> Hi,

I have a few of these little boards (D510MO). I read both on Eric's site and this list that someone had these working, but I am having issues. I've tried the lab's 9pcf, 9pccd, and 9pcf/9pccd from Eric's ftp server (I had assumed they were from 9atom... maybe that was a bad assumption). I also tried 9pcf from 9front.

The lab's kernels never found the sata drives (I supposed I expected that), and all the others find the sata hardware, but hang right after memory capacities are printed (gee, I've seen this before... what could it be this time... :)).

Without me having to try a zillion different kernel/bootloader combinations, would the people who use the D510MO sound off what kernel/loader they are using? I'd be much obliged.



As an update I'd like to point out that the D510MO works fine with 9atom or 9front kernels (lab's kernels = no sata). I in fact had a bad board. I wanted to point that out so that no one was discouraged from trying one of these little buggers out. At $70 a pop though, I'd be ready for some QC issues, which I suspect I may have stumbled upon. There is always the off chance that I fried it though...


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