[9fans] server push in 9P protocol

2014-10-15 Thread smiley
Hello, I'm wondering if there is any way to do server push using the 9P protocol. I'm trying to imagine use of 9P for applications such as data acquisition. One example might be caputing MIDI messages from digital musical instruments. As I understand the protocol, if an instrument served MIDI o

Re: [9fans] The developers of Plan9 think there was no point in coding in binary code three years ago as they did or make the Riga Technical University and University of Latvia?

2014-08-14 Thread smiley
françai s writes: > I say this because about three years ago the Riga Technical University YOU cannot say anything, because you are a spam bot advertising for "the Riga Technical University and University of Latvia" and not a sentient being. I wrote a prose engine a bit like this when I was in

Re: [9fans] anchors broken in the g command in sam on p9p?

2013-09-01 Thread smiley
Erez Schatz writes: > Care to share your script here? I'd love to see what you came up with. OK. I've stripped-out the application-specific data from the script; here it is in its redacted form: ,{ ,y/(Expected Page Title)<(.|\n)*updated.*>([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+)<(.|\n)*/:Title: \2\n:Date:

Re: [9fans] anchors broken in the g command in sam on p9p?

2013-08-22 Thread smiley
ucturedText. And it just might have made me just as happy. :) -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] anchors broken in the g command in sam on p9p?

2013-08-21 Thread smiley
ould figure out how to use sam (or acme, if it's any better) for real life work. Thanks! (...for you help ...and for writing this infernal program in the first place ;) ) -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

[9fans] anchors broken in the g command in sam on p9p?

2013-08-20 Thread smiley
h "s". ,y/ / g/^[ao].*/ p singular and/or I would have thought that would return "aoneof". It looks as if ^ and $ are acting as \n. What am I missing? -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerp

[9fans] p9p "export" or equivalent

2013-08-01 Thread smiley
x system with Plan 9? -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] ANTS: Better in every single way than standard plan 9. Stop using p9p.

2013-03-16 Thread smiley
mycrof...@sphericalharmony.com writes: > When you are an unemployed, good-for-nothing son living off your > parents, it is Not Easy to explain why you need money to pay a credit > card bill which includes a large amount of old decrepit computer > hardware, ridiculous quantities of ethernet cabling

[9fans] growing/shrinking venti arena files -OR- arena file format

2012-11-25 Thread smiley
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on growing and/or shrinking arena files (i.e., disk partitions). With the growing popularity of logical volume management, vitrualization, etc., resizing partitions is becoming more and more common, and many file systems already have "resize" too

Re: [9fans] sealed arena modified by venti??

2012-03-22 Thread smiley
reported to have an incorrect sum... but that's all it says. Is there a way to look into an arena a little deeper, to find the offending data? I'd like to debug this, and try to find the cause of this corruption, in order to avoid it in the future. -- +-----

[9fans] ARM 9pfuse broken?

2012-03-22 Thread smiley
#x27;s any clue. -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

[9fans] sealed arena modified by venti??

2012-02-28 Thread smiley
it. If it's any clue, the arena was the second-to-last active arena at the time it was first copied; it was sealed on-disk, and the arena immediately following it was open and holding data. Any help would be 2^1024 appreciated! -- +-------

[9fans] Smiley's plan9port mod 1 ver. 1.1 released (BUGFIX)

2012-02-03 Thread smiley
use on Real Data(TM). They've been remedied in ver 1.1: <http://plan9.icebubble.org/plan9port/patches/sp9pm1v1p1.patch> -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] Smiley's plan9port mod 1 ver. 1.0 released

2012-01-27 Thread smiley
retically possible to achieve. > try "Lenovo Scrollpoint Mouse", 31P7405 Thanks. -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

[9fans] Smiley's plan9port mod 1 ver. 1.0 released

2012-01-23 Thread smiley
mum. Keystrokes for forward/backward word would be great, and a keystroke to warp the pointer to the end of the tag line would be really nice, too. * What command did I just run? When text is executed erroneously with button 2, Acme will show the error outp

Re: [9fans] Plan 9/plan9port coding conventions

2012-01-16 Thread smiley
and after every commit, but that would be about equally as tedious as having to run moveplan9.sh over and over again. Any ideas? What's the customary way to do this? -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprin

[9fans] Plan 9/plan9port coding conventions

2012-01-11 Thread smiley
ing practice to alter the style of code written by other contributors? I don't want to step on anybody's toes by "fixing" style which other Plan 9 developers consider to be "Plan 9" style coding conventions. Thanks! -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] Killing venti

2012-01-06 Thread smiley
t "recovered" by the time I asked for it). -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] ramfs, fossil, venti etc.

