erik quanstrom wrote:
i just got a 40gb intel ssd for building up a new file
server. i really wasn't expecting 275 out of a theoretical
300mb/s. maybe i forgot how to count and it's actually
27.5. :-)
blakely# time dd -if /dev/sdE0/data -of /dev/null -bs 512k -count 100
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
0.00u 0.01s 0.19r dd -if /dev/sdE0/data -of /dev/null ...
blakely# hoc
- erik
I'd be curious on an update in the future concerning reliability. I
think you of all people could give it a good workout. I'd love to put a
cache (or a worm when prices come down on high capacity guys) on an ssd
in plan 9, but I am expecting it to quit after a few months for some
reason... I'm not very trusting for some reason.