On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:54:27PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote: > .................... There's no keyboard, well, because there's no > keyboard. There's no mouse, because there's no place to plug it in and > the touch screen is undocumented. There's no real network port because > it is supposed to be wireless.
Typical tablet has USB port one could attach keyboard/mouse/both to. Some of the touch screens are supported in linux, so theoretically the drivers could be written based on linux code as reference. Still, making a usable port for any tablet would take more time then the period of device availability in shops, and even then the user experience would likely be suboptimal, as most pieces of software still rely heavily on text input and precise pointing, while keyboard and mouse would effectively defeat the very idea of using tablet. FWIW Intel is lobbying Atom-based mobile devices. If such devices ever come to exiistance, the idea of OpenBSD may ultimately make some sense. As of now it would be just a waste of developers' time, which is quite limited. -- Dmitrij D. Czarkoff