2012-01-05 Thread smiley
sil filesystem, but loose the ephemeral snapshots, as well as any data marked +t. There's currently no way to resize a fossil file system in-place, is there? -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 D

Re: [9fans] Killing venti

2012-01-05 Thread smiley
get http://$vthost:$vtwebport/flushdcache These HTTP requests initiate flushes of the index and arena block caches, respectively, and don't return a response until the respective flush is complete. -- +---+ |Smiley

[9fans] Killing venti

2012-01-03 Thread smiley
nicely > /tmp/ns.smiley:1/venti.ctl" I can use? -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] p9p vac/vacfs compatibility: uid/gid, ctime, 9P2000.L, 9pserve

2012-01-02 Thread smiley
d all the other temporary files peppered about Unix file systems). -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] p9p vac/vacfs compatibility: uid/gid, ctime, 9P2000.L, 9pserve

2012-01-01 Thread smiley
mount to throwing up my hands and giving up on plan9port. I'd like use plan9port, if possible, rather than have to layer a whole new OS on top of Linux+p9p. So, I'm fresh out of ideas. Is there any way, at all, to present the full contents of a Linux filesystem that's been archived using the plan9port vac command? Thanks! -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] p9p vac/vacfs compatibility: uid/gid, ctime, 9P2000.L, 9pserve

2011-12-29 Thread smiley
F could use an update.) Assuming it has been deprecated, with what has 9p2000.u been replaced? -- +-------+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

[9fans] p9p vac/vacfs compatibility: uid/gid, ctime, 9P2000.L, 9pserve

2011-12-28 Thread smiley
ally since there's only one connection being "multiplexed"! Is there any way to bypass 9pserve (since I only need one connection for now), i.e., doing 9p on sockets or shared file descriptors? Thanks! -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] FS for sharing between Linux and Plan 9

2011-11-05 Thread smiley
it might be a practical setup... at least until the console is ported. -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] FS for sharing between Linux and Plan 9

2011-11-04 Thread smiley
k, prep, or fossil. Is that correct? (And if so, why?) I know that Linux doesn't have any kernel-level support for Plan 9 partitions or the fossil file system. But can't that stuff be done in userspace, too? -- +---+ |Smiley

Re: [9fans] OT: how do 9fans backup their Mac(book)?

2011-11-01 Thread smiley
n sources, and the Internet doesn't seem to know anything about it. :( Thanks! -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] FS for sharing between Linux and Plan 9

2011-10-30 Thread smiley
ch has also been ported to P9) is more appropriate. It depends on a mix of factors. -- +---+ |Smiley PGP key ID:BC549F8B | |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B| +---+

Re: [9fans] Maybe a weird Plan 9 project.

2011-07-31 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> Issuing RPCs from Emacs is really not that bad if you can stomach elisp. > > in other words, it's a hateful experience that will leave your > soul as dark and twisted as an urskek's. Awh, come on. elisp is fine. The fact that the behavior of variables and functions ke

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 IPv4 router

2011-07-31 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> Does anybody know if it's possible to use Plan 9 as an IPv4 router? > > plan 9 does a fine job of routing ip4 packets. i used plan 9 > to do that for a 4 months recently during a network renumbering. > > if you do this, make sure you've made this revert to ip.c. the

[9fans] Plan 9 IPv4 router

2011-07-30 Thread smiley
Hi, all, Does anybody know if it's possible to use Plan 9 as an IPv4 router? I know you can export the /net file system to other Plan 9 boxen, but I'm wondering about using Plan 9 to create a network appliance/router. I'm envisioning using Plan 9 to do things that Linux iptables does... route pa

Re: [9fans] Maybe a weird Plan 9 project.

2011-07-30 Thread smiley
EBo writes: > If you do get a 9p stack working on the Arduino let me know. If/when > you do I'll offer to contribute some stepper code that properly deals > with motor accel/decel, speed limiting, etc. I may even port a > runtime polymorphic RS274* (g-code) interpreter I wrote a decade ago > fo

[9fans] 9p specification: minimum number of fids?

