Stanley Lieber wrote:
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Jack Norton <> wrote:
erik quanstrom wrote:
On Sun Mar  6 22:33:33 EST 2011, wrote:
9atom's 9load prints "%d e820 entries" on boot.  is that number 0?
found 7 e8s0 entries

Then it freezes.
it's not the e820 code, then.  it's either falling over initializing the
console, or it's falling over probing devices for the .ini file.

after e820, 9load starts up the console and probes devices looking
for a .ini file.

i would think the odds are good that 9load has found an i/o port
that should not be touched.  devices are probed in this order
       floppy. ether, cd, sd.

i don't really have a kvm setup, but if it's possible, you might try
removing devices (espeically ethernet devices) from a copy of 9load
until you find something that boots, then add 'em back in till it doesn't.

sounds tedious, no?  :-)

- erik

Well I've got some other observations of interest.
As I mentioned, I installed with *noe820scan=1 successfully.
I was in the middle of configuring and playing around when I realized I had
no ethernet car.  bind -a '#l' /dev returned 'no free devices'.

The vps has an e1000 card (PRO/1000) plugged into it, so I naively put
"ether0=type=igbe" in plan9.ini.
Now it hangs right where 9load would normally say "no ethernet devices
found" or something similar.

How odd.


Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I'm not sure my earlier private e-mail to you
went through.

Do you happen to know who the support staff member is that setup your cron
job? The people in #arpnetworks are not being helpful, and Garry seems unaware
of what you've setup. I'd like to run through some tests myself but I
haven't been
able to scrounge up amd64 hardware to setup my own Ubuntu Jaunty server.



No problem. I am in contact with Garry Dolley at Arp networks. I don't have his actual email as it is masked by their support mailer. From what I can tell, he is only active late in the day and in the evening (I'm on central time in the US btw). He seems eager to help and doesn't mind that I send him numerous emails all day long... The latest on my side is I've asked for a rtl8139 card instead of the e1000 (this is mainly motivated by my own qemu setup, which uses the rtl8139 and works lovely). I'm also not interested in setting up their exact kvm setup (partly because I don't want to deal with this libvirt business -- looks like a hellish nightmare). In the mean time I am loading a floppy today with 9load from eric and 9atom kernel. I won't have time to recompile or play with 9load until later this evening (if that) so I don't think I'll have much else to report until tomorrow.


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