Gareth Nelson said:
> Is it theoretically possible to boot an OpenBSD kernel on an average
> android device?

TLDR: this requires a lot of work and provides much less then expected
in exchange.

That would require a lot of drivers which we don't have.  Even
aftermarket Android firmware uses binary blobs from vendors for hardware
support (which is actually a major roadblock for aftermarket firmware
development for cheaper Android devices, like those based on Rockchip's
SoCs).  So in practice it is very difficult to get OpenBSD running on an
Android phone, even ignoring the fact that we lack software for making
phone calls, etc.

Interaction between OpenBSD as user-facing OS and RTOS that manages
cellular hardware would probably be the another big issue issue.  Again,
there's little to no documentation on topic, so OpenBSD on phone port
does not look overly feasible.

Lastly, running OpenBSD as user-facing OS is not particularly useful, as
RTOS that runs cellular operations normally has direct write access to
RAM of user-facing OS.  That means that whatever firmware user installs,
he is basically defendless against cellular operators and whatever
bodies that can gain data from those.  That also means that exploiting
vulnerability in RTOS would allow an attacker direct privileged access
to RAM, which effectively discards most security measures of user-facing
OS.  Provided that RTOS is actually in between user-facing OS and
internet connection, that creates a huge attack vector which can't be
dealt with by installing OpenBSD-based firmware.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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