2011-07-30 Thread smiley
So, I've read the specification of the 9P protocol in section 5 of the Plan 9 manual. However, the specification does not state how many fids a 9P server is required to support. Is there a minimum number of fids that a server is required to track? Is this specified in the latest version of the 9

Re: [9fans] SIP

2011-07-01 Thread smiley
Tristan Plumb <9p...@imu.li> writes: >> Anyone working on or have a simple SIP router/proxy for Plan9? As of >> today I will no longer waste days of my life dealing with the >> abomination that is Asterisk. > I would also love to see a SIP implementation for Plan 9, I've Here here! I'd also lov

Re: [9fans] Survey: Current Fossil+venti Filesystem

2011-06-23 Thread smiley
Jack Norton writes: > I'd like to know some recent real world experiences with > fossil+venti. This stems from rumors that for some people, fossil has > a history of data loss. I don't like rumors (or data loss), and I'm Maybe newbies tend to bang on the edges of fossil more than the old hats,

Re: [9fans] wiki...

2011-05-04 Thread smiley
dexen deVries writes: > I believe we need an ``Allow: /'' below the long list of `Disallows' in the > User-agent: Googlebot, User-agent: msnbot section. Otherwise, only the final > ``Disallow: /'' matches, and in effecet, every robot is cut off. I rather like mine own robots.txt (http://www.ic

Re: [9fans] non GUI editor for plan9

2011-05-02 Thread smiley
Jason Dreisbach writes: > Hi all, > > Set my plan9.ini vesa resolution incorrectly... I get dropped to a shell on > boot, but I don't know of any non GUI editors for plan 9. I use a plan9.ini with a menu. I make sure to have one menu entry with everything "=ask" so, if I screw something up, I c

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-30 Thread smiley
Anthony Sorace writes: > because it's a huge amount of work. there's a whole pile of standards and > pseudo-standards to deal with, the set is ever-growing, the components are > ever-growing, and there isn't really a good definition of "correct". Perhaps there's a "Plan 9" way to approach the pr

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-30 Thread smiley
errno writes: > Due to the requirements, it appears that incorporating the web as a > 1st-class-platform in plan 9 is effectively unapproachable: You forgot to backtrack to your webkit/gecko choicepoint and follow down the gecko goal tree. -- +--

Re: [9fans] lenovo or other laptop support

2011-04-29 Thread smiley
Jeff Sickel writes: > I've got a T23 that use to work great. The battery's definitely been > a problem lately, but that's what wall warts are for! I have a T23, and Plan 9 works OK on it, except that I need to boot with sdC0dma=1 and can't seem to figure out how to get audio working. The machi

Re: [9fans] spaces in filenames (and filesystems...)

2011-04-29 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> within the {} ? I guess that risks breaking any scripts you might want >> to run as cmd, so yeah, the 3rd looks good. > > i implemented the 3d this evening in a compatable way with > Traditional Rc. there's an argument that it's not completely Did you include an abilit

Re: [9fans] An acme question

2011-04-29 Thread smiley
Bakul Shah writes: > Example: given > > { fee [({ foo bar}) [and so on]] } >1 2 3456 7 > > Double clicking at 1 selects foo, > at 2 or 3 selects the phrase { foo bar}, > at 4 selects the phrase ({ foo bar}), > at 5 selects the phrase [({ foo bar}) [and so on]], > at 6 sele

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-28 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > ; 9diff mkfile > /n/sources/plan9//sys/src/libc/386/mkfile:23,28 - mkfile:23,29 > strcpy.s\ > strlen.s\ > tas.s\ > + trace.s\ > vlop.s\ Oh, of course! If it isn't assembled, the loader will never find the symbols. :) That addition enabled li

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-28 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: Wow, you know, as a Gentoo user, I'm amazed AMAZED amazed amazed AMAZED amazed how fast Plan 9 can compile a kernel or libc. Compiling glibc (on Linux) usually takes over half a day. Compiling a kernel generally takes a couple of hours. This is great! > how about > >

Re: [9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-28 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> size 9pcf >> _strayintrx: _tracein/_traceout not defined 5 5 >> _strayintrx: _tracein: not defined >> _strayintrx: _traceout: not defined >> mk: 8c -FTVw '-DKERNDATE='`{date ... : exit status=rc 5800: 8l 5804: >> error > > _straintrx is a red herri

