
>From time to time, the issue of having spaces in file names seems to
come up on this list, mostly in the context of discussions on find, du,
Acme, and trfs(4).  All the discussions I've found suggest that file
names with whitespace in them are *legal* on fossil.  I'm running a
9atom 9pcf kernel copied verbatim from the 9atom .iso, on an otherwise
stock Plan 9 4e fossil+venti install.  However, I can't seem to create
files with with spaces in their names.  The resulting error string
reports invalid characters in the file name.  Why doesn't this work?
Has the ability to have spaces in file names been removed from fossil?
If so, then how is it possible that there are files such as
'/n/sources/contrib/steve/file with spaces' hanging around?

While I'm perfectly happy using underscores in lieu of spaces in *my*
file names, there are a number of APE packages (i.e., fgb/lcms)
containing files with spaces in their names.  Since those are the names
used in replica(1), I'm unable to contrib/install(1) any of these
packages.  Are there any known fixes or workarounds for this problem?
(I doubt trfs(4) would help, because the ape would still be naming the
file with spaces, unless specifically modified to match the trfs(4)

What's the theory behind excluding whitespace from filenames?  Was it
causing too much discussion on the list?  ;) Since Plan 9 was a total
re-think of Unix, I have to wonder why this problem wasn't fixed.  If
Plan 9 used 0x00 (NUL) as the record separator (instead of newline),
many of these types of problems could be averted.  Why don't we?

Also, if anyone knows where I can find 9fans archives prior to March
2008, please let me know.  The archives I was able to find only go back
that far.

Also, quanstro, would you whitelist me?  I can't seem to get mail to you
off-list.  Thanks!

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