Re: text-mode gui

2015-12-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Luke Small said:
> I don't know the best way, but I like how there are "check-boxes", from
> what I recall, in lynx webpages.

OpenBSD installer solves the checkbox problem by asking questions with
default answer printed in square brackets.

> If there are other things, then it may become a little less tedious
> for less experienced folks to look at all the options at once, rather
> than having to start over.

You may want to change your keyboard layout after partitioning disk?  Or
maybe ability to autostart xdm convinces you that adding non-root user
was not a good idea?  What exactly are the cases when you needed to
start over?

> If there are any irreconcilable differences in options, JavaScript can
> more easily display that the other changes are incompatible by
> changing the other options back.

Lynx doesn't support JavaScript.  And even if it did, it is not a part
of OpenBSD any more.  But even if it was, automatic resetting
user-configured options to defaults would turn installer into a
whack-a-mole game.  Not an improvement.

FWIW the only incompatible options in installer right now are using
whole disk and using dedicated partition, and the choice doesn't require
JavaScript.  See, in OpenBSD we try to make our "solutions" adequate to
problems we are solving.  Curses-based interface would do better job of
the installer you describe, but even that is an overkill, as simple
line-oriented interface is sufficient for the job.  I would argue that
curses-based interfaces tend to require more user interaction then our

> Things like not having softdep mounted file systems by default really
> tripped me up for a couple versions.  I have virtualbox HDs and I had
> to keep backups in case Windows did something funny, because I
> sometimes couldn't repair the file systems. It seems like something
> that should be an option in the installer, or a default. It would be
> nice to do that with noatime and maybe an optional mfs or tmpfs
> mounted /tmp folder like I have now.

So your issue with installer is not about forms and checkboxes, but
rather about the set of options you want to tune.  As you may know,
there is quite a lot of settings that you may tune in OpenBSD; we put
considerable effort into making sane defaults, but user's needs may
differ from common scenarios.  As you may also know, users' needs may be
very different, so the range of potential installer questions is huge.
If user needs something we don't do by default, we assume that he got
himself familiar with his problem and can solve it after installation is
complete.  This way we make the installation process really fast for
those who don't need to tune anything, and allow users to make detailed
configuration when needed, without limiting them to question-answer
interface of installer.

Switching installer to curses-based interface, or even to lynx+cookies
scheme you suggested won't affect the choice of installation options,
because the principle of installer's operation - questions and answers -
won't be altered.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: text-mode gui

2015-12-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Luke Small said:
> There are other features that inexperienced users could benefit from, like
> selecting a mirror for PKG_PATH and putting it into .profile . I think that
> it would be convenient to be able have a new user not to have to wade
> through man pages to learn about "echo " PKG_PATH..." >> /root/.profile" or
> learn vi to install kde or gnome or an easier to use text editor like pico.
> I suspect you are driving away folks by making it only useable by folks
> that REALLY want to use it and it doesn't have to be that way.

Ironically installer creates /etc/pkg.conf with package path set to
mirror used during installation.  That puts "easier" editors like pico,
as wel as gnome and kde, just one pkg_add away.

On the other hand, if someone doesn't want to learn shell syntax and
other Unix basics, we would do a misservice by hiding the fact that this
knowledge is strictly necessary on OpenBSD.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Hardware backdoors in Lenovo?

2013-07-26 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 08:36:17PM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> (2) Since the NSA has preferential access to all sorts of vulnerabilities
> (if not outright backdoors) in IT equipment exported by American
> companies, it stands to reason that they are scared shitless of the
> reverse scenario.

In fact Chinese hardware could be banned just because of theoretic future
security risk. That's not to mention the fact that it may be banned because
the US backdoors can't be planted any more - workstations for
security-concious environments cost quite a lot, and banning some company from
this market would make a good point in negotiating such delicate matters.
> (3) There is an ever-increasing amount of code running outside the
> control of the operating system.  Have you looked at the remote
> management options of a plain office PC lately?  CPU microcode
> updates from the BIOS?  And what *does* all that SMM code do?  It's
> all completely trustworthy and bug free, I'm sure.

FWIW the network cards' firmware would serve a better place for backdoor -
they interfere with network and do some cryptography the OS relies upon.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Selecting new motherboards in the era of uefi

2013-08-31 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
> On 2013-08-30 17:32, STeve Andre' wrote:
> Hint:
> The specs [1] say it supports Windows 7. Windows 7 is BIOS-only
> (non-UEFI), so that means the mobo supports booting legacy BIOS.
> [1]

No, Windows 7 supports UEFI.

On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 12:35:34AM -0700, Letcher Ross wrote:
> The ASUS support page shows all systems that support linux operating
> systems, including the Z87.

Linux also supports UEFI (and a known vendor also supports signed UEFI).

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Feedback about Desktop Environments

2013-09-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 09:50:53AM +0200, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
> Can you recommend an alternative automounter for network mounts?

I guess fstab + ifstated(8) would do the job even better then amd.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: update my box and Cinnamon avaible

2013-09-23 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:54:09PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> I'd really like a solution that didn't involve me having
> to rectify things again and again, but it's better than nothing :)


Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

ksh: maildir support for MAIL & MAILPATH

2013-09-23 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

I find ksh's option of asynchronous mail notifications quite useful.
Unfortunately, common IMAP sync'ing tools all require Maildir as local storage
format, while ksh only supports mboxes.

I made a patch that brings maildir support to ksh. Though it works, it is
rather oversimplified and probably buggy, but I hope it could be of some use
to others.

Index: bin/ksh/mail.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/src/bin/ksh/mail.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -r1.16 mail.c
--- bin/ksh/mail.c  16 Apr 2013 22:13:14 -  1.16
+++ bin/ksh/mail.c  23 Sep 2013 14:51:12 -
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "sh.h"
@@ -35,6 +36,27 @@ static void munset(mbox_t *); /* fre
 static mbox_t * mballoc(char *, char *); /* allocate a new mbox */
 static void mprintit(mbox_t *);
+mdcheck(mbox_t *mbp)
+   DIR *md;
+   struct dirent   *mdent;
+   struct stat stbuf;
+   md = opendir(mbp->mb_path);
+   while ((mdent = readdir(md)) != NULL) {
+   if (mdent->d_type ^ DT_DIR) {
+   fstat(mdent->d_fileno, &stbuf);
+   if (mbp->mb_mtime < stbuf.st_mtime) {
+   closedir(md);
+   return 1;
+   }
+   }
+   }
+   closedir(md);
+   return 0;
@@ -57,13 +79,15 @@ mcheck(void)
mbp = NULL;
while (mbp) {
-   if (mbp->mb_path && stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 &&
-   S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) {
-   if (stbuf.st_size &&
-   mbp->mb_mtime != stbuf.st_mtime &&
-   stbuf.st_atime <= stbuf.st_mtime)
-   mprintit(mbp);
-   mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
+   if (mbp->mb_path && stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0) {
+   if (mbp->mb_mtime != stbuf.st_mtime) {
+   if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode) && 
stbuf.st_size &&
+   stbuf.st_atime <= 
+   mprintit(mbp);
+   else if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && 
+   mprintit(mbp);
+  mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
+   }
} else {
 * Some mail readers remove the mail
@@ -166,10 +190,16 @@ mballoc(char *p, char *m)
mbp->mb_next = NULL;
mbp->mb_path = p;
mbp->mb_msg = m;
-   if (stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 && S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))
+   if (stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 &&
+   (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))) {
+   if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) {
+   mbp->mb_path = (char *)alloc(strlen(p)+4, APERM);
+   sprintf(mbp->mb_path, "%s/new", p);
+   }
mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
-   else
+   } else
mbp->mb_mtime = 0;
@@ -177,6 +207,7 @@ static void
 mprintit(mbox_t *mbp)
struct tbl  *vp;
+   char *p;
 #if 0
@@ -187,8 +218,12 @@ mprintit(mbox_t *mbp)
if (!Flag(FSH))
+   {
+   *(p = strrchr(mbp->mb_path, '/')) = '\0';
/* Ignore setstr errors here (arbitrary) */
setstr((vp = local("_", false)), mbp->mb_path, 
+   *p = '/';
+   }
shellf("%s\n", substitute(mbp->mb_msg ? mbp->mb_msg : MBMESSAGE, 0));

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ksh: maildir support for MAIL & MAILPATH

2013-09-23 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Removed dance with names of mailboxes in printit(), so that it doesn't trim
mboxes' names, but appends "/new" suffixes to maildirs.