Re: [9fans] portable filesystem

2011-04-28 Thread smiley
dexen deVries writes: tar? webdav? > in a way, a reverse of typical p9 fileserver -- read files, serve filesystem > image. I was thinking of that. An embedded Linux or Plan 9 device as USB client, presenting an MSD interface. It could present a number of partitions, each with an partition/f

[9fans] Compiling 9atom kernel WAS: Re: spaces in filenames

2011-04-28 Thread smiley
OK, So I'm trying to compile the pcf kernel from quanstro's 9atom.iso.bz2. There seems to be an undocumented dependency on the quanstro/fis contrib(1). (Without it, 8c complains that it can't find an include file named fis.h or some such.) I now have that. I've also added the two assembly routi

Re: [9fans] localization

2011-04-27 Thread smiley
Lluís Batlle i Rossell writes: > As for the localisation of software, regarding the implementation to allow > comfortable localisation without much trade-offs, I can't suggest anything of > value now. I think the Plan 9 solution to l10n ("fix it once, fix it right") would be to have users (and t

Re: [9fans] spaces in filenames

2011-04-26 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > the sources version of fossil does allow spaces in filenames. I'm hypothesizing that my version of fossil isn't allowing spaces in file names because the version compiled into the '#//boot/boot/fossil' in the 9atom 9pcf kernel from the 9atom .iso doesn't allow spaces. Wo

[9fans] spaces in filenames

2011-04-26 Thread smiley
Hi, >From time to time, the issue of having spaces in file names seems to come up on this list, mostly in the context of discussions on find, du, Acme, and trfs(4). All the discussions I've found suggest that file names with whitespace in them are *legal* on fossil. I'm running a 9atom 9pcf kern

Re: [9fans] Different results for the same rc script when using listen1

2011-04-25 Thread smiley
Skip Tavakkolian writes: > where's the "Like" button on this thing? I think there's an fs for that. ;) -- +---+ |E-Mail: smi...@zenzebra.mv.com PGP key ID: BC549F8B| |Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA 3489 DAB7 555A

Re: [9fans] contrib(1) WAS: Re: wiki...

2011-04-25 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> 7c7 >> < echo $* >> --- >> > echo $* >[2=1] > > if you want stderr, this should be > > echo $* >[1=2] Yes, you are right, I got fd 1 and fd 2 backwards. -- +---+ |E-Mail: smi...@zenzebra.mv.

Re: [9fans] contrib(1) WAS: Re: wiki...

2011-04-24 Thread smiley
"Federico G. Benavento" writes: > I'm still alive, do you have a patch? Aye. 7c7 < echo $* --- > echo $* >[2=1] 69c69 < cat > $cfg < cat > $cfg.part < prog=/n/sources/contrib/fgb/root/rc/bin/contrib/pull 97c97,102 < exec /bin/contrib/pull $name --- > prog=/bin/cont

Re: [9fans] contrib(1) WAS: Re: wiki...

2011-04-24 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> should probably be replaced with something like: >> >> cat > $cfg.part <> ... >> /bin/contrib/pull $name >> if(~ -$status -) mv $cfg.part $cfg >> if not { >> echo install failed >[1=2] >> rm $cfg.part >> exit 'oh, crap' >>

Re: [9fans] Different results for the same rc script when using listen1

2011-04-24 Thread smiley
Maurício CA writes: > However, using (where 'listen_test.rc' is the name I gave this > script): > > listen1 'tcp!localhost!8080' ./listen_test.rc > > and > > echo Hi | dial -e 'tcp!localhost!8080' > > what I get is: > > I am insane. > > How can running a script throw 'listen1' can get

[9fans] contrib(1) WAS: Re: wiki...

2011-04-24 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> IIRC it's based on replica(1) >> which rather requires ideal circumstances for correct behaviour. > > partial installs are easy to recover from. i just used it friday to sort > out a file system that had a contrib package listed as installed, but it > hadn't been. It

Re: [9fans] wiki...

2011-04-23 Thread smiley
Ethan Grammatikidis writes: > On 11 Apr 2011, at 2:51 pm, David Leimbach wrote: > >> I posted some on the wiki about how I got the guruplug working for >> me... > > How do you find things on the wiki? I came across this today. My first > thought was to look in the other_hardware page where I foun

Re: [9fans] Q: moving directories? hard links?

