Yaroslav <yari...@gmail.com> writes:

>> than appropriate for a line-oriented language like rc(1).  As it stands,
>> rc(1) can have it's cake, but it can't eat it without a fork(2).
> As it was stated earlier, a fork(2) is rather cheap here, so what's
> your concern then?
> Maybe it's time to forget the lectures about expensive forks and just cary on?

That was supposed to be a joke.  Apparently, no body got (or read) it.

> I bet you won't even notice much changes in your stats -c graph.

Just moving my mouse causes change in my stats -cs graph, driving both
measurements up to 75% or so.  When the system is at all loaded, the
mouse doesn't respond at all.  (Which makes it kind of hard to use the
system, given that it's mouse-based!)  I wish there were a way to renice

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