Index: mail.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/src/bin/ksh/mail.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -r1.16 mail.c
--- mail.c  16 Apr 2013 22:13:14 -  1.16
+++ mail.c  23 Sep 2013 16:57:16 -
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "sh.h"
@@ -35,6 +36,27 @@ static void munset(mbox_t *); /* fre
 static mbox_t * mballoc(char *, char *); /* allocate a new mbox */
 static void mprintit(mbox_t *);
+mdcheck(mbox_t *mbp)
+   DIR *md;
+   struct dirent   *mdent;
+   struct stat stbuf;
+   md = opendir(mbp->mb_path);
+   while ((mdent = readdir(md)) != NULL) {
+   if (mdent->d_type ^ DT_DIR) {
+   fstat(mdent->d_fileno, &stbuf);
+   if (mbp->mb_mtime < stbuf.st_mtime) {
+   closedir(md);
+   return 1;
+   }
+   }
+   }
+   closedir(md);
+   return 0;
@@ -57,13 +79,15 @@ mcheck(void)
mbp = NULL;
while (mbp) {
-   if (mbp->mb_path && stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 &&
-   S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) {
-   if (stbuf.st_size &&
-   mbp->mb_mtime != stbuf.st_mtime &&
-   stbuf.st_atime <= stbuf.st_mtime)
-   mprintit(mbp);
-   mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
+   if (mbp->mb_path && stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0) {
+   if (mbp->mb_mtime != stbuf.st_mtime) {
+   if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode) && 
stbuf.st_size &&
+   stbuf.st_atime <= 
+   mprintit(mbp);
+   else if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && 
+   mprintit(mbp);
+  mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
+   }
} else {
 * Some mail readers remove the mail
@@ -166,10 +190,16 @@ mballoc(char *p, char *m)
mbp->mb_next = NULL;
mbp->mb_path = p;
mbp->mb_msg = m;
-   if (stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 && S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))
+   if (stat(mbp->mb_path, &stbuf) == 0 &&
+   (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))) {
+   if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) {
+   mbp->mb_path = (char *)alloc(strlen(p)+4, APERM);
+   sprintf(mbp->mb_path, "%s/new", p);
+   }
mbp->mb_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime;
-   else
+   } else
mbp->mb_mtime = 0;

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: mailx : mime handling?

2013-09-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Mayuresh Kathe said:
> hi, how do mailx users currently handle mime?

They don't. They install mutt, s-nail or whatever.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: mailx : mime handling?

2013-09-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> It would be nice if metamail works again. Perhaps to have something
> like an editor to be called with ~e (when EDITOR is set to it) in mail
> that allow to add attachments and to call another editor for writing
> the text.

And you don't need threaded view for IMAP?

> For reading IMAP it would be nice to have the possibility to "mount" the
> remote folder as a local file (no work in FUSE?).

You have mail/isync and mail/offlineimap for that. I use the former, and it
does the trick.

> Another question is how to send with alternative smtp servers.

OpenSMTPd sends my mail via Google's SMTP for me (though you may obsorve in
the headers of this message that it doesn't try to hide my IP and hostname).
Sendmail also supports this.

In the end I use mutt in always disconnected mode, and it feels quite good.
(Or would feel if Google's IMAP wasn't so brain-damaged and unconformant.)

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: mailx : mime handling?

2013-09-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> The idea is not to syncronize remote and local mailfolders, but to
> read the headers and only download the messages that one wants to read.

Then all you need is IMAP - almost every mail client caches headers and only
download the messages' bodies when requested.

> I did configure "sendmail" to do it, it was not trivial. But I cannot
> decide at the moment of sending a mail, what smtp server I want to use.
> to change the configuration of sendmail only for sending a mail is
> too much.

With OpenSMTPd you may have a set of rules based on "sender" and alter "From"
in the message headers when composing.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: mailx : mime handling?

2013-09-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Steffen "Daode" Nurpmeso said:
> In ~/.mailrc:
>   set NAIL_EXTRA_RC=~/.file-with-nail-specific-configs
> should help you out.

Or just "export NAILRC=~/.nailrc" in ~/.kshrc, ~/.bashrc or wherever you set
your environment.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Gnome would not start

2013-09-26 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Roelof Wobben said:
> Why change card. Its almost new and on FreeBSD and many linux distros the card
> is working well.

You might want to port Nouveau drivers. NVIDIA doesn't supply binary driver
(like those you used on Linux and FreeBSD) for OpenBSD.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Snapshots of Sep 24

2013-09-27 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

I was updating my amd64 laptop with September 24 snapshot's bsd.rd, and it
didn't let me select etc and xetc sets - they were simply missing in the list
of sets. Is it a glitch? Or may be I missed some news?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: USB flash installation -- Location of sets?

2013-09-28 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Alex Naumov said:
> So, installer can't find source-directory and I can't remount my usb stick.
> Does anybody know how it works?

You can escape to shell using "!" command:

  Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk] !
  # mount /dev/sd0i /mnt2
  # exit
  Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk]
  Is the disk partition already mounted? [yes] yes
  Pathname to the sets? (or 'done') [5.3/i386] /mnt2/5.3/i386

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff


2013-11-05 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
sven falempin wrote:
>Not  helping .

What are your laptop vender and model?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff


2013-11-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
sven falempin wrote:
> The goal is to boot over usb, i had linux/windows/openbsd and more 10 years
> ago on a computer i do not want to have this madness again.

I currently multiboot OpenBSD and Windows on my Lenovo (I'm their salesman too) 
laptop. And I did multiboot Linux and Windows 10 years ago (though I had only 
one OS in between). What madness are you talking about?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: urtwn driver kernel panic

2013-11-08 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Stefan Sperling said:
> On Sat, Nov 09, 2013 at 12:17:35AM +0400, Alexander Pakhomov wrote:
> > Hi!
> > ?) my usb wifi adapter probably overheated near cpu fan out
> I have a similar issue with urtwn. Working wifi is hit and miss,
> and when it doesn't work the USB wifi dongle is usually very hot.
> No idea why it's happening.

I have another (though probably related issue): my urtwn gets hot, and
"urtwn0: device timeout" lands in dmesg. I then run "ifconfig urtwn0
down" and pull the card out of port. Sometimes (rarely) it results in
lock up (I don't get to ddb prompt, which I attribute to X and Radeon

Sometimes system locks up while my WiFi connection becomes too unstable,
and again urtwn dongle is hot.

All of this is a bit dated, as I didn't yet experience it with latest
snapshot - last time it happened with snapshots from end of September of
beginning of October.

That said, my urtwn dongle is really tiny, and it is nearly always hot
(eg. it is right now), so this may be a coincidence. Otherwise it works
OK, or at least better then my previous WiFi hardware. (And better then
it does under Windows, btw.)

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: uvideo(4) problems in recent snaps?

2014-11-18 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
percy piper said:
> Has anyone noticed problems with uvideo(4) in recent snapshots?
> The issue I'm seeing is reproducible with video(1) - just run it and
> wait. After some seconds or minutes no new frames arrive and video(1)
> is waiting on poll(2). Larger frame sizes seem to decrease the time
> needed to achieve this state. No errors are logged at all.

I can't confirm this on November 10 snapshot.