2011-04-21 Thread smiley
Bakul Shah writes: > Ask yourself *why* do you need it. Is it just convenience > (what you are used to) or is there something you do that > absolutely requires hard links? Next compare the benefit > of hardlinks to their cost. It is worth it? I'm trying to create a data structure in the form of

Re: [9fans] Q: moving directories? hard links?

2011-04-21 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> It's not that obvious to me. A hard link is another name for a file, >> uniquely identified by . > > how do you specify the device? you can't without giving up > on per-process-group namespaces. i don't think there's any > way to uniquely identify a device except th

Re: [9fans] Q: moving directories? hard links?

2011-04-16 Thread smiley
ron minnich writes: > If you look at what a hard link is, you'll realize why they are not in > Plan 9. It's not that obvious to me. A hard link is another name for a file, uniquely identified by . The effect of a hard link can be simulated with bind, but requires managing a list of excetions (

[9fans] Q: moving directories? hard links?

2011-04-15 Thread smiley
Hello, I've been about Plan 9... there are lots of goodies there under /sys/doc. However, I have a couple of lingering questions that don't seem to be answered anywhere: Observation 1: There doesn't seem to be any provision for moving a directory from one directory into another directory; th

Re: [9fans] Busy mouse WAS: Re: Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-09 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > i ran some actual tests, and it turns out that i can get > 1515 interrupts/sec and 1950 syscalls/sec just by moving my It occurs to me that these values are in the audible range for human hearing. How cool would it be to have something like "stats -a" generate an audibl

Re: [9fans] Busy mouse WAS: Re: Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-07 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> IBM ThinkPad T23, PIII, 1100 MHz, P9 4e straight from the ISO. Moving >> the mouse (USB) generates about 1000 -c/s and about 1300 -s/s. > > before you've run anything but stats? that's interesting. Well, riostart launches acme, a rio window, faces, and stats. That's

[9fans] Busy mouse WAS: Re: Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-06 Thread smiley
Jacob Todd writes: > What are you running plan 9 on? The mouse shouldn't cause that to > happen. IBM ThinkPad T23, PIII, 1100 MHz, P9 4e straight from the ISO. Moving the mouse (USB) generates about 1000 -c/s and about 1300 -s/s. -- +---

Re: [9fans] Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-06 Thread smiley
Yaroslav writes: >> than appropriate for a line-oriented language like rc(1).  As it stands, >> rc(1) can have it's cake, but it can't eat it without a fork(2). > > As it was stated earlier, a fork(2) is rather cheap here, so what's > your concern then? > Maybe it's time to forget the lectures ab

Re: [9fans] Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-05 Thread smiley
Lyndon Nerenberg writes: >> Unfortunately, echon.c doesn't solve the problem either, because it >> doesn't output a trailing newline. > > That's the whole point. 'echon' replaces 'echo -n ...', then echo.c > loses all knowledge of any option flags. Oh. So there's another version of "echo", too

Re: [9fans] Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-04 Thread smiley
roger peppe writes: > when i've needed a "-n safe" version of echo in > the past, i've used something like this: > > fn myecho {echo -n $"* ^ ' > '} That doesn't work right when (~ $#* 0). It outputs a rogue space prior to the newline. echo, with no arguments, should ouput just a newline. "L

[9fans] Making read(1) an rc(1) builtin?

2011-04-03 Thread smiley
I'm in the process of writing some filters in rc(1). One thing that has come to concern me about rc(1) is that read(1) is not a "builtin" command. For example, with a loop like: while(message=`{read}) switch($message) { case foo dofoo case bar dobar ca

Re: [9fans] Encrypting file systems

2011-03-30 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> I was able to find the former, but not the latter. Russ' "cryptfs" >> appears to be a modification of kfs. But isn't kfs one of the file >> systems that's now considered deprecated? > > why would it be considered depricated? because it's > easy to use, easy to underst

Re: [9fans] Encrypting file systems

2011-03-30 Thread smiley
Jacob Todd writes: > There's two implementations that i know of: one is in russ' contrib, and > there another one called cbfs (i think), which is also on contrib, although > i don't remember where. The latter version could be russ' implementation > with changes, it's been a while since I tried ei

[9fans] Encrypting file systems

2011-03-29 Thread smiley
Hello, Back in 2009, someone on this list posted about encrypting /usr on a Plan 9 laptop they had. Does anyone know how to encrypt a file system on Plan 9? (I'm talking about encrypting the storage on disk, not just the network connection to it.) My intuition would be to look for a "crypt" com

