now that an academic non-polished Plan 9 remake with idiotic dependencies and the fun OS, which has its only goal to add political jokes, are taking all the pace, I hereby declare, that Plan 9 is MORE ALIVE THAN EVER. Rest In Peace. Sincerely, Christoph Lohman

[9fans] is there a at91 port?

2011-10-27 Thread Jack Norton
Hello, I am asking around to see if there is anyone working on a port to the Atmel at91 platform (sam9xxx boards)? I have one somewhere (just finding the damn thing might take a while), and I am going to slowly start figuring this out. Honestly though, it is my first attempt at anything lik

Re: [9fans] Returning to Plan 9: Virtualization, Distributions

2011-11-22 Thread Jack Norton
On 11/22/2011 9:39 AM, Joel C. Salomon wrote: After a long hiatus, I'd like to get back to experimenting with Plan 9. I have an Ubuntu Linux laptop with AMD's virtualization extensions supported by the CPU, so I figure my best bet is one of the umpteen virtualization tools. Which is best suppor

Re: [9fans] (no subject)

2011-12-30 Thread Jack Norton
On 12/30/2011 12:08 PM, erik quanstrom wrote: It might be a bit much for home use, but if I had a little bit of a budget I'd use Coraid's AoE stuff as the basis for my storage. Yeah, it's pretty overkill. I've previously worked at a storage company as a file system guy and now I have at home a

Re: [9fans] (no subject)

2011-12-30 Thread Jack Norton
On 12/30/2011 3:05 PM, erik quanstrom wrote: Does the Coraid applience implement RAID in hardware or does it use fs(3) or another software solution? if a coraid appliance were pcie-attached rather than ethernet attached, would you still ask this question? do you think the block diagram of cora

Re: [9fans] ramfs, fossil, venti etc.

2012-01-04 Thread Jack Norton
On 1/4/2012 2:58 AM, Vivien MOREAU wrote: Hello Thierry, writes: My date is organized, at least, in three distinct chunks: 1) The data that I use read-only (written by someone else and that can be retrieved at will). So are the sources for the OSes etc., that I may backup

Re: [9fans] Config File parsing

2012-02-27 Thread Jack Norton
On 2/27/2012 7:18 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: For this could someone please tell me how to write a lex and yacc program. you may wish to consult the dragon book. just google it. - erik FYI I just bought my copy on Amazon used for $3.48 USD ($3.99 shipping). It is a hardcopy in great sh

Re: [9fans] Question about usage of Plan 9 based os systems

2012-03-21 Thread Jack Norton
On 3/14/2012 4:08 PM, Paschke Christoph wrote: for me very interesting question: who use a Plan 9 system productive? who use it for research? who use it just because bored with Linux as a tec gaming site? who use it commercial in a business? who use it on an embedded device? who programs with li

Re: [9fans] Summary of acme chords

2012-04-25 Thread Jack Norton
On 4/25/2012 11:50 AM, Jacob Todd wrote: Aren't all of the chords in the acme paper and/or man page? The acme paper isn't as descriptive as the man page on the subject. There is a section for individual mouse buttons and a dedicated section for chording (keep going down...). Some of the subt

Re: [9fans] Location of plan9.ini

2012-05-10 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/10/2012 7:38 AM, IainWS wrote: On May 10, 10:15 pm, (erik quanstrom) wrote: Yes, but I get /bin/9fat does not exist. don't drop the ":". you need to type "9fat:". - erik Thanks mate it worked first go. I know this will sound terribly stupid but I've a good beg

Re: [9fans] I will buy laptop pre-installed with plan9!!!

2012-05-10 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/10/2012 3:09 AM, yang.zhao wrote: Really? Wonderful.. Is there some docs for install Plan 9(more detail)? x201 doesn't have a CD-ROM.. Thx. -- K.I.S.S. The 9front bootloader can boot from a USB disk. You can then throw a plan9 iso on the disk and go from there.

Re: [9fans] I will buy laptop pre-installed with plan9!!!

2012-05-10 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/10/2012 10:15 AM, Charles Forsyth wrote: If you're using USB, why would you bother with ISO format? On 10 May 2012 13:57, Jack Norton>> wrote: The 9front bootloader can boot from a USB disk. You can then throw a plan9 iso on the disk and go

Re: [9fans] Thinkpad T61 Installation Experience

2012-05-17 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/17/2012 7:39 AM, Burton Samograd wrote: I think I'll have to stick with 9front. I tried the official dist CD and 9atom last night and both managed to install this time but rebooting either of them would give a "no bootfile" error and a '>' prompt that would take no input. 9front is the onl

Re: [9fans] I will buy laptop pre-installed with plan9!!!

2012-05-17 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/17/2012 10:41 AM, Jack Johnson wrote: Quick tangent, is there anyone out there whose favorite environment is non-native? Maybe 9vx or plan9ports on specific hardware? Your secret sam port to Windows 8's Metro UI? For all I know, plan9ports full screen on a MacBook Air is Glenda's Elysian fi

Re: [9fans] I will buy laptop pre-installed with plan9!!!

2012-05-17 Thread Jack Norton
On 5/17/2012 12:31 PM, Justin Bedo wrote: I use abaco all the time for my roleplaying, btw, I like it. It handles Simple Machines forums quite nicely, and most of my comics too. I tried to use abaco but it doesn't seem to like google's website. Clicking any of the results links shows a redirect

Re: [9fans] apparently nice summary of small linux pcs

2012-07-16 Thread Jack Norton
I'd like to share with everyone that I've just purchased one of these: I liked how they have all their schematics and layouts are on github and that the freescale chip would be a bit friendlier than something from nvidia or broadcom (not to

Re: [9fans] It seems Plan 9 is on Hacker News

2012-08-20 Thread Jack Norton
On 8/20/2012 3:48 AM, Balwinder S Dheeman wrote: office productivity suites, relational databases, and, or even a decent web browser like Chromium, or Firefox, modren C++ compiler, good GUI tool-kit or widgets These all have an "all useful features" version on plan9 called catclock.