$ uname -rv
5.6 GENERIC.MP#546
$ usbdevs -dv
Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 1: high speed, self powered, config 1, EHCI root hub(0x), ATI(0x1002), 
rev 1.00
 port 1 powered
 port 2 enabled
 port 3 powered
 port 4 powered
 port 5 disabled
Controller /dev/usb1:
addr 1: high speed, self powered, config 1, EHCI root hub(0x), ATI(0x1002), 
rev 1.00
 port 1 disabled
 port 2 enabled
 port 3 powered
 port 4 disabled
 port 5 addr 2: high speed, power 200 mA, config 1, Integrated Camera(0x03b4), 
Ricoh Company Ltd.(0x5986), rev 20.13
Controller /dev/usb2:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, OHCI root hub(0x), ATI(0x1002), 
rev 1.00
 port 1 disabled
 port 2 enabled
 port 3 enabled
 port 4 addr 2: full speed, self powered, config 1, Broadcom Bluetooth 
Device(0x217f), Broadcom Corp(0x0a5c), rev 7.48, iSerialNumber 60D819BEBD2A
 port 5 enabled
Controller /dev/usb3:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, OHCI root hub(0x), ATI(0x1002), 
rev 1.00
 port 1 disabled
 port 2 enabled
 port 3 enabled
 port 4 enabled
 port 5 powered

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Mac Mini

2014-11-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Austin Gilbert said:
> Is there anything I can do at the “boot>” prompt to try
> disabling/enabling different device drivers for the USB ports so the
> keyboard will work under BSD.rd? 

Your best bet would probably be to install OpenBSD in unattended mode[1]
and get dmesg via ssh.  That said, you may try disabling controllers via
UKC(8)[2], but I am not sure whether it is available in bsd.rd.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff


Re: surf (browser): URL bar doesn't appear

2014-11-22 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Alessandro DE LAURENZIS said:
> It's just me? Any hints? Any point in the right direction for a proper
> debug more than welcome.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-11-29 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
frantisek holop said:
> is it true to say then, that ffs is entirely "utf8 safe",
> and/or that ffs is actually "an utf-8 encoded filesystem"
> as IIRC Mac OS is?  or is it some kind of happy accident
> that it works? :)

As I get it, ffs is entirely "utf8 safe" because it is not encoding
aware.  With whatever locale commands

  $ touch `printf "\aabb\bc"`


  $ touch `printf "\201\202\203"`

succeed.  (Interestingly, "ls | cat" in presence of filename with ASCII
bell does not actually ring the bell, although backspace works as
expected.)  These octet arrays may happen to be valid utf-8 as well.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-11-29 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Ingo Schwarze said:
> While the article is old, the essence of what Schneier said here
> still stands, and it is not likely to fall in the future:

Sorry, but this article is mostly based on lack of understanding of

> that would directly run contrary to some of OpenBSD's most important
> project goals:  Correctness, simplicity, security.

Yes, Unicode is very complex.  Just complex enough that there is (to my
knowledge) no single application that does it right in every aspect.

That said, the standard provides just enough facilities to make
filesystem-related aspects of Unicode work nicely, particularily in case
of utf-8.  Eg. ability to enforce NFD for all operations on file names
could actually make several things more secure by preventing homograph

Unfortunately, there is no realistic hope that NFD will be enforced by
every OS and filesystem out there any time soon, so at this stage file
names with bytes outside printable ASCII range will cause problems at
some point.  On my systems I limit filenames to [0-9A-Za-z~._/-] range.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-11-30 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joel Rees said:
>> That said, the standard provides just enough facilities to make
>> filesystem-related aspects of Unicode work nicely, particularily in case
>> of utf-8.  Eg. ability to enforce NFD for all operations on file names
>> could actually make several things more secure by preventing homograph
>> attacks.
> I think this assertion is a bit optimistic, and not just given your
> following caveat.

Provided that I have to cope with Unicode file names every day, I just
can't see more pessimistic approach then just allowing arbitrary Unicode
codepoints with no sanitization whatsoever.  Every now and then I have
to use printf(1) and xclip(1x) just because there is no other way to
address a file or identify all codepoints of its name.  From here I
don't see ability to enforce policy on Unicode strings as something as
useless as you put it.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-11-30 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Thomas Bohl said:
> # ls | cat
> Will display the characters right.
> Not entirely sure why though.

>From ls(1) manual:

| -q  Force printing of non-graphic characters in file names as the
| character `?'; this is the default when output is to a terminal.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> How do you 'enforce' NFD?
> Let the kernel normalize (ie /destructively/ transform) the file names
> behind user's back, so that a file will be listed with a different name
> than that with which it was created? That's very nice and secure, indeed.

I would enforce normalization at filename access time (open(), fopen(),
readdir(), etc).  Yes, destructively transform.  I would reject
filenames that won't decode.  If this is documented, I just don't see
how it is "behind user's back", and it at least partially solves the
problem of accessing right files.

FWIW I've stopped using Unicode filenames after I found that I can't
type in the name of file that contains only the glyphs that I can type
in, just because at that time I used keyboard layout with combining
diacritical marks instead of dead keys, so my input was NFD, while
name of the file I got from somewhere was NFC.

> And btw, normalization won't do much about 'homographs':
> $ echo > ∕еtс∕раsswd
> $ rm ∕еtс∕раsswd
> $

This is a separate problem.  My suggestion does not help here, which
does not render it useless for other cases.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Stefan Sperling said:
> Bad idea. See my other post. Apple did this and broke existing applications.

OpenBSD changed time_t and broke existing applications, but hardly
anyone thinks it was a bad idea.  Fancy filenames are long known to be
problematic, so filename policy enforcement is a breakage of the same
sort.  Apple have taken the lead here, and they may eventually do the
same thing to industry as OpenBSD did by changing time_t.

FWIW now it is rather safe to normalize filenames now, as related
problems are already being solved due to breakages on OSX.

Although I might be missing something, an additional function which
takes desired filename and outputs normalized filename could probably
solve this problem on applications' side.  Such function, be it
implemented in libc, could even allow system administrators enforce
local file naming preference as system-wide policy.

P.S.:  I don't actually propose to implement filename normalization in
OpenBSD right now.  I've merely thrown this idea to generate potentially
fruitful discussion.  Don't mistake it for feature request or demand of
some kind.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Janne Johansson said:
> There is quite a bit of difference between changing the storage format and
> making some dates "impossible" that previously did work.

Don't think so.  Something got changed, things got broken and need to be
fixed.  The only real question is: is the change worth the trouble.  I
think it is, although unanimous negative reaction hints that I am
probably missing something important.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joel Rees said:
> Hmm. What would you suggest doing with the following file name?
> /etc
> (You may need a Japanese font to display it.)
> If you try to normalize it on a *nix box, it will hopefully conflict
> with your system file permissions. But, then what do you do with it?
> If you throw it away because it's non-normal, and it happens to have
> the parts of the new marketing plan that didn't fit under some other
> category, will the boss be okay with that?

I am not sure I get you.  I proposed using NFD for filenames.  In system
implementing that the filename you provide as example above would be
stored as is, as it is already NFD and can't be further decomposed.  I
never suggested NFKD as your message implies.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joel Rees said:
> Now, what would you do with this?
> ジョエル
> Why not decompose it to the following?
> ジョエル

Because it is not what Unicode normalization is.

> I know what the Unicode rules say, but my boss says, if I'm going to
> play with file names, he wants it done his way.

And now you suggest that idea of enforcing local filename policy is bad
idea because local filename policy might not be sane.  Ok.

First, let's decouple NFD suggestion from local policy.  Again, no
problems with NFD here.  I don't really see any sense in local policy
that demands this conversion, but if your boss needs it, it is not my
business.  I can't get why mention it though: it is completely unrelated

> You have to keep rules about making file names for internal use
> separate from rules about storing filenames received, or the internal
> system loses its meaning.

And now you speak of normalization or of local policy?  At any rate, any
incoming file has a name, which is encoded somehow.  It may be encoded
in utf-16le, for example.  Now, either you store a filename that you
can't read without using iconv or another tool of a kind, or you convert
the name to your locale.  If your locale happens to use utf-8, you still
have to convert byte sequence to another byte sequence.  The conversion
I proposed would convert destructively, but maintaining Unicode
equivalence, so aside from subtle technical (choice of canonical form)
the set of glyphs that makes the filename would remain exactly the same.
This is not even a policy, just consistent representation.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Anthony J. Bentley said:
> > I haven't used Apple OSses since around 10.4, but Mac OS X was doing a
> > thing where certain well-known directory names were aliased according to
> > the current locale. For instance, the user's  "music" directory was shown
> > as 「音楽」 when the locale was set to ja_JP.UTF-8.
> IMO this is totally crazy behavior and unrelated to the Unicode issue.