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-20 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > i thought that dma problems were almost always controller/cable or > master/slave > related? almost all the device i deal with are sata these days. and before > that, i stuck to scsi. > smiley, did the kernel with *sdC0dma support print anything diff

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-20 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > there are a number of differences. here are a few that spring > to mind as important > - the kernel in the cd is different, > - it uses a different plan9.ini file, and > - dma is setup after booting. > could try putting ftp://ftp.quanstro.net/other/9pcf.gz in your 9fat,

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-19 Thread smiley
smi...@zenzebra.mv.com writes: > My next step will be to attempt a fossil-only install. If that doesn't > generate these kinds of errors, at least we'll know the problem is > venti's work. Well, after zeroing the partition, I installed a fossil-only system. Upon first boot, the system begins giv

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-19 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: > On Fri Mar 18 22:48:04 EDT 2011, cinap_len...@gmx.de wrote: > >> check the output of cat /dev/sdC0/ctl for lba48always. >> >> i have it enabled on my t23 because i got i/o erros (on a particular >> block number that i forgot... it was reproducable) if its off. > > i don

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-18 Thread smiley
r...@hemiola.co.uk writes: > I have seen similar symptoms. In the end, I narrowed my problems down > to a very particular combination of hard drive and laptop. Interesting. The system that's misbehaving is a laptop, as well. Its specs: IBM ThinkPad T23 ATA ST94813A, 78140160 * 512 byte sector

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-18 Thread smiley
erik quanstrom writes: >> it's a bad day and you're going to need to think about a new hard >> drive or motherboard. > > there's an easy way to test this. since you can boot > from the live cd, just reboot into the live cd and I booted the install CD, turned on DMA, dd'd the disk to /dev/null.

Re: [9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-18 Thread smiley
John Floren writes: > After the initial install, did you reboot pretty soon? Venti wants to spend > some time writing an initial image after the first boot, it seems, and if > you interrupt that you're in trouble Whenever possible, I use fshalt when shutting down. (The only excepting being lock

[9fans] New venti install won't boot after 05:00 crash

2011-03-17 Thread smiley
Hi, Subsequent to some discussion on this list, I decided to try setting up a vent-backed fossil file system. I did this straight from the 4th Ed. install CD. The system booted from the HDD and seemed to start up and shut down fine. Then, one evening I used Acme to take some notes. At about 05:

Re: [9fans] Modern development language for Plan 9, WAS: Re: RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-20 Thread smiley
"Devon H. O'Dell" writes: > determine where a node is placed is *not* cheap. In the end, an > optimization that slows things down is not an optimization at all. You There are many different kinds of optimization one can perform. One may optimize compiled code for size, speed, simplicity, or rel

Re: [9fans] files vs. directories

2011-02-03 Thread smiley
Eric Van Hensbergen writes: >> build an experimental OS around it! But if you go this path, >> do consider providing a few more datatypes in the filesystem >> (integers, file-id, strings, ...).  Basically persistent data >> types. Or just use an object or relational database as your >> filesystem

Re: [9fans] files vs. directories

2011-02-03 Thread smiley
dexen deVries writes: >> oh yes, maintaining the usual semantics for cp becomes tricky. >> >> mkdir z >> cp x.c z >> >> do i mean to write x.c to z itself, or to a new file within z? > > nb., with the current semantics you *could* say `cp x.c z/' to be unambiguous > you want to create a child

Re: [9fans] Modern development language for Plan 9, WAS: Re: RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-03 Thread smiley
EBo writes: > Ah. Thanks for the info. I asked because some of the physicists and > atmospheric scientists I work with are likely to insist on having > FORTRAN. I still have not figured how I will deal with that if at > all. I thought those folks used languages like Matlab & Mathematica for an

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-02 Thread smiley
ron minnich writes: > OK, let's do a test. You write your stuff with iterators and put it on > a machine with 256MB. I'll create a file with a file name that is > 257MB long. What does your stuff do then? The finished version will support strings backed by file storage and should actually be abl

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-02 Thread smiley
"Federico G. Benavento" writes: > I take it was trivial to find that overflow, come on the code is so simple > that you just see and get it the first time, which makes easier to find/fix Oh, really? Simple to find? Trivial? If so, then why wasn't that overflow found and fixed long before I ev

