erik quanstrom wrote:
Also, another probably dumb question: did the the fileserver machine use
the AoE device as a kenfs volume or a fossil(+venti)?
s/did/does/. the fileserver is running today.
the fileserver provides the network with regular 9p fileserver
with three attach points (main, dump, other) accessable via il/ip.
from a client's view of the 9p messages, fossil, fossil+venti and
ken's fs would be difficult to distinguish.
- erik
Very cool.
So what about having venti on an AoE device, and fossil on a local drive
(say an ssd even)? How would you handle (or: how would venti handle), a
resize of the AoE device? Let's say you add more active drives to the
RAID pool on the AoE machine (which on a linux fileserver would then
involve resizing partition on block device, followed by growing the
volume groups if using lvm, followed by growing the filesystem).
Sorry for thinking out loud... I should get back to work anyway.... fun
thread though.