GNOME does this too.  It goes even further - proposes to rename XDG
directories if locale changes.  Most amusingly, if you happen run GNOME
and Firefox with English locale and then switch to non-English locale,
your GNOME will rename XDG directories to new locale defaults, and
Firefox will re-create "~/Desktop".  I rarely have to deal with systems
with non-English locales, but each and every time I have to, I get
terrified with the changes since the last time.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
First of all, I really don't believe that preservation of non-canonical
form should be a consideration for any software.  There is no single
reason to allow non-canonical forms to exist at all, while there are
several reasons to avoid them.  More so for foreign encodings in
filenames - if you are trying to store UTF-16 names on a system with
UTF-8 locale, you should be converting, not escaping.  Doing otherwise
is just asking for troubles.

Next, I assume that ability to enter filenames trumps ability to
preserve original filename on Unix-like systems.  In most cases right
now these two values don't clash, because user input is normalized from
the very beginning in IME.  That said, there may be exceptions.  Eg.
several mail clients won't normalize filename if input encoding matches
encoding of attachement.  Thus, having recieved a file with non-ASCII
filename from Mac, you'll end up being unable to address it from shell
even if it was typed using exactly the same keyboard layout you use.  I
don't see how this situation may be justified.  The rare cases when
original filenames must be preserved byte to byte warrant some special
handling (eg. storing filenames elsewhere separately or preserving the
whole files with names and attributes in some archive or other form of
special database).

Finally, provided that both ends of network communication use canonical
forms for Unicode, the matter of storing file remotely and then
recieving it back with filename intact is simply a matter of
normalization on reciever's side.  That is: if you prefer your local
files in NFD, and your NAS uses NFC, you should simply normalize
filenames when you recieve files back.  The only potential problem here
is "compatibility" normalizations, but these are already problematic
enough to be avoided in all cases where NFD or NFC do the job.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ffs and utf8

2014-12-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joel Rees said:
> Maybe it would be better just to not make those directories until they
> are needed by an application, and then ask the user to name them
> instead of providing standard names.

Actually, it is still workable if you carry your ~/.config/user-dirs.dir
around, so that you could install it before you first log into GNOME.  I
used this approach to sanitize structure of my home directory when I
needed a working GNOME desktop.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD Trademark Policy

2014-12-07 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Riley Baird said:
> As for why I want to create the distro, I think that OpenBSD has
> excellent security, and I would like to create a version without the
> binary-only microcode included.

Isn't it easier to just do

 # cd /mnt/etc; tar czf firmware{.tgz,}; rm -R firmware

from bsd.rd after installer exits?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD Trademark Policy

2014-12-07 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Riley Baird said:
> However, remember that if someone doesn't know much about OpenBSD, they
> will either: a) think that OpenBSD does not contain binary-only firmware
> due to the "Blob-Busters" marketing or b) not know where to look to
> remove it should they wish to

This information is easily available to anyone interested via online
manual pages for affected drivers.  If user is not knowledgable enough
to verify whether his hardware can be used without proprietary firmware,
you are doing misservice.

P.S.: how are you going to cope with hardware that already contains
firmware and does not require loading it at initialization time?  Or is
this kind of firmware OK according to your definition of free?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Openbsd broke my hard drive twice! Getting frustrated

2014-12-22 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Henrique Lengler said:
> I could not acess the command line

Why?  How did you install the system then?

> When I tried to turn on again, the system didn't boot.

What exactly happened?  Blank screen?  System started booting but froze
in process?  Did your laptop pass BIOS tests?

> Could someone please explain me why this happened?

Unlikely until you mention the model of your laptop and describe the
problem in more detail.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Adding a new keymap

2014-12-24 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Henrique Lengler said:
> I would like to install a custom keymap on my system

Are you talking about X11 or console keymap?  The former is defined in
/usr/X11R6/share/X11/xkb/symbols/, the latter – in

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Former Yugoslavia in countrycodes

2015-01-04 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Jan Stary said:

AFAIK the former variant is currently the correct one. There is a
dispute between Macedonia and Greece regarding the meaning of the word
"Macedonia" - Greece maintains that this word refers to its region (as
in Alexander III of Macedon).

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Former Yugoslavia in countrycodes

2015-01-05 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Peter Hessler said:
> On 2015 Jan 04 (Sun) at 21:39:08 -0500 (-0500), Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>> For many of us who were born in that country and whose lives have been
>> altered forever by actual events on the ground your remark doesn't sound
>> clever
> I'm sorry, but this is simply a fact.  To get a country code assigned,
> you will need to contact the ISO.  We are unable to assign one for them.

I guess it is not the lack of country code for Kosovo he is upset with.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Former Yugoslavia in countrycodes

2015-01-11 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Zeljko Jovanovic said:
> I thought at least OpenBSD people had some understanding of how world
> politics work.

This is wrong forum for "world politics" discussions.  Let's not

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Openbsd broke my hard drive twice! Getting frustrated

2015-02-08 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Daniel Dickman said:
> The firmware on my laptop reads all the partitions in the MBR except
> ones marked as type EE (EFI). It then seems to try to read into those
> partitions for something else. If there is even 1 OpenBSD partition,
> it chokes on something in it. No idea why the firmware is reading past
> the MBR and into the actual disk partitions, seems strange.

Firmware may be trying to verify integrity of ntldr just like UEFI
firmware would.  Makes sense as "security feature" in PR department's

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD usb cannot be read on Windows

2015-02-18 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Priit Kivisoo said:
> > Windows reads only 240 M.
> > How can I recover the 16G on the USB?
> >
> Reformat it.

You will likely need to get rid of mbr partition to reclaim the space.
You can do it with fdisk, dd (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdNc bs=512 count=1)
or with Windows' Disk Management tool (You can find it in Computer
Management shell).

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD firefox useragent Facebook

2015-02-18 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Erling Westenvik said:
> My Windows computers does not have this problem, neither does my laptop
> when it's connected through various gateways.

And what about user-agent from your desktop and laptop?  Do they work?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: openbsd x2goclient

2015-02-19 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joseph Oficre said:
> ) at /usr/src/lib/librthread/rthread.c:145

FWIW what version of OpenBSD are you using?  If the answer is not
exactly "recent snapshot", you should probably try it there, as all of
the openbsd-wip ports tree development happens on -current.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: CPU criteria for OpenBSD firewall

2015-02-19 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Stuart Henderson said:
> Half of that page is obsolete. 
> Various things are recommended without explaining that they are a 
> trade-off or can cause problems. There are
> It includes "tweaks" which may improve performance of an end host (but
> have trade-offs) in a page mostly talking about routers, other
> "tweaks" which are nothing to do with networking and in some cases
> dangerous.

It would be nice if someone with expertise could write a detailed
explanation of the issues with that article...

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: openbsd x2goclient

2015-02-19 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joseph Oficre said:
> I'm using release system + stable ports.
> Hmm, so u recommend me to use current? I can try it..

I don't promise that it will work (I don't even know what exactly the
software in question is), but I may assure you that ports for -current
may fail with -stable, and ports that are too current to be in -current
more so.  Actually, some of ports from openbsd-wip are not submitted
because they still wait some changes in base or ports.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD firefox useragent Facebook

2015-02-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Nick Holland said:
> I'm not losing any sleep over it, however.  I seem to have low
> expectations for people coding not-stupidly.

It is actually normal these days for web developers to support only a
handful of most used configurations.  It is funny that they still argue
that HTML5 is *the* cross-platform API for application development.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: OpenBSD Tablet-ish

2015-02-20 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Adam Thompson said:
> Unless you've found handwriting recognition or on-screen-keyboards that work
> well with OpenBSD, you'll probably still have to carry around a USB
> keyboard, which might make the whole exercise pointless.  Good luck, anyway.

