John Floren wrote:
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 1:42 AM, Ruckdashel <> wrote:
i'm looking at building a system to get my plan9 tinkering out of VMs.
I'm looking at using a zotac Ionitx-t-u mobo with a sata ssd. I'm
curious if any one has tried this mobo. I'm trying to avoid having
another linux box lying around.

We tried a Zotac IONITX-G-E board here but found that it didn't work
with Plan 9... I don't remember what the problem was, probably either
the ethernet or the SATA controller (the usual suspects).

The Intel D510MO was more compatible (worked with 9atom, don't
remember if we tried it with stock), cheaper ($75 at Frys, I think),
and smaller (about 6"x6").



I have a few of these little boards (D510MO). I read both on Eric's site and this list that someone had these working, but I am having issues. I've tried the lab's 9pcf, 9pccd, and 9pcf/9pccd from Eric's ftp server (I had assumed they were from 9atom... maybe that was a bad assumption). I also tried 9pcf from 9front.

The lab's kernels never found the sata drives (I supposed I expected that), and all the others find the sata hardware, but hang right after memory capacities are printed (gee, I've seen this before... what could it be this time... :)).

Without me having to try a zillion different kernel/bootloader combinations, would the people who use the D510MO sound off what kernel/loader they are using? I'd be much obliged.



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