Re: [9fans] HELP: recoving important header file rudely clobbered by mk

2011-02-02 Thread smiley

[9fans] Modern development language for Plan 9, WAS: Re: RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-01 Thread smiley
ron minnich writes: > I think you should set your sights higher than the macro approach you > propose. At least in my opinion it's a really ugly idea. You might be surprised to hear that I agree. :) It's far from an ideal solution. I am certainly open to alternatives! > You could make a lasti

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-01 Thread smiley
ron minnich writes: >>However, the Plan 9 code (at last that under /sys/src/cmd) >> doesn't seem to make use of iterators, string objects (or even >> object-orientation), modern string parsing routines, etc. > > There's a reason it does not use that stuff, and it may not be what > you think. OK,

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-02-01 Thread smiley
ron minnich writes: >> term% cp abc* abc* x >> # watch the cp executable suicide >> # now, make SURE there's nothing in this rio window that you want to keep... >> term% rm abc* >> # watch the rio window go bye bye! >> > > it's not cp and it's not rio. I think you need to diagnose this a bit > be

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-01-31 Thread smiley
Lucio De Re writes: > Also, you have managed to stomp all over a couple of this mailing list's > most sacred cows with your suggestion that the Plan 9 kernel code is less > than perfect Ooh! No intent to offend. I actually haven't even looked at the kernel code, yet. I was referring to the bi

Re: [9fans] HELP: recoving important header file rudely clobbered by mk

2011-01-31 Thread smiley
John Floren writes: > I've continually meant to write some sort of beginners-level summary > of the system including things like Fossil and Venti, but the > magnitude of the task is daunting. I may try to do a more clear > description of how the filesystems work together in the near future. I've

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-01-31 Thread smiley
"Steve Simon" writes: > This is the exact scenario I had when I ran fossil + venti with ephemerial > snapshots enabled, are you sure you don't have them on? Quite sure. :) That's why I ended up recovering the data from Linux. > fossil/conf /dev/sd??/fossil | grep snaptime I have just tw

Re: [9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely

2011-01-31 Thread smiley
Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> writes: > YMMV. My fossil has never locked up, but I get a corrupted daily > dump two or three times a month. My system/file system locks up periodically, and (as I recently discovered) I don't even appear to have dumps/snapshots enabled. If the system doesn'

Re: [9fans] HELP: recoving important header file rudely clobbered by mk

2011-01-29 Thread smiley
"Steve Simon" writes: > is this native plan9, p9p, or 9vx? I'm running the stock 386 distribution, on a real hard drive on real hardware. I figured learning a new OS would be simpler without having to think about what's virtual versus what's real, versus what's Linux. > do you definitely have

[9fans] RESOLVED: recoving important header file rudely clobbered by mk

2011-01-29 Thread smiley
smi...@zenzebra.mv.com writes: > Of course, this overwrote important.h, a file containing C macros I > spent all day writing. Never mind! I was able to recover the file from Linux: term% aux/listen1 tcp!headache!1234 cat /dev/sdC0/fossil I then used netcat on the Linux end and got the data bac

[9fans] HELP: recoving important header file rudely clobbered by mk

2011-01-29 Thread smiley
I'm REALLY hoping someone can help me with this... For some reason, mk decided it would be fun to run the following command for me: 8l $LDFLAGS -o important.h important.h.8 Of course, this overwrote important.h, a file containing C macros I spent all day writing. I tried mounting dump, but get

Re: [9fans] ARM based terminal?

2011-01-27 Thread smiley
"Steve Simon" writes: > Am I still stuck with x86 or is there an ARM solution these days? You might take a look at the Beagle Boards. They're OMAP-based and completely open source hardware. So, if you feel up to it, you can tack on pretty much anything you like. > > -Steve

Re: [9fans] p9p 9term problem

2011-01-26 Thread smiley
Russ Cox writes: > set +o emacs > set +o vi > > to turn off those editing modes, bash will just read from the > tty with echo turned on Is that to say that readline turns echo off when typing? If, for example, the emacs keybindings are set, there may be another way to insert that initia

Re: [9fans] line wrapping

2011-01-20 Thread smiley
(Following up on a thread of the same subject discussed in Feb 2006...) One other thing that's presently driving me batty is the line wrapping in wikifs. When I save a file to wikifs with lines longer than about 70 characters, wikifs tries to fill and word-wrap those paragraphs. Unfortunately, wh

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