Recently I had my hands on ExoPC - an amd64-based tablet with only
touchscreen and single sensor button as its inputs.  It was quite usable
with OpenBSD, but only with Gnome - non-Gnome GUI software relies too
heavily on right mouse button.  Although I had wireless keyboard
connected nearly all the time, virtual keyboard was sufficient in most

P.S.:  From my previous experience with ASUS R2Hv and preinstalled Vista
I concluded that handwriting recognition is very inefficient.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: hardware support

2015-02-22 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joseph Oficre said:
> Hello, my friends.
> Can someone tell me, is this hardware will work with OpenBSD 5.6
> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GTX
> 650] (rev a1)

AFAIK in vesa mode only.  No hardware acceleration.

> 01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 HDMI Audio Controller (rev
> a1)

This won't.

> Interested of Nvidia videocard, I dont need some super 3d support, just
> 1920x1200 resolution.

I guess you will be able to set up this resolution using gtf(1), but
with no 2D acceleration that will be painful.  You may try running it
with vesa driver in Linux (eg. by removing nouveau or nvidia proprietary
driver, whichever you use) and see.

If the system is now under your control, you could either buy a CD or
download an image from any mirror and boot your system.  If your disk is
in MBR format (not in GPT), you may even free a bit of space and install
OpenBSD there.  Or back up your system and do a full install.  Another
option would be to install OpenBSD to a flash drive, and boot from
there; it would be painfully slow, but will give you a simple way of
testing hardware compatibility.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: hardware support

2015-02-22 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joseph Oficre said:
> PS: i've made live USB, booted, but first FAST check didnt give me any
> results, just segfault on xorg -configure, need more time for it :c

You have to write xorg.conf yourself.  IIRC a Monitor section and
modeline from gtf(1) would suffice.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

pkg_add failure in March 1 snapshot

2015-03-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

I've updated to March 1 snapshot, and after sysmerge tried to update
packages.  What I got was:

: $ sudo pkg_add -u
: Use of uninitialized value $file in hash element at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 80.
: Use of uninitialized value $error in concatenation (.) or string at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 723.
: sh: syntax error: unexpected EOF
: Use of uninitialized value $filename in open at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 649.
: is empty

followed by a list of installed packages that failed to update.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: pkg_add failure in March 1 snapshot

2015-03-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Adam Wolk said:
> Is the issue reproducible? Maybe it was a temporary network glitch?

I can access this repository just fine, it isn't empty, and the same
happens with other repos.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: pkg_add failure in March 1 snapshot

2015-03-03 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Dmitry Orlov said:
> (i386) snapshot and amd64 packages ?
> :

No, amd64 everything.

I updated again (from another mirror, which shouldn't matter), and now
everything is fine.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: iwn(4) firmware

2015-03-04 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Jan Stary said:
> lists the supported wireles chipsets, marking with NFF
> those that need the non-free firmware to be downloaded.
> It does not mark iwn(4) as such,

It should.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: pkg_add failure in March 1 snapshot

2015-03-04 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Marc Espie said:
> > I believe this is reported when $PKG_TMPDIR isn't writable.
> Definitely looks like somebody had fun with his /var/tmp <-> /tmp change... :p

Not me.  I didn't even touch either directory neither before nor after
the breakage.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Audio probles like, slow response in applications that use audio

2015-03-05 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Henrique Lengler said:
> I tried some browsers like (firefox, midori and chromium), and they get
> really slow when I am watching a html5 video, and it freezes all the
> time if the video is in HD.

If the performance issue depends on video resolution, most likely you
experience problems with hardware graphics acceleration.

Do other GStreamer-based programs play the same videos fine?  What about
non-Gstreamer software, eg. ffplay from ffmpeg?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Quick OpenBSD/thinkpad question

2015-03-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> My question is; Does anyone have any insight into these claims, whether it
> be proving or disproving?

With amount of firmware in laptops these days I guess it is effectively
impossible to disprove backdoor claims.

Jiri B. said:
> There are two kinds of this attacks - hardware or software.

Hardware attacks?  With flamethrowers?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: C++14 and C11 support sucks in OpenBSDs default compiler - any chance of Clang in base?

2015-03-27 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Some Developer said:
> So what are the reasons why OpenBSD has so far shunned Clang and LLDB? Is it
> missing some extra security features that the OpenBSD team have added to
> their version of GCC?

First and foremost it is missing platform support.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Can't use PerlMagick

2012-11-23 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

I'm running into a weird problem with PerlMagick:

 $ perl -e 'use Image::Magick'
 Can't load 
for module Image::Magick: Cannot load specified object at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/amd64-openbsd/5.12.2/ line 200.
  at -e line 1
 Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
 &Image::Magick::constant not defined. The required ImageMagick libraries are 
not installed or not installed properly.
 END failed--call queue aborted at -e line 1.

Am I missing something obvious? Is there anything I can do about it?

OpenBSD -current amd64 (latest snapshot), PerlMagick from
ImageMagick- package.

Thanks in advance.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

ImageMagick and perl

2013-01-11 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

I was trying to build a piece of software that uses Image::Magick, when I ran
into the following problem on amd64 -current:

  $ perl -e "use Image::Magick;"
  Can't load 
for module Image::Magick: Cannot load specified object at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/amd64-openbsd/5.12.2/ line 200.
   at -e line 1
  Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
  &Image::Magick::constant not defined. The required ImageMagick libraries are 
not installed or not installed properly.
  END failed--call queue aborted at -e line 1.

On my another box (i386 5.2) I get another error:

  % perl -e "use Image::Magick;"
  perl:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
  lazy binding failed!
  zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  perl -e "use Image::Magick;"

Is there any way to use Image::Magick on OpenBSD? If no, why does it get

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: ImageMagick and perl

2013-01-12 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 12:31:40PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2013-01-12, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff  wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I was trying to build a piece of software that uses Image::Magick, when I 
> > ran
> > into the following problem on amd64 -current:
> >
> >   $ perl -e "use Image::Magick;"
> >   Can't load 
> > '/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/amd64-openbsd/auto/Image/Magick/'
> >  for module Image::Magick: Cannot load specified object at 
> > /usr/libdata/perl5/amd64-openbsd/5.12.2/ line 200.
> >at -e line 1
> >   Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
> >   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
> >   &Image::Magick::constant not defined. The required ImageMagick libraries 
> > are not installed or not installed properly.
> >   END failed--call queue aborted at -e line 1.
> >
> > On my another box (i386 5.2) I get another error:
> >
> >   % perl -e "use Image::Magick;"
> >   perl:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
> > 'pthread_mutexattr_init'
> >   lazy binding failed!
> >   zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  perl -e "use Image::Magick;"
> >
> > Is there any way to use Image::Magick on OpenBSD? If no, why does it get
> > built?
> >
> Set LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

Thanks, it solved the problem for me.

Now, do I have to provide LD_PRELOAD in environment for any perl script using

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: WebRTC, google and firefox

2013-03-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 06:53:43PM -0500, Brad Smith wrote:
> <.> It'll be a lot easier to have an HTML5
> compliant browser with support for WebRTC all over the place then it will
> be to get some of these services using proprietary protocols, plugins, and
> host apps to be ported all over the place.

I'm not sure it's all that easy. Effectively, HTML5 turns out being equal to
OOXML and flash in terms of reimplementation possibility: albeit quite trivial
to reimplement in terms of specs availability, the task is too huge to
undertake for a community project.

That is: one may compute standard usefulness theoretical limit as:

 max_useful (int lastpageno)
 return 100 / lastpageno;

One may notice that even minimalist web browsers (dwb, surf, uzbl, xombrero)
end up depending on D-BUS and GNOME components. Hell, even Qt-based Arora
pulls dconf. Given the recent (well, not quite recent) news from GNOME
project, in several years it might be easier to implement proper Jingle
support to non-GTK-based jabber client then porting recent
Firefox/Chromium/ to OpenBSD.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: WebRTC, google and firefox

2013-03-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 02:10:45PM +0100, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 06:53:43PM -0500, Brad Smith wrote:
> > <.> It'll be a lot easier to have an HTML5
> > compliant browser with support for WebRTC all over the place then it will
> > be to get some of these services using proprietary protocols, plugins, and
> > host apps to be ported all over the place.
> I'm not sure it's all that easy. Effectively, HTML5 turns out being equal to
> OOXML and flash in terms of reimplementation possibility: albeit quite trivial
> to reimplement in terms of specs availability, the task is too huge to
> undertake for a community project.
> That is: one may compute standard usefulness theoretical limit as:
>  int
>  max_useful (int lastpageno)
>  {
>  return 100 / lastpageno;
>  }

Well, 100 is order of magnitude too low, and lastpageno should be increased by
the number of standards this particular one depends on, but the point still

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: WebRTC, google and firefox

2013-03-08 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 12:00:57PM -0430, Andres Perera wrote:
> dbus isn't big at all though, and it's even smaller when you consider
> that something else in your modern desktop env is going to end up
> depending on it
> i'm curious about what gnome components you are talking about. dconf,
> again, is miniscule

Why do you assume that my desktop env is modern in sense of being D-Bus
enabled? Neither of its pillars - cwm, xterm, tmux and vim - has anything to
do with D-Bus.

My point is not about the _size_ of dependencies, but rather about their
_nature_. See, I don't use any features of D-Bus, as none of the apps I
installed uses it. (Well, my browser does something on D-Bus, but (1)
optionally and (2) there is nothing else connected.) I am not even aware of
any useful way to use D-Bus. Obviosly, I don't need it.

Same goes for dconf, as I keep all the settings I can out of dconf's touch,
just because I don't like it. To my knowledge, no dconf key is altered in my
setup, so I probably don't make any actual use of it anyway.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Openbsd openrisc opencores arm

2013-03-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:54:27PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
>   There's no keyboard, well, because there's no
> keyboard.  There's no mouse, because there's no place to plug it in and
> the touch screen is undocumented.  There's no real network port because
> it is supposed to be wireless.

Typical tablet has USB port one could attach keyboard/mouse/both to. Some of
the touch screens are supported in linux, so theoretically the drivers could
be written based on linux code as reference.

Still, making a usable port for any tablet would take more time then the
period of device availability in shops, and even then the user experience
would likely be suboptimal, as most pieces of software still rely heavily on
text input and precise pointing, while keyboard and mouse would effectively
defeat the very idea of using tablet.

FWIW Intel is lobbying Atom-based mobile devices. If such devices ever come to
exiistance, the idea of OpenBSD may ultimately make some sense. As of now it
would be just a waste of developers' time, which is quite limited.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: dwm random config

2013-04-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 07:00:19PM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> This patch picks random colors for dwm. Nothing too garish, the
> choices are constrained to be in the neighborhood of the existing
> defaults, but instead of all gray, you may see just a touch of green
> or red in the status bar.

There used to be a patch for updating look&feel settings of dwb via
Xresources. I believe the fork of dwb including this feature is x11/echinus.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Rust programming language

2015-05-19 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Lampshade said:
> Do you think that learning Rust can be good for educational purposes?

Learning anything is good for educational purposes.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Phone suggestion.

2015-05-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
M Wheeler said:
> Android is the most targeted platform by malware by a massive degree.
> Whatever you do, don't get an android.

This is not supported by evidence.  Actually, only vendors of
"antivirus" software for android really claim any meaningful amount of
malware, and even then they fail to point at anything in particular.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Phone suggestion.

2015-05-26 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Gareth Nelson said:
> Is it theoretically possible to boot an OpenBSD kernel on an average
> android device?

TLDR: this requires a lot of work and provides much less then expected
in exchange.

That would require a lot of drivers which we don't have.  Even
aftermarket Android firmware uses binary blobs from vendors for hardware
support (which is actually a major roadblock for aftermarket firmware
development for cheaper Android devices, like those based on Rockchip's
SoCs).  So in practice it is very difficult to get OpenBSD running on an
Android phone, even ignoring the fact that we lack software for making
phone calls, etc.

Interaction between OpenBSD as user-facing OS and RTOS that manages
cellular hardware would probably be the another big issue issue.  Again,
there's little to no documentation on topic, so OpenBSD on phone port
does not look overly feasible.

Lastly, running OpenBSD as user-facing OS is not particularly useful, as
RTOS that runs cellular operations normally has direct write access to
RAM of user-facing OS.  That means that whatever firmware user installs,
he is basically defendless against cellular operators and whatever
bodies that can gain data from those.  That also means that exploiting
vulnerability in RTOS would allow an attacker direct privileged access
to RAM, which effectively discards most security measures of user-facing
OS.  Provided that RTOS is actually in between user-facing OS and
internet connection, that creates a huge attack vector which can't be
dealt with by installing OpenBSD-based firmware.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Blob-free OpenBSD kernel needed

2015-06-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Stefan Sperling said:
> On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 12:44:55AM -0300, Michel Behr wrote:
> > If you want HW freedom, I think the viable way is this:
> >
> Nice try but I don't think countrygeek would be happy with this machine.
> """
> What About the BIOS and firmware?
> Though the bootloader, Linux kernel, GNU OS, and all software
> applications are completely free/libre software without any binary
> blobs, the BIOS which does use free/libre and open source coreboot, does
> include a binary from Intel, called FSP. 
> """

They admit that their hardware has vendors' firmware as well:

| There are also hardware components, like the HD or SSD, that are
| flashable, and therefore upgradeable, but that currently run firmware
| that is not yet freed.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: help setting up ralink rt3290 compatible wifi drivers?

2015-06-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Joel Rees said:
> Do you have debian running to do the extraction? (I do have wheezy
> running on a different box, but it would be interesting to know what
> tools you used.)

You may use ar(1).

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff


2015-06-07 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Max Power said:
> How to mount shared device via samba fs?

You may use sharity-light package.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Package for taking a picture

2015-06-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
STeve Andre' said:
> I'm looking in the ports tree for something to test a camera that shows up
> as uvideo0.

You can use video(1) from base system for testing.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: UPDATE: www/vimb 2.9 => 2.10

2015-06-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Brian Callahan said:
> Not quite with removing patches/patch-Makefile though: the install
> routine uses a GNU install extension (-D). So a patch needs to exist
> removing that.

Actually not: ports call /bin/install via wrapper that strips unknown

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Dual Booting OpenBSD vs Windows7

2015-06-27 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> suggestion 1 about active partition did not work for me


> suggestion 3 is completely wrong!


I've tried these options, and they worked as charm.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Booting Live openbsd image on fat32 media

2015-09-21 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Mohammad BadieZadegan said:
> How put OpenBSD image on it that don't curropt its file system or booting
> OpenBSD?

The easiest way is to split your drive in two partitions: first one
should be FAT32 if you want it so, and the last one should be OpenBSD

Windows and most consumer devices' firmwares don't read partition table
on USB flash devices, so these systems won't notice your OpenBSD
partition, but it will be bootable.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Booting Live openbsd image on fat32 media

2015-09-21 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Mohammad BadieZadegan said:
> 1.What tools can do that best?

OpenBSD installation medium can do all but formatting FAT32 partition.
You can do that from system you'll install on the second partition.

> 2.What is the size of partitions?

Depends on your needs.  Most likely you'd want to mount your FAT32
partition somewhere under you user's home directory, so basically you
can take the numbers from FAQ and adopt them to your needs.

> 3.How can write OpenBSD memstick image on the last partition?

Best way to do it is just to use stock openbsd installer.  If you don't
like this approach for some reason, you may dd your flash drive to a
file, use some virtualization software to install everything you want
there and dd the image back.

There is a choice of tools for these tasks for all major operating
systems, and there is a lot of documentation, blog posts, howto articles
and other sources of information on this topic, you so shouldn't have
problems with finding out details.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: GUI Designer

2016-02-23 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Roderick said:
> Tcl is a scripting language, on one side like scripting languages
> (sh, perl), on the other side like LISP. It is meager, with a clear
> concept and very easy to learn. Tk is the GUI Toolkit.

FWIW Tk is really simple enough that you don't need any GUI designer
application.  It is native to TCL, and it can be used just as easily
from python via Tkinter, which is part of python's standard library.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: how to send email via Mail

2016-02-28 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Jaap Bosman said:
> In man mail(1) it is not clear to me that mail(1) is not for use outside
> a local network.

Strictly speaking mail(1) is not for use over network at all: it reads
local mailbox and sends mail via MTA.  It does not do networking on its

> Why do I want to use mail(1) as an email client? I try to understand
> openBSD by playing around with it.

Well, most likely you don't because mail(1) lacks some features one
would expect from modern MUA: MIME, Maildir, references, caching.  If
neither of these is critical for you, mail(1) may be a good choice
because of its simplicity.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Can't use sshfs as user

2016-04-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Thuban said:
> Oh, that was it.
> It works after a
> # chmod 666 /dev/fuse0
> Not sure it's really secure thought.

You only need 660 and your user in 'wheel' group.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Swift?

2016-05-11 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Devin Ceartas said:
> Can you run Swift on OpenBSD?

No, we don't run birds.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: light browsers

2016-05-12 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
sogal said:
>> Basically anything that is using webkit is going to have issues:
>> This means, xombrero, luakit, probably all the others that aren't
>> firefox and chromium.
> Thanks for the interesting link.
> The xombrero "security" features lie in the default settings and the
> possibility to harden them regarding to privacy issues.
> But indeed, it seems that every single Webkit(Gtk) web browser is broken
> which leaves us with very few choice.

You must face the reality:  all web browsers are broken.  Modern web
rendering engines are too complex and too fast-moving to be securable at
all.  Mozilla and Google made every effort to ensure that nobody can
ever be safe.

Webkit1-based browsers (Luakit, Midori, surf, Vimb and Xombrero) use
unmaintained engine, so nobody fixes even known issues.  People who care
about security should probably avoid these.

AFAIK situation is similar for QTWebKit (Otter).

Situation with Webkit2 (Epiphany and surf2) is a bit better.  It is
actively developed, and some issues get fixed.  But GTK+ port - the one
we can use - is undermanned and Linux-centric.  It has issues.

XUL (Firefox and SeaMonkey) and Blink (Chromium and Iridium) are in
better shape, so there issues there are probably fewer.  But there still
are issues.  And we are not top priority platform for either, so
upstream does not care much whether things work for us or not.  And
these are primary targets for bad guys, so those fewer issues have
higher chances of being exploited.

Thuban said:
> w3m already has been mentionned on the list. With some time, it becomes
> very handy.
> But what about netsurf?

FWIW there is no reason to believe that situation with w3m, netsurf,
dillo, lynx and numerous links forks is better.  These browsers support
smaller subset of HTML/CSS/JS specs then major browsers do, but their
developer teams are yet smaller, and their security was never studied
in detail.  They may be just as broken as major browsers.  Who knows?

There is no safe bet here.  Pick whatever you want, and you'll loose
eventually.  Or maybe you won't, but only if you are lucky enough.
Parsing HTML manually is probably the safest option, albeit ugly.  You
will still suffer from bugs in your HTTP(S) tool though.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: I need to get a Russian keyboard

2016-05-27 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Chris Bennett said:
> Is setxkbmap ru going to do the trick or will I need to do something
> else also or instead?

"setxkbmap ru" will set standard "Windows" Russian layout which is
printed on keyboards in Russia.

FYI there is a set of "phonetic" layouts that map Russian Cyrillic
glyphs to similarly looking or sounding native keys.  These are readily
available for several layouts:

  $ sed -En '/Russian.+phonetic/s/.+: //p' 
  Russian (US, phonetic)
  Russian (Czech, phonetic)
  Russian (Germany, phonetic)
  Russian (Poland, phonetic Dvorak)
  Russian (phonetic)
  Russian (phonetic WinKeys)
  Russian (phonetic azerty)
  Russian (phonetic French)
  Russian (Sweden, phonetic)
  Russian (Sweden, phonetic, eliminate dead keys)

I personally use Yugoslav keyboard with my custom layout based on
standard Yugoslav Cyrillic rules.  Having same keys for punctuation make
typing in several languages much less painful.

> Any advice on what to be sure to find or not find on a keyboard?

All keyboards produced for Russia in last 15 to 20 years are identical
in terms of layout.  Be aware that some keyboards come with Russian
glyphs as pre-applied labels.  These don't last long.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: DNS servers around here not working for days. dig works. fix?

2016-06-14 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Chris Bennett said:
> This happens here in Mexico and also in Guatemala.
> But it has been about five days now. Enough!
> dig works fine, locally and using the server my USA website uses.
> I tried adding that to /etc/resolv.conf and .tail but no help.
> whois fails.
> Digging every site I want to use is a pain and many won't work from IP.
> I am coming through wifi with NAT that I do not control.
> Any fixes to this problem.

echo -e "1i\nnameserver\n.\nwq" | doas ed /etc/resolv.conf.tail

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: DNS servers around here not working for days. dig works. fix?

2016-06-14 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Chris Bennett said:
> Neither or works.

What does that mean, precisely?  Can you ping them?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Small fix for www/faq/faq7.html

2016-08-01 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Theo Buehler  wrote:

>Yes, of course, but the problem with adding the section numbers is that
>won't work, while the mistake
>still produces what I want.  That's why I don't think that adding the
>numbers to the link, unless they are actually needed, is a good idea.
>That's all.

This is actually a good argument to use section numbers in all links.

Re: Copy-Paste not possible from a xterm

2016-08-08 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
"Stefan Wollny"  wrote:

>For some time now I cannot copy-paste text from a xterm \
>window by simultaneously pressing
>left and right mouse buttons.
>Anyone an idea?

>From mouse(4):

|   Option "Emulate3Buttons" "boolean"
|  Enable/disable the emulation of the third (middle) mouse
|  for mice which only have two physical buttons.  The third
|  is emulated by pressing both buttons simultaneously.  Default:
|  on, until a press of a physical button 3 is detected.
|  "Mouse Middle Button Emulation"

Re: Logging/backup .ksh_history

2016-08-08 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Francois Pussault  wrote:

>> On 2016-08-08 Mon 14:39 PM |, johnw wrote:
>>> Hi, I use /bin/ksh as a console/terminal shell program, I want to
>>> log/backup all command, run on console/terminal/ksh,
>>> Any idea how to do this?
>> See HISTFILE and HISTSIZE in ksh(1).
> Using Ksh options is a good idea but that logs only the current user.

You may set HISTFILE and HISTSIZE in doas.conf(5).

Re: new OpenSSL flaws

2014-06-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Eric Furman said:
> Given the current circumstances Libre.SSL WILL prevail.

I hope you are right, but I actually believe that the circumstances of
this thread may work against LibreSSL - most likely the time difference
between vulnerability disclosure and patches for LibreSSL would be
percieved as security risk.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: dwb questions

2014-09-14 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Zoran Kolic said:
> at-spi-bus-launc
> at-spi2-registry
> Somebody knows what they are?

These relate to at-spi.[0]  I believe webkit starts these.

> Also, if anyone could point me to the info about adding
> noscript/flashblock extension, it would be even better.

>From dwb FAQ[1]:

| Is adblocking supported in dwb?
| dwb supports most adblock+ filterrules. A adblock subscription script
| is also available, to install it run
|   dwbem -i adblock_subscriptions
| Subscriptions can then be added with
|   adblock_subscribe
| and removed with
| adblock_unsubscribe

> I am aware that it must be possible to disable js and
> to block cookies, but cannot find the way.

You can use "cc", "cs", "ct" shortcuts to whitelist domains for enabling
cookies.  Shortcuts "tsh", "tsu", "tth" and "ttu" whitelist domains for
javascript.  See dwb(1) manual for details.


Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: dwb questions

2014-09-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Zoran Kolic said:
> I changed options in settings file. It disabled scripts
> and cookies. I played a little with commands above and
> went nowhere. Obviously have to use the browser a bit to
> get a feeling.

You might want to file a bug at upstream's tracker: whitelisting is one
of the selling points of dwb, and if documentation doesn't make its
usage clear, it's a bug.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: move to git?

2014-09-24 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Peter Hessler said:
> A) yes, google does say about this.

FWIW Google is not really relevant here.  "Mailing Lists"[1] page of
OpenBSD lists several searchable archives of project's mailing lists.
Simple Gmane search for "git switch"[2] brings two relevant discussions
on the very first page of search results.  (I didn't bother checking
other archives as gmane is the one I prefer.)


Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Why are there no PKG_PATH defaults?

2014-09-24 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> Then, in the event that someone installed via an ISO or some
> pre-defined VM (ie. a DigitalOcean droplets) -- how about a one-time
> script upon first root login to ask for such info?
>   You do not have a `PKG_PATH` set for `pkg_add`. Would you like us to
> set it for you?  (Y/n) y
>  Choose your nearest mirror:
>  1. Continent
>  2. Whatever
>  3. ...

FWIW the idea of presenting the list of mirrors suddenly starts to make
sense, as now there is no browser in base install. But

Alexander Hall said:
> I can't speak for others, but I'd be terribly annoyed by this.

I absolutely agree with this sentiment.

In my opinion, the best way to present list of mirrors would be to
provide a command for fetching it, either in pkg_add(1) or in root.mail
(the message root "recieves" upon completion of installation).  As I
prefer the latter way, patch to root.mail follows.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Index: root.mail
RCS file: /var/cvs/src/etc/root/root.mail,v
retrieving revision 1.104
diff -u -p -r1.104 root.mail
--- root.mail   15 Jul 2014 22:05:29 -  1.104
+++ root.mail   24 Sep 2014 22:05:12 -
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ full list of packages for each architect
 If you do not find a package you want on the CD, please go look at your
-nearest FTP mirror site.
+nearest FTP mirror site.  To get a list of available mirrors, execute:
+ ftp -o -
 Select your architecture and download the tarballs of your choice.  For example
 to install the emacs package for amd64, execute:

Re: mutt and gmail

2014-10-25 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
frantisek holop said:
> i'd like to ask other gmail on mutt users if they
> experience a "Mailbox closed" issue if they have
> it open for longer stretches of time. reopening
> the mailbox works but it is kind of a PITA.
> after making a debug enabled mutt, its debug
> log reveals the following:

FWIW I use mbsync (from mail/isync) to sync Gmail to local maildir, and
have my mutt set up to work in maildir only.  I set up cron to call
mbsync on schedule, and I from then I totally forgot about the
crappiness of Gmail's IMAP interface.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: 5.6 arrived

2014-10-28 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Theo de Raadt said:
> Oh, you want us to call the snapshots 57, instead?
> How will that enligthen people?

FWIW naming snapshots after release they lead to is more helpful then
naming them after previous release that does not include some of their

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: 5.6 arrived

2014-10-28 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
trondd said:
> And as Theo brought up, numbering them 57 snapshots doesn't fix anything.
> It just changes the confusion.  Instead of you asking if the 56 snapshot
> was close to the 56 release version, we'd have someone asking if the 57
> snapshot they see is close to the 57 release that won't be cut for another
> 4 months.  The answer to both is "no, probably not".

Yes, neither snapshot versioning scheme helps understanding whether the
snapshot is "close" to release with same version; thus neither schemes
helps with this particular question.  But the scheme where snapshots are
numbered after next release branch is helpful when the question "Which
release will include the changes that were introduced in this snapshot?"

That does not work for the changes that happened after last snapshot
before branching the release though.

So far numbering snapshots after next release branch makes more sense to
me.  That said, making sense to project members is much more important

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Dual booting OpenBSD and Windows 8.1

2013-11-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Marc Espie said:
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 07:39:41AM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:01 AM,  wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I was thinking of dual booting OpenBSd and Windows 8.1. Has anyone managed
> > > to do that?
> > > I suppose I would have to install Windows first, and then OpenBSD.
> > > Does the OpenBSD installation include a boot manager such as GRUB?
> > > I have experience setting up dual booting with GRUB, when installing
> > > Linux. Is it ok if I follow the same procedure with OpenBSD? If not, how
> > > would you advise me to go about it?
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Why don't you follow official guide mentioned zillion of times everywhere
> > around here?
> >
> Did you actually read that ? notice how it stops with Windows Vista/7 ?

I was planning to send a diff - I dualboot OpenBSD and Windows 8.1, and
all the steps to set it up are the same. The only thing to keep in mind
about Windows 8+ is that it initializes graphics if Windows is chosed as
default OS, which takes quite a lot of time.

I didn't try GPT setup, though I believe it could be done easily
regardless lack of GPT support in OpenBSD. If there is enough interest,
I could make a go for GPT Windows and OpenBSD dualboot and send a diff
for FAQ if my idea works out.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Dual booting OpenBSD and Windows 8.1

2013-11-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Dmitrij D. Czarkoff said:
> > Did you actually read that ? notice how it stops with Windows Vista/7 ?
> I was planning to send a diff - I dualboot OpenBSD and Windows 8.1, and
> all the steps to set it up are the same. The only thing to keep in mind
> about Windows 8+ is that it initializes graphics if Windows is chosed as
> default OS, which takes quite a lot of time.

Here is the patch for FAQ. My English isn't particularly good, so please
fix as needed.

I'm not particularly sure 8.1 is worth mention, as Windows 8.1 relates
to Windows 8 the same way Windows 7 Service Pack 1 relates to Windows 7.
I included it just because of this question here.

Index: faq/faq4.html
RCS file: /var/cvs/www/faq/faq4.html,v
retrieving revision 1.331
diff -u -p -r1.331 faq4.html
--- faq4.html   7 Nov 2013 00:08:45 -   1.331
+++ faq4.html   15 Nov 2013 05:00:40 -
@@ -2555,7 +2555,7 @@ For those who find manual configuration";>EasyBCD provides a GUI
-Windows 7
+Windows 7, 8, 8.1
 Microsoft has enhanced BCD since releasing Vista to allow multiple
@@ -2597,6 +2597,14 @@ The operation completed successfully.
+Note: starting with Windows 8 Microsoft changed the boot process so that if
+Windows is selected as default boot option, bootloader loads graphical
+touch-capable boot menu, which takes much more time to start.  Conversely, if
+OpenBSD is selected as default boot option, the classic console
+keyboard-driven menu is presented to the user.  Default option may be set in
+graphical boot menu itself.
 Other boot loaders

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Dual booting OpenBSD and Windows 8.1

2013-11-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Marc Espie said:
> You could point the guy at the FAQ, with caveats since the FAQ *doesn't
> cover his specific case*.  But your way of phrasing your answer is not
> a polite way to put it, and it's completely unjustified !

FAQ never covers one's specific case - it covers general case and has to
be applied to the situation. Windows 7 instructions work for Windows 8,
and before asking on mailinglist OP should have tried it. If it failed,
his query should have been:

  I tried to set up dualbooting Windows 8.1 with OpenBSD following the
  advice for Windows 7 from FAQ 4.9, but at the step *N* (command *cmd*)
  it failed. Did anyone have success with setting up Windows 8 and
  OpenBSD to play together in dualboot?

Instead we got a general query *before* any action.

Keep in mind that potential risk boiled down to wasted space on the hard
drive, which could be easily reclaimed for OS the OP would prefer if
dualboot was impossible.

I see no way to defend OP against lack of proper research allegation.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: Dual booting OpenBSD and Windows 8.1

2013-11-15 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
Peter Hessler said:
> On 2013 Nov 15 (Fri) at 07:01:35 +0100 (+0100), Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> :I see no way to defend OP against lack of proper research allegation.
> It would be nice though, if people would stop actively being dicks.  

When I only came to OpenBSD, my dislike for being slapped in public was
a great motivating factor for doing my research before posting. In fact
I owe some of my documentation mining skills to the practice you call
"actively being dicks", and thus I'm not so sure this practice should be
regarded as a downside of this list.

That's my personal experience, "your mileage